[57] Giant Molecular Clouds in RCW 106 (G333): Galactic Mini-starbursts and Massive Star Formation Induced by Supersonic Cloud-Cloud Collisions
Kohno, M., Yamada, R. I., Tachihara, K., Fujita, S., Enokiya, R., Tokuda, K., Habe, A., Sano, H., Hayakawa, T., Demachi, F., Ito, T., Tsuge, K., Nishimura, A., Kobayashi, M. I. N., Yamamoto, H., Fukui, Y.
The Astronomical Journal, in press (2025)
[56] Optical investigation of supernova remnant G206.7+5.9
Bakış, H., Aktekin, E., Bakış, V., Sano, H., Sezer, A.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 537, 2412 (2025)
[55] G321.93-0.01: A Rare Site of Multiple Hub-filament Systems with Evidence of Collision and Merging of Filaments
Maity, A. K., Dewangan, L. K., Bhadari, N. K., Fukui, Y., Haj Ismail, A., Jadhav, O. R., Sharma, S., Sano, H.
The Astronomical Journal, 978, 123 (2025)
[54] CO Observations of the Type Ia Supernova Remnant 3C 397 by the Nobeyama 45-m Radio Telescope: Possible Evidence for the Single-Degenerated Explosion
Ito, D., Sano, H., Nakazawa, K., Mitsuishi, I., Fukui, Y., Sudou, H., Takaba, H.
The Astrophysical Journal, 978, 123 (2025)
伊藤大将 2022 年度卒業論文「Ia 型超新星残骸 3C 397 の親星問題に関する観測的研究」(主指導教員: 佐野栄俊)
[53] Diprotodon on the sky. The Large Galactic Supernova Remnant (SNR) G278.94+1.35
Filipović, M.D., Lazarević, S., Araya, Hurley-Walker, M., N., Kothes, R., Sano, H., Rowell, G., Martin, P., Fukui, Y., Alsaberi, R. Z. E., Arbutina, B., Ball, B., Bordiu, C., Brose, R., Bufano, F., Burger-Scheidlin, C., Collins, T. A., Crawford, E. J., Dai, S., Duchesne, S. W., Fuller, R. S., Hopkins, A. M., Ingallinera, A., Inoue, H., Jarrett, T. H., Koribalski, B. S., Leahy, D., Luken, K. J., Mackey, J., Macgregor, P. J., Norris, R. P., Payne, J. L., Riggi, S., Riseley, C. J., Sasaki, M., Smeaton, Z. J., Sushch, I., Stupar, M., Umana, G., Urošević, D., Velović, V., Vernstrom, T., Vukotić, B., West, J.
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 41, 112 (2024)
[52] Discovery of Perun (G329.9-0.5): a new, young, Galactic SNR
Smeaton, Z. J., Filipović, M. D., Lazarević, S., Alsaberi, R. Z. E., Ahmad, A., Araya, M., Ball, B. D., Bordiu, C., Buemi, C. S., Bufano, F., Dai, S., Haberl, F., Hopkins, A. M., Ingallinera, A., Jarrett, T., Koribalski, B. S., Kothes, R., Kraan-Korteweg, R. C., Leahy, D., Lundqvist, P., Maitra, C., Martin, P., Payne, J. L., Rowell, G., Sano, H., Sasaki, M., Soria, R., Steyn, N., Umana, G., Urošević, D., Velović, V., Vernstrom, T., Vukotić, B., West, J.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 534, 2918 (2024)
[51] A new method of reconstructing images of gamma-ray telescopes applied to the LST-1 of CTAO
The CTA-LST Project et al. (including Sano, H.)
Accepted for the publication of Astronomy & Astrophysics (2024)
[50] Investigating Unusual Hα Features towards the Scutum Supershell
Alsulami, R., Einecke, S., Rowell, G. P., McGee, P. K., Filipović, M. D., Seitenzahl, I. R., Stupar, M., Collins, T., Fukui, Y., Sano, H.
Accepted for the Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia (2024)
[49] ACA CO(J = 2–1) mapping of the nearest spiral galaxy M 33. II. Exploring the evolution of giant molecular clouds
Konishi, A., Muraoka, K., Tokuda, K., Fujita, S., Fukui, Y., Yamada, R. I., Demachi, F., Tachihara, K., Kobayashi, M. I. N., Kuno, N., Tsuge, K., Sano, H., Miura, R. E., Kawamura, A., Onishi, T.
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 76, 1098 (2024)
[48] Giant molecular clouds and their type classification in M 74: Toward understanding star formation and cloud evolution
Demachi, F., Fukui, Y., Yamada, R. I., Tachihara, K., Hayakawa, T., Tokuda, K., Fujita, S., Kobayashi, M. I. N., Muraoka, K., Konishi, A., Tsuge, K., Onishi, T., Kawamura, A.
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 76, 1098 (2024)
[47] A Kinematic Analysis of the Giant Molecular Complex W3; Possible Evidence for Cloud-Cloud Collisions that Triggered OB Star Clusters in W3 Main and W3(OH)
Yamada, R. I., Sano, H., Tachihara, K., Enokiya, R., Nishimura, A., Fujita, S., Kohno, M. ; Bieging, John H., Fukui, Y.
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 76, 895 (2024)
[46] Prospects for a survey of the galactic plane with the Cherenkov Telescope Array
The CTA consortium et al. (including Sano, H.)
The Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2024, 10, 081A (2024)
[45] Prospects for γ-ray observations of the Perseus galaxy cluster with the Cherenkov Telescope Array
The CTA consortium et al. (including Sano, H.)
The Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2024, 10 (2024)
[44] Cloud-Cloud Collision: Formation of Hub-Filament Systems and Associated Gas Kinematics; Mass-collecting cone: A new signature of Cloud-Cloud Collision
Maity, A. K., Inoue, T., Fukui, Y., Dewangan, L. K., Sano, H., Yamada, R. I., Tachihara, K., Bhadari, N. K., Jadhav, O. R.
The Astrophysical Journal, 974, 229 (2024)
[43] A detailed study of the very-high-energy Crab pulsar emission with the LST-1
The CTA-LST Project et al. (including Sano, H.)
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 690, 167 (2024)
[42] New radio continuum study of the Large Magellanic Cloud Supernova Remnant N49
Ghavam, M., Filipović, M. D., Alsaberi, R. Z. E., Barnes, L. A., Crawford, E. J., Haberl, F., Kavanagh, P. J., Maggi, P., Payne, J., Rowell, G. P., Sano, H., Sasaki, M., Rajabpour, N., Tothill, N. F. H.
Accepted for publication in Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia (2024)
[41] High-mass star formation in the Large Magellanic Cloud triggered by colliding HI flows
Tsuge, K., Sano, H., Tachihara, K., Bekki, K., Tokuda, K., Inoue, T., Mizuno, N., Kawamura, A. ; Onishi, T., Fukui, Y.
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 76, 589 (2024)
[40] Optical and HI observations of IC 443 and G189.6+3.3 in a complex environment
Bakis, H., Payli, G., Aktekin, E., Sano, H., Sezer, A.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 532, 2570 (2024)
[39] The Impact of Stellar Radiative Feedback on Formation of Young Massive Clusters via Fast HI Gas Collisions
Maeda, R., Inoue, T., Omukai, K., Fukui, Y., Tsuge, K.
The Astrophysical Journal, 971, 62 (2024)
[38] Overview Results of JWST Observations of Star-Forming Clusters in the Extreme Outer Galaxy
Izumi, N., Ressler, M. E., Lau, R. M., Koch, P. M., Saito, M., Kobayashi, N., Yasui, C.
The Astronomical Journal, 168, 68 (2024)
[37] Dark matter line searches with the Cherenkov Telescope Array
The CTA-LST Project et al. (including Sano, H.)
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 07, 47, (2024)
[36] Radio Continuum Study of the Large Magellanic Cloud Supernova Remnant Honeycomb Nebula
Alsaberi, R. Z. E., Filipovic, M. D., Sano, H., Kavanagh, P., Janas, P., Payne, J. L., Urosevic, D.
Publication of Serbian Astronomical Journal, 208, 29 (2024)
[35] Multiwavelength study of the HII region LHA 120-N11 in the Large Magellanic Cloud with eROSITA
Tsuge, K., Sasaki, M., Knies, J. R., Haberl, F., Points, S., Maitra, C., Filipović, M. D., Staveley-Smith, L., Koribalski B. S., Kerp, J.
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 686, 307 (2024)
[34] KAgoshima Galactic Object survey with Nobeyama 45-metre telescope by Mapping in Ammonia lines (KAGONMA): Discovery of parsec-scale CO depletion in the Canis Major star-forming region
Hirata, Y., Murase, T., Nishi, J., Shimajiri, Y., Omodaka, T., Nakano, M., Sunada, K., Ito, T., Handa, T.
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 76, 65 (2024)
[33] Sub-kpc scale gas density histogram of the galactic molecular gas: a new statistical method to characterize galactic-scale gas structures
Matsusaka, R., Handa, T., Fujimoto, Y., Murase, T., Hirata, Y., Nishi, J., Ito, T., Sasaki, M., Mizoguchi, T.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 528, 3473 (2024)
[32] A 3D diffusive and advective model of electron transport applied to the pulsar wind nebula HESS J1825-137
Collins, T., Rowell, G., Einecke, S., Voisin, F., Fukui, Y., Sano, H.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 528, 2749 (2024)
[31] Discovery of optical emission from the supernova remnant G108.2-0.6 and its atomic environment
Paylı, G., Bakış, H., Aktekin, E., Sano, H., Sezer, A.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 527, 11685 (2023)
[30] The Gamma-Ray Origin of RX J0852.0-4622 Quantifying the Hadronic and Leptonic Components: Further Evidence for the Cosmic-Ray Acceleration in Young Shell-type SNRs
Fukui, Y., Aruga, M., Sano, H., Hayakawa, T., Inoue, T., Rowell, G., Einecke, S., Tachihara, K.
The Astrophysical Journal, 961, 162 (2024)
[29] ATCA Study of Small Magellanic Cloud Supernova Remnant 1E 0102.2-7219
Alsaberi, R. Z. E., Filipović, M. D., Dai, S., Sano, H., Kothes, R., Payne, J. L., Bozzetto, L. M., Brose, R., Collischon, C., Crawford, E. J., Haberl, F., Hill, T., Kavanagh, P. J., Knies, J., Leahy, D., Macgregor, P. J., Maggi, P., Maitra, C., Manojlović, P., Martín, S., Matthew, C., Ralph, N. O., Rowell, G., Ruiter, A. J., Sasaki, M., Seitenzahl, I. R., Tokuda, K., Tothill, N. F. H., Urošević, D., van Loon, J. T., Velović, V., Vogt, F. P. A.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 527, 1444 (2024)
[28] On the influence of shock-cloud interactions on the nonthermal X-ray emission from the supernova remnant RCW 86
Bamba, A., Sano, H., Yamazaki, R., Vink, J.
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 75, 1344 (2023)
[27] ALMA Observations of Supernova Remnant N49 in the Large Magellanic Cloud. II. Non-LTE Analysis of Shock-heated Molecular Clouds
Sano, H., Yamane, Y., van Loon, J. Th., Furuya, K., Fukui, Y., Alsaberi, R. Z. E., Bamba, A., Enokiya, R., Filipović, M. D., Indebetouw, R., Inoue, T., Kawamura, A., Lakićević, M., Law, C. J., Mizuno, N., Murase, T., Onishi, T., Park, S., Plucinsky, P. P., Rho, J., Richards, A. M. S., Rowell, G., Sasaki, M., Seok, J., Sharda, P., Staveley-Smith, L., Suzuki, H., Temim, T., Tokuda, K., Tsuge, K., Tachihara, K.
The Astrophysical Journal, 958, 53 (2023)
[26] Discovery of a molecular cloud possibly associated with the youngest Galactic SNR G1.9+0.3
Enokiya, R., Sano, H., Filipović, M. D., Alsaberi, R. Z. E., Inoue T., Oka, T.
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 75, 970 (2023)
[25] Cosmic-ray-driven enhancement of the C0 /CO abundance ratio in W51C
Yamagishi, M., Furuya, K., Sano, H., Izumi, N., Takekoshi, T., Kaneda, H., Nakanishi, K., Shimonishi, T.
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 75, 883 (2023)
[24] EMU Detection of a Large and Low Surface Brightness Galactic SNR G288.8-6.3
Filipović, M. D., Dai, S., Arbutina, B., Hurley-Walker, N., Brose, R., Becker, W., Sano, H., Urošević, D., Jarrett, T. H., Hopkins, A. M., Alsaberi, R. Z. E., Alsulami, R., Bordiu, C., Ball, B., Bufano, F., Burger-Scheidlin, C., Crawford, E., English, J., Haberl, F., Ingallinera, A., Kapinska, A. D., Kavanagh, P. J., Koribalski, B. S., Kothes, R., Lazarević, S., Mackey, J., Rowell, G., Leahy, D., Loru, S., Macgregor, P. J., Nicastro, L., Norris, R. P., Riggi, S., Sasaki, M., Stupar, M., Trigilio, C., Umana, G., Vernstrom, T., Vukotić, B.
The Astronomical Journal, 166, 149 (2023)
[23] The Mopra Southern Galactic Plane CO Survey -data release 4-complete survey
Cubuk, K. O., Burton, M. G., Braiding, C., Wong, G. F., Rowell, G., Maxted, N. I., Eden, D., Alsaberi, R. Z. E., Blackwell, R., Enokiya, R., Feijen, K., Filipović, M. D., Freeman, M. S. R., Fujita, S., Ghavam, M., Gunay, B., Indermuehle, B., Hayashi, K., Kohno, M., Nagaya, T., Nishimura, A., Okawa, K., Rebolledo, D., Romano, D., Sano, H., Snoswell, C., Tothill, N. F. H., Tsuge, K., Voisin, F., Yamane, Y., Yoshiike, S.
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 40, 47 (2023)
[22] Sensitivity of the Cherenkov Telescope Array to TeV photon emission from the Large Magellanic Cloud
The CTA Consortium et al. (including Sano, H.)
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 523, 5353 (2023)
[21] ACA CO(J = 2–1) Mapping of the Nearest Spiral Galaxy M33. I. Initial Results and Identification of Molecular Clouds
Muraoka, K., Konishi, A., Tokuda, K., Kondo, H., Miura, R. E., Tosaki, T., Onodera, S., Kuno, N., Kobayashi, M. I. N., Tsuge, K., Sano, H., Kitano, N., Fujita, S., Nishimura, A., Onishi, T., Saigo, K., Yamada, R. I., Demachi, F., Tachihara, K., Fukui, Y., Kawamura, A.
The Astrophysical Journal, 953, 164 (2023)
[20] Multi log-normal density structure in Cygnus-X molecular clouds: A fitting for N-PDF without power-law
Murase, T., Handa, T., Matsusaka, R., Shimajiri, Y., Kobayashi, M. I. N., Kohno, M., Nishi, J., Takeba, N., Shibata, Y.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 523, 1373 (2023)
[19] Massive core/star formation triggered by cloud-cloud collision - II. High-speed collisions of magnetized clouds
Sakre, N., Habe, A., Pettitt, A. R., Okamoto, T., Enokiya, R., Fukui, Y., Hosokawa, T.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 522, 4972 (2023)
[18] Evidence for a gamma-ray molecular target in the enigmatic PeVatron candidate LHAASO J2108+5157
de la Fuente, E., Toledano-Juárez, I., Kawata, K., Trinidad, M. A., Yamagishi, M., Takekawa, S., Tafoya, D., Ohnishi, M., Nishimura, A., Kato, S., Sako, T., Takita, M., Sano, H., Yadav, R. K.
Publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics Letters, 75, 546 (2023)
[17] Detection of a new molecular cloud in the LHAASO J2108+5157 region supporting a hadronic PeVatron scenario
Fuente, E., Toledano-Juarez, I., Kawata, K., Trinidad, M. A., Tafoya, D., Sano, H., Tokuda, K., Nishimura, A., Onishi, T., Sako, T., Hona, B., Ohnishi, M., Takita, M.
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 75, 546 (2023)
[16] Astrometric VLBI observations of H2O masers in an extreme OH/IR star candidate NSV 17351
Nakagawa, A., Morita, A., Sakai, N., Kurayama, T., Sudou, H., Orosz, G., Yuda, A., Kaseda, D., Matsuno, M., Hamada, S., Omodaka, T., Ueno, Y., Shibata, K. M., Tamura, Y., Jike, T., Hirano, K., Honma, M.
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 75, 529 (2023)
[15] ALMA View of the High-velocity-dispersion Compact Cloud CO 0.02-0.02 at the Galactic Center
Iwata, Y., Oka, T., Takekawa, S., Tsujimoto, S., Enokiya, R.
The Astrophysical Journal, 950, 25 (2023)
[14] An Unbiased CO Survey Toward the Northern Region of the Small Magellanic Cloud with the Atacama Compact Array. II. CO Cloud Catalog
Ohno, T., Tokuda, K., Konishi, A., Matsumoto, T., Sewiło, M., Kondo, H., Sano, H., Tsuge, K., Zahorecz, S., Goto, N., Neelamkodan, N., Wong, T., Fukushima, H., Takekoshi, T., Muraoka, K., Kawamura, A., Tachihara, K., Fukui, Y., Onishi T.
The Astrophysical Journal, 949, 63, (2023)
[13] Discovery of optical emission associated with the supernova remnant G107.5-1.5
Bakis, H., Bulut, G., Bakis, V., Sano, H., Sezer, A.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 521, 1099 (2023)
[12] Ammonia mapping observations of the Galactic infrared bubble N49: Three NH3 clumps along the molecular filament
Kohno, M., Chibueze, J. O., Burns, R. A., Omodaka, T., Handa, T., Murase, T., Yamada, R. I., Nagayama, T., Nakano, M., Sunada, K., Tachihara, K., Fukui, Y.
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 75, 397 (2023)
[11] Multiwavelength studies of G298.6-0.0: An old GeV supernova remnant interacting with molecular clouds
Yeung, P. K. H., Bamba, A., Sano, H.
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 75, 384 (2023)
[10] High-sensitivity VLBI observations of water masers in the Seyfert galaxy NGC 1068
Morishima, Y., Sudou, H., Yamauchi, A., Taniguchi, Y., Nakai, N.
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 75, 71 (2023)
[9] New ASKAP Radio Supernova Remnants and Candidates in the Large Magellanic Cloud
Bozzetto, L. M., Filipović, M. D., Sano, H., Alsaberi, R. Z. E., Barnes, L. A., Bojičić, I. S., Brose, R., Chomiuk, L., Crawford, E. J., Dai, S., Ghavam, M., Haberl, F., Hill, T., Hopkins, A. M., Ingallinera, A., Jarrett, T., Kavanagh, P. J., Koribalski, B. S., Kothes, R., Leahy, D., Lenc, E., Leonidaki, I., Maggi, P., Maitra, C., Matthew, C., Payne, J. L., Pennock, C. M., Points, S., Reid, W., Riggi, S., Rowell, G., Sasaki, M., Safi-Harb, S., van Loon, J. Th, Tothill, N. F. H., Urošević, D., Zangrandi, F.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 518, 2574 (2023)
[8] Molecular and Atomic Clouds Associated with the Gamma-Ray Supernova Remnant Puppis A
Aruga, M., Sano, H., Fukui, Y., Reynoso, E. M., Rowell, G., Tachihara, K.
The Astrophysical Journal, 938, 94 (2022)
[7] Evidence for a cloud-cloud collision in Sh2-233 triggering the formation of the high-mass protostar object IRAS 05358+3543
Yamada, R. I., Fukui, Y., Sano, H., Tachihara, K., Bieging, J. H., Enokiya, R., Nishimura, A., Fujita, S., Kohno, M., Tsuge, K.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 515, 1012 (2022)
[6] High resolution X-ray study of supernova remnant J0453.6-6829 with unusually high forbidden-to-resonance ratio
Koshiba, Y., Uchida, H., Tanaka, T., Amano, Y., Sano, H., Tsuru, T. G.
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 74, 757 (2022)
[5] Unraveling the observational signatures of cloud-cloud collision and hub-filament systems in W31
Maity, A. K., Dewangan, L. K., Sano, H., Tachihara, K., Fukui, Y., Bhadari, N. K.
The Astrophysical Journal, 934, 2, (2022)
[4] An Expanding Shell of Neutral Hydrogen Associated with SN 1006: Hints for the Single-Degenerate Origin and Faint Hadronic Gamma-Rays
Sano, H., Yamaguchi, H., Aruga, M., Fukui, Y., Tachihara, K., Filipovic, M. D., Rowell, G.
The Astrophysical Journal, 933, 157 (2022)
[3] Charge Exchange X-ray Emission Detected in Multiple Shells of Supernova Remnant G296.1-0.5
Tanaka, Y., Uchida, H., Tanaka, T., Amano, Y., Koshiba, Y., Tsuru, T. G., Sano, H., Fukui, Y.
The Astrophysical Journal, 933, 101, (2022)
[2] An ALMA study of the massive molecular clump N159W-North in the Large Magellanic Cloud: A possible gas flow penetrating one of the most massive protocluster systems in the Local Group
Tokuda, K., Minami, T., Fukui, Y., Inoue, T., Nishioka, T., Tsuge, K., Zahorecz, S., Sano, H., Konishi, A., Chen, C. H. R., Sewiło, M., Madden, S. C., Nayak, O., Saigo, K., Nishimura, A., Tanaka, K. E. I., Sawada, T., Indebetouw, R., Tachihara, K., Kawamura, A., Onishi, T.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 509, 2180 (2022)
[1] Mysterious Odd Radio Circle near the Large Magellanic Cloud – An Intergalactic Supernova Remnant?
Filipović, M. D., Payne, J. L., Alsaberi, R. Z. E., Norris, R. P., Macgregor, P. J., Rudnick, L., Koribalski, B. S., Leahy, D., Ducci, L., Kothes, R., Andernach, H. ; Barnes, L., Bojičić, I. S., Bozzetto, L. M., Brose, R., Collier, J. D., Crawford, E. J., Crocker, R. M., Dai, S., Galvin, T. J. , Haberl, F., Heber, U., Hill, T., Hopkins, A. M., Hurley-Walker, N., Ingallinera, A., Jarrett, T., Kavanagh, P. J., Lenc, E., Luken, K. J., Mackey, D., Manojlović, P., Maggi, P., Maitra, C., Pennock, C. M., Points, S., Riggi, S., Rowell, G., Safi-Harb, S., Sano, H., Sasaki, M., Shabala, S., Stevens, J., van Loon, J. Th., Tothill, N. F. H., Umana, G., Urošević, D., Velović, V., Vernstrom, T., West, J. L., Wan, Z.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 509, 2180 (2022)
・佐藤晴「Gaiaによる距離と赤外線観測データを用いたAGB星の空間分布の研究」(指導教員: 高羽浩)
・宮本遼「晩期型星のH2Oメーザー検出率と可視赤外線観測データから得られる物理量の統計的研究」(指導教員: 高羽浩)
・村瀨寛起「移動平均を用いたスペクトル線観測の効率化とその評価」(指導教員: 高羽浩)
・松原康平「ガンマ線超新星残骸における被加速宇宙線陽子エネルギーの時間発展」(指導教員: 佐野栄俊)
・大西悠斗「ALMA 電波干渉計を用いた超新星残骸 W28 北東部に付随する分子雲の観測的研究」(指導教員: 佐野栄俊)
・寺本寛生「GeV ガンマ線超新星残骸 3C 391 に付随する分子雲と宇宙線加速」(指導教員: 佐野栄俊)
・翠勇弥「11 m 電波望遠鏡における機械学習を用いた異常データ除去手法の開発」(指導教員: 須藤広志)
・淺野裕也「大マゼラン雲の超新星残骸 N63A に付随する分子雲の温度・密度の導出」(指導教員: 佐野栄俊)
・井上陽登「中性子星を内包する超新星残骸 RCW 103 に付随する分子雲の観測的研究」(指導教員: 佐野栄俊)
・藤森将太「大質量星星団 Westerlund 1 からの TeV ガンマ線放射と星間ガス」(指導教員: 佐野栄俊)
・森東瑞人「岐阜大学 11 m 望遠鏡のビームパターンとアンテナ開口能率の測定と評価」(指導教員: 高羽浩)
・伊藤大将「Ia 型超新星残骸 3C 397 の親星問題に関する観測的研究」(指導教員: 佐野栄俊) ➡︎ 査読論文出版済 (ApJ)
・杉野裕輝「岐阜大学 11 m 電波望遠鏡による水メーザーとアンモニアの同時観測化」(指導教員: 高羽浩)
・西部昇吾「Gaia の距離データとあかりの質量放出率データを用いた H2O メーザー候補天体の選定」(指導教員: 高羽浩)
・平野小春「超新星残骸 Kes 17 に付随する星間雲の発見」(指導教員: 佐野栄俊)
・山中祐里奈「超新星残骸 HESS J1731−347 に付随する星間雲の観測的研究」(指導教員: 佐野栄俊)