"NAGARA" is . . . . .
      NAGARA is the name of a river which is originated in Gifu pref. of Japan.   Gifu is located in the center of Japanease population, which is shown in the map.   In Summer, many children are swimming and playing about in the river of Gifu city.   Ukai, Ayu fishing with the help of birds, [1] is also konwn in Japan in the season from spring to autumn.   The Nagara river is still famous, in Japan, for its limpid water, in spite of its location as in big cities with more than 500k population.
      Among such city rivers, the Nagara was the river with no Dam along the main stream in the main island of Japan, Honshu.   In Japan, several big challanges have been given to the balance of nature, recently.   Typical one of them is the construction of the NAGARA Estuary Barrage [2] and its operation started on Jul. 8 1995.   After that, several societies of fishermen and NGO members have been claiming [3] not only decrease of fishes but also the crisis of the life of the river.

[1] You can enjoy many photos of the Ukai.
[2] Introduced by English.
[3] Introduced by Japanease.
. . . . . . . . Feb. 23. 2002 . . . . . . . .

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