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[NAGARA event]

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Details of NAGARA event (password requested)

Phisical Review Letters Vol.87 No.21 212502 [ PRL online]

What is "NAGARA"?

Introduction to the event

      The event was found by Y-S.Iwata (MS1) of Gifu Univ on Jan.18.2001. It was located in the bottom plate of an emulsion module. Track-A and -B is a double-lambda hypernucleus and a doughter single-lambda hypernucleus, respectively. Track-C is a pi- because its end point shows sigma-stop topology, and its range is over 13mm. Track-D is escaping from the emulsion module, however, its end point was detected in the downstream SCIFI-block. Lambda-Lambda interaction energy [DLL] was decided by the following production and decay sequence,
1) Xi- + 12C ==> 6LLHe + 3H + 4He
2) 6LLHe ==> 5LHe + 1H + pi-
3) 5LHe ==> AH + A'H + neutron(s).

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