The E07 experiment at J-PARC

Introduction to E07 [E07ŽÀŒ±]
E07Experiment.pdf [0.9MB]
Dr. Theses [Dr.˜_•¶]
A.Ichikawa [8.7MB]
H.Takahashi [2.9MB]
Proposal to the 1st PAC [\¿‘] Apr.30, 2006
Abstract [17kB]
Body [DoubleH.pdf : 0.9MB]
The file of P07 presentation at the 1st PAC [”•\Ž‘—¿] Jul.01, 2006
PAC1_P07_01Jun2006.ppt [6.1MB]
P07.pdf [1.3MB]
A report to FIFC [FIFC•ñ] Nov.07, 2006
E07Status.pdf [3.2MB] (Sorry in Japanease [“ú–{Œê”Å‚Ì‚Ý])
Statement of the 3rd PAC (Jan.,2007) Apr.06, 2007
E07_2007Apr.pdf [1.2MB]
Presetation file at the 4th PAC [”•\Ž‘—¿] Jan.08, 2008
PAC4_E07_08Jan2008.ppt [4.4MB]
PAC4_E07_08Jan2008.ppf [2.8MB]
Presetation file at the Beam-Channel Meeting [À’k‰ï] Jul.22, 2008
Zadankai_E07_22Jul2008.ppt [25.9MB]
ppt-file for the 1st Beam WS Mar.20, 2009
E07_1stBeamWS090320.ppt [2.8MB]
ppt-file for the FewBody 19th Sep.03, 2009
NakazawaFB19.ppt [27.9MB]
ppt-file for the SX user meeting Dec.04, 2010
E07Status20101204.ppt [21.1MB]
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