- 2025.3.4
- News&Views article was published in Nat Chem Biol.
- 2024.12.9
- A research paper (1st author: Bao) was published in BBA Gen Subj.
- 2024.11.27
- A research paper was published in Biochem Biophys Res Commun.
- 2024.11.14
- Mr. Tomida received Poster Award in SFG held in the United States.
- 2024.10.2
- A review paper (1st author: Osada) was published in Carbohydrate research.
- 2024.10.1
- Ms. Yuna Kamata jointed us as an undergraduate student.
- 2024.9.30
A research paper (1st author: Osada) was published in iScience.
A press release from Gifu University, ❐EurekAlert! - 2024.9.21
- Mr. Nakaishi received young investigator award from Chubu branch of Japanese glycoscience society.
- 2024.9.2
- A review paper (1st author: Osuka) was published in BBA Gen Subj.
- 2024.6.26
- A research paper (co-1st author: Hashimoto and Kawade) was published in BBA Gen Subj.
- 2024.6.13
- A review paper was published in J. Biol. Chem.
- 2024.6.5
A research paper (1st author: Tokoro) was published in J Biol Chem.
A press release from Gifu University, ❐EurekAlert! - 2024.4.1
- Dr. Takahiro Yamasaki joined us as a Researcher.
- 2024.3.25
Ms. Osada received Dean’s Award of Graduate School.
Mr. Hashimoto and Mr. Ito received Branch Chief’s Award of the Japanese Biochemical Society, Chubu Branch. - 2024.1.12
- A review paper (1st author: Tomida) was published in BBA Gen Subj.
- 2023.11.17
- A research paper (1st author: Osuka) was published in FEBS Lett.
- 2023.11.6
- Ms. Sun Wenhui from Laboratory of Biological Chemistry joined us an an undergraduate student.
- 2023.10.2
- Mr. Shu Tomita jointed us as an undergraduate student.
- 2023.9.27
- Mr. Morigo accomplished his early graduation.
- 2023.9.21
- Mr. Hashimoto received young investigator award from Chubu branch of Japanese glycoscience society.
- 2023.9.1
- Ms. Osuka received Poster Award in Glyco26 held in Taiwan.
- 2023.8.1
- Dr. Akemi Ido joined us as Research Supporter.
- 2023.5.1
- Dr. Kenjiroo Matsumoto (Designated Assistant Professor) and Ms. Fernando Sato Soto (Special Cooperative Researcher) joined us.
- 2023.3.25
Ms. Osuka received President Award in Gifu University.
Mr. Nakaishi received Dean’s Award of Faculty.
Ms. Hayashi received President’s Award from Kagami Reunion and Branch Chief’s Award of the Japanese Biochemical Society, Chubu Branch. - 2023.3.13
- Ms. Kawade received Dean’s Award of Graduate School.
- 2023.3.10
- Our lab was moved to the iGCORE Gifu Research Building.
- 2023.2.6
- Ms. Osada received Dean’s Award of Graduate School.
- 2023.1.25
- Ms. Kawade received Poster Award from The Japanese Society of Carbohydrate Research.
- 2023.1.7
- Ms. Kawade received young investigator award from Chubu branch of Japanese glycoscience society.
- 2022.12.7
A research paper (1st author: Hirata) was published in iScience.
THERS press release
JST press release - 2022.11.11
- Ms. Osada received Young Scientist Award at the 95th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Biochemical Society.
- 2022.11.3
- A research paper (1st author: Tomida) was published in J Biol Chem.
- 2022.11.1
- Ms. Kana Yamazaki joined us as an Assistant.
- 2022.10.1
- Dr. Bao Wanxue joined as a Researcher.
- 2022.10.1
- Mr. Tomoya Itoh and Aoi Morigo joined us as an undergraduate student.
- 2022.9.8
- A review paper was published in BBA Gen Subj.
- 2022.8.31
- A research paper (1st author: Hirata) was published in J Biol Chem.
- 2022.8.18
A research paper (1st author: Ms. Osada) was published in J Biol Chem.
THERS press release - 2022.8.1
A research paper (1st author: Hirata) was published in Commun Biol.
THERS press release - 2022.7.19
A research paper (collaboration with Dr. Nagae) was published in Commun Biol.
THERS press release - 2022.4.8
- A research paper (1st author: Hirata) was accepted by RSC Advances.
- 2022.4.1
- Associate Prof. Kizuka was promoted to full professor.
- 2022.4.1
- Ms. Misaki Nakashima joined us as a Research Supporter.
- 2022.3.25
- Ms. Osada received President Award in Gifu University.
- 2022.3.18
- Ms. Osada received Branch Chief’s Award of the Japanese Biochemical Society, Chubu Branch.
- 2022.3.2
- A research paper (collaboration with Dr. Ando’s group) was accepted by BBA General Subjects.
- 2022.3.1
- Mr. Tomida received Dean’s Award of Graduate School.
- 2022.2.11
- A research paper (1st author:Hirata) was accepted by Journal of Biological Chemistry.
- 2022.1.30
A research paper (1st author: Osuka) was accepted by Journal of Biological Chemistry.
A press release from Gifu University - 2022.1.17
- Dr. Hirata, Mr. Tomida and Ms. Osuka received young investigator award from Chubu branch of Japanese glycoscience society.
- 2021.12.25
- Mr. Seita Tomada received Poster Award from The Japanese Society of Carbohydrate Research.
- 2021.11.26
- A research project of Associate Prof. Kizuka was selected by JST FOREST program.
- 2021.10.1
- Mr. Taichi Nakaishi and Ms. Suzune Hayashi joined us as an undergraduate student.
- 2021.8.24
- A research paper(1st author: Kawade) was accepted by Molecules.
- 2021.8.10
- A research paper(Collaboration with Dr. Taniguchi’s group in OICI) was accepted by International Journal of Molecular Sciences.
- 2021.3.25
- Ms. Reina F. Osuka received President’s Award from Kagami Reunion.
- 2021.3.8
- Ms. Reina F. Osuka received Branch Chief’s Award of the Japanese Biochemical Society, Chubu Branch.
- 2021.1.29
- Mr. Tomida received Dean’s Award of Graduate School.
- 2020.11.4
- Ms. Naoko Osada, Ms. Chisa Suzuki and Mr. Yuta Hashimoto joined us as an undergraduate student.
- 2020.10.28
- A review paper(collaboration with Dr. Misuzu Hashimoto) was accepted by BBA General Subjects.
- 2020.9.23
- Mr. Tomida received Young Scientist Award at the 93rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Biochemical Society.
- 2020.8.31
- A research paper(1st author: Hirata) was accepted by BBA General Subjects.
- 2020.8.18
- A research paper(Collaboration with Dr. Okajima’s group in Nagoya Univ.) was accepted by International Journal of Molecular Sciences
- 2020.4.30
- A research paper(1st author: Tomida) was accepted by Journal of Biological Chemistry. A press release from Gifu University
- 2020.4.1
- We join Institute for Glyco-core Research (iGCORE) in Tokai National Higher Education and Research System.
- 2020.2.3
- Ms. Emiko Mori joined us as a technical work assistant.
- 2019.1.10
- A review paper was accepted by International Journal of Molecular Sciences.
- 2019.12.26
- A research paper (collaboration with Dr. Misuzu Hashimoto) was accepted by Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA).
- 2019.12.18
- Our lab was moved to the building of United Graduate School of Agricultural Science.
- 2019.10.1
- Ms. Reina Osuka, Ms. Haruka Kawade and Ms. Natsuki Shimizu joined us as an undergraduate student.
- 2019.8.2
A research paper was accepted by Molecular and Cellular Proteomics.
A press release from Gifu University - 2019.4.5
- Ms. Haruna Akatsuka joined us as an undergraduate student.
- 2019.4.1
- Dr. Tetsuya Hirata joined us as a specially-appointed assistant professor.
- 2019.2.25
- International Symposium will be held on June 3-4.
- 2018.10.1
- Ms. Natsumi Kasahara and Mr. Seita Tomida joined us as an undergraduate student.
- 2018.8.23
A research paper was accepted by Nature Communications Journal.
A press release from Gifu University - 2018.8.10
- Lab. photos were posted on Photo.
- 2018.8.1
- Ms. Chizuko Yonekawa, Ms. Yuko Tokoro, and Ms. Mayumi Yamada were promoted to Research Supporter.
- 2018.7.24
- A column was published in THE MID-JAPAN ECONOMIST.
- 2018.7.13
- A review paper was accepted by Cellular Immunology Journal.
- 2018.6.5
- A review paper was accepted by Glycoconjugate Journal.
- 2018.4.11
- A research paper was accepted by Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA).
- 2018.3.1
- Ms. Yuko Tokoro and Ms. Mayumi Yamada joined us as a technical assistant.
- 2018.1.5
- Ms. Chizuko Yonekawa joined us as a technical assistant.
- 2017.12.9
- Associate Prof. Kizuka received Young Investigator Award by Japanese Biochemical Society (JBS).
- 2017.10.1
- Our lab started.