Course of Animal Science
Faculty of Applied Biological Sciences, GIFU UNIVERSITY, Japan
■ Who Are We?
We belong to a group of animal researchers originally from the Poultry
Science Department (1963-1993) of our university, but the area of our interest
has extended in these 15 years. Important subjects of our present research
and education consist of two interacting basic and applied aspects of animal
sciences, which contribute to develop a better, sustainable relationship
between animals and humans in this ecologically threatening age.
We offer a curriculum that range from basic knowledge to advanced technology
concerning sustainable production of domestic animals and conservation
of endangered (wild and zoo) animals. Our major interest is: animal physiology,
innovation in technology for animal growth and reproduction, conservation
of endangered animals, environmentally sound management of animal production,
and establishment of animal welfare standards.
■ Research & Teaching Staff |
HIMAKI, Takehiro (Animal Biotechnology)
IWASAWA, Atsushi (Comparative Biochemistry): Head of Animal Science Course
KUSUDA, Satoshi (Zoo & Wild Animal Reproduction)
MATSUMURA, Shuichi (Animal Molecular Genetics)
NINOMIYA, Shigeru (Animal Welfare & Behaviour)
OTSUKA, Tsuyoshi (Animal Productive Management)
TADANO, Ryo (Animal Genome Diversity)
YAMAMOTO, Akemi (Animal Nutrition Science)
YAMAMOTO, Kenya (Developmental Biology)
YAYOTA, Masato (Animal Nutrition and Husbandry)
■ The City of Gifu |
The City of Gifu was legendarily named when Oda Nobunaga, a famous military
(samurai) leader settled and made his castle here in 1567. Although the
historical landscape of the city has disappeared through rapid industrial
development after the World War II, the city is still famous for cormorant
fishing that already appeared in a literature of 1,300 years ago and is
organized by the Imperial Household since 1890. Sexing of these special
birds by DNA analysis was once a subject of our research.
The City of Gifu locates almost in the center of Japan and has a direct
access from the Central Japan International Airport (Nagoya) by express
trains (1 hour). It is 2-hour distance to Tokyo, 1 hour to Kyoto and 1.5
hours to Osaka by bullet trains (Shinkansen).
( >>> link ) |

City of Gifu |
■ Gifu University |
Gifu University is a medium-scale, national university with five faculties
(Medicine, Education, Engineering, Regional Studies and Applied Biology)
and three independent graduate schools (Agriculture, Veterinary Medicine
and Drug Discovery). Our Faculty of Applied Biological Sciences is an agronomy-based
institute with 85-year history since 1923, which is among oldest institutes
for agronomy in Japan.
We have characteristically close links of international collaborative
research and education to Asian universities. Students and scholars from
various Asian countries who belong to our International Agriculture and
Environment Group and others are taking important parts in our research
activities. Our Faculty is also known for having a veterinarian course
that comprises one of the ten Japanese national universities with veterinary
medical institutes.
( >>> link ) |

Gifu University |
■ Overseas Students |
Students from abroad (mainly from Asian countries) are studying in our
bachelor (4 years), master (2 years) and PhD (3 years) courses. A good command of everyday and technical Japanese is prerequisite for any of our courses because the language used both in our lectures and laboratories is Japanese. Interviews for most student scholarships and grants are also made only in Japanese.
We normally ask overseas students who wish to study in our master and PhD courses to become our “research student” (half a year to one year depending on the month you arrive in Japan) first both for the preparation of entrance exams of the courses and for the learning of Japanese.
Yearly study and living costs in Japan will be a total of more than one and a half million Japanese yen without partner. Since financial uncertainty can harm the successful completion of your study, we stress that you must have enough fund to cover these costs before you come to our university.
-NON-DEGREE PROGRAMMES (exclusively for the students of our sister universities)
We have six-month/one-year exchange programmes for undergraduate and master course, which we recommend very much if you
do not want a Japanese degree but wish to study in Japan. If you find difficulties
in your Japanese ability, our International Student Center can provide you basic Japanese lessons without charge.
For more detailed information please click: Gifu University Student Exchange Division
The following site will be generally helpful to anyone who wishes to
study in Japan: Study in Japan HP
■ Advice for students seeking for possibilities of admission to Animal
Science Course |
For the success of your study, high level of academic achievement, research
ability and advanced knowledge are required. Overseas students who want
to apply for the entrance exams of our course should contact a laboratory
of their interest well before the entrance exam (preferably, more than
one year).
1 You need to determine a candidate professor whom you want to be supervised
by through searching web sites, research papers, etc.
2 Then, you contact the professor by e-mail for acceptability. At this
time, you should attach:
1) resume (CV)
2) academic record
3) reason why you want to join his/her lab
4) summary of what you want to study
5) list of experimental and analytical techniques you have already
learned and mastered
6) plan to deal with the economic issues (such as scholarships)
7) names of at least two persons who provide references (with e-mail
The professors may further ask you submission of reports showing
your research capability
(academic papers, etc.). They may interview you and your reference
persons via the internet.
3 When you have found a prospective supervisor, consult him/her for the
time and the way of entrance. If you want to use the ordinary entrance exam, you usually come to Japan as a “research student” more than half a year beforehand for the preparation of the entrance exam and also for Japanese lessons. Our academic year starts from April. We also have a special program of master course starting from October for outstanding students.
4 Once the details are decided about the acceptance, normally your prospective
supervisor helps you preparing your visit to Japan.
■ Contact Us |
Course of Animal Science
Faculty of Applied Biological Sciences, Gifu University
Gifu 501-1193, Japan
For inquiries about admission and admission procedures for international students, please contact :
Email: (Remove one @.) (the educational affairs section)
For inquiries about our Applied Animal Science Course, please contact: (Remove one @.)
We kindly ask to add ‘AAS inquiry:’ before your subject title so that we can recognize and respond quickly.