Journal Paper
- Yang, Q., Wang, D., Yang, J., & Wu, T. (2025). Observation of the first stepping process of three winter lightning discharges. Geophysical Research Letters, 52, e2024GL111468.
Journal Paper
- F. Liu, T. Neubert, O. Chanrion, G. Lu, T. Wu, F. Lyu, W. Lyu, C. Köhn, D. Li, B. Zhu & J. Lei, (2024). Polarity transitions of narrow bipolar events in thundercloud tops reaching the lower stratosphere. Nature Communications, 15, 7344, doi:10.1038/s41467-024-51705-y.
- Ortberg, J., Smith, D. M., Kamogawa, M., Dwyer, J., Bowers, G., Chaffin, J., Lapierre, J., Wang, D., Wu, T., Suzuki, T., (2024). Two laterally distant TGFs from negative cloud-to-ground strokes in Uchinada, Japan. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 129, e2023JD039020, doi:10.1029/2023JD039020.
International Conference
- Q. Yang, D. Wang, T. Wu, J. Yang and N. Takagi. Characterizing the Preceding Discharges of the Positive Cloud-To-Ground Lightning First Strokes in Winter. ICLP 2024. Dresden, Germany. 2024.
- T. Wu, D. Smith, Y. Wada, K. Nakazawa, M. Oguchi, M. Kamogawa, T. Suzuki, Q. Yang, D. Wang. Energetic Compact Strokes (ECSs) as the Major Source of Downward TGFs in Winter Thunderstorms in Japan. AGU Fall Meeting 2024. Washington DC, USA. 2024.
Journal Paper
- Wada, Y., Wu, T., Wang, D., Enoto, T., Nakazawa, K., Morimoto, T., et al. (2023). Termination of downward-oriented gamma-ray glow by normal-polarity in-cloud discharge activity. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 128, e2023JD038606, doi:10.1029/2023JD038606.
- Wu, T., Wang, D., & Takagi, N. (2023). High-Accuracy Classification of Radiation Waveforms of Lightning Return Strokes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 128, e2023JD038715.
- Tsurumi, M., Enoto, T., Ikkatai, Y., Wu, T., Wang, D., Shinoda, T., et al. (2023). Citizen science observation of a gamma-ray glow associated with the initiation of a lightning flash. Geophysical Research Letters, 50, e2023GL103612, doi:10.1029/2023GL103612.
- Gao Panliang, Shi Dongdong, Wu Ting, Wang Daohong, Ji Xiaoling (2023). Characteristics of the preliminary breakdown in inverted-polarity intracloud lightning flashes. J Appl Meteor Sci, 34(3), 324-335, doi:10.11898/1001-7313.20230306.
- Yang, J.; Wang, D.; Huang, H.; Wu, T.; Takagi, N.; Yamamoto, K. A 3D Interferometer-Type Lightning Mapping Array for Observation of Winter Lightning in Japan. Remote Sens. 2023, 15, 1923.
International Conference
- T. Wu, D. Wang, N. Takagi. New FALMA Observations Reveal Systematic Differences between Lightning Discharges in Winter and Summer in Hokuriku, Japan. AGU Fall Meeting 2023. San Francisco, USA. 2023.
- J. Yang, D. Wang, H. Huang, T. Wu, N. Takagi, K. Yamamoto. A Strong Positive CG flash That Was Simultaneously Recorded by Multiple Observation Systems. APL 2023. Langkawi, Malaysia. 2023.
Journal Paper
- Wu, T., Wang, D., & Takagi, N. (2022). On the Intensity of First Return Strokes in Positive Cloud-to-Ground Lightning in Winter. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 127, e2022JD037282.
- Wang, D., Wu, T.,Huang, H.,Yang, J., & Yamamoto, K. (2022). 3D Mapping of Winter Lightning in Japan with an Array of Discone Antennas. IEEJ.
- Huang, H., Wang, D.,Yang, J., D., Wu, T., & Takagi, N. (2022). Complicated aspects of a CG lightning flash observed in winter storm in Japan. Journal of Atmospheric Electricity,
- Dongdong Shi, Panliang Gao, Ting Wu, Daohong Wang and Wei Jiang (2022). Pulse Parameters and Peak Currents of Return Strokes Observed by the Ningxia FALMA in the Chinese Inland Areas. Remote Sensing, 14(8), 1838, doi:10.3390/rs14081838.
- Wada, Y., Morimoto, T., Nakamura, Y., Wu, T., Enoto, T., Nakazawa, K., et al. (2022). Characteristics of low-frequency pulses associated with downward terrestrial gamma-ray flashes. Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2021GL097348, doi:10.1029/2021GL097348.
International Conference
- Junchen Yang,Daohong Wang,Haitao Huang,Ting Wu,Nobuyuki Takagi,Kazuo Yamamoto.Development of an Interferometer-type Lightning Mapping Array System. ICLP 2022, Online, 2022.
Journal Paper
- Huang, H., Wang, D., Wu, T., & Takagi, N. (2021). Recoil leader and associated discharge features observed during the progression of a multi-branched upward lightning flash. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,
- Wu, T., Wang, D.,Huang, H., & Takagi, N. (2021). The Strongest Negative Lightning Strokes in Winter Thunderstorms in Japan. Geophysical Research Letters.
- Wu, T., Wang, D., & Takagi, N. (2021). Compact Lightning Strokes in Winter Thunderstorms. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 125, e2020JD033039.
- Gao, P., Wu, T., & Wang, D. (2021). Initial Results of Long-term Continuous Observation of Lightning Discharges by FALMA in Chinese Inland Plateau Region. Atmospheres,
- Wang, X., Wang, D., He, J., & Takagi, N. (2021). Characteristics of Electric Currents in Upward Lightning Flashes From a Windmill and its Lightning Protection Tower in Japan, 2005–2016. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,
- Wang, D., Zheng, D., Wu, T., & Takagi, N. (2021). Winter Positive Cloud‐to‐Ground Lightning Flashes Observed by LMA in Japan. IEEJ.
International Conference
- Daohong Wang, Ting Wu, Masaki Urada, Nobuyuki Takagi. Return Strokes with Abnormal Electric Field Change Waveforms. ICLP-SIPDA 2021, Online, 2021.
- Dongdong Shi, Daohong Wang, Ting Wu, Nobuyuki Takagi. A Study on the First Return Stroke in a Thunderstorm Cell. ICLP-SIPDA 2021, Online, 2021.
- Panliang Gao, Ting Wu, Daohong Wang. Characteristics of Lightning Discharges Observed in Ningxia, China. ICLP-SIPDA 2021, Online, 2021.
- Haitao Huang, Daohong Wang, Ting Wu, Nobuyuki Takagi. An Interesting Discharge Progression Mode Observed in a Multi Branched Upward Lightning. ICLP-SIPDA 2021, Online, 2021.
- Haitao Huang, Daohong Wang, Ting Wu, Nobuyuki Takagi. Simultaneous Observations of a Winter Lightning Flash in Japan. JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2021, Online, 2021.
Journal Paper
- Huang, H., Wang, D., Wu, T., & Takagi, N. (2020). Fine progression features of return stroke luminosity at the bottom of rocket-triggered lightning channels. Journal of Atmospheric Electricity, 39(2), 1-13.
- Wu, T., Wang, D., & Takagi, N. (2020). Multiple‐stroke positive cloud‐to‐ground lightning observed by the FALMA in winter thunderstorms in Japan. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 125, e2020JD033039.
- Shi, D., Wang, D., Wu, T., & Takagi, N. (2020). A Comparison on the E‐change Pulses Occurring in the Bi‐level Polarity‐opposite Charge Regions of the Intra‐Cloud Lightning Flashes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,
- Ting Wu, Daohong Wang, Nobuyuki Takagi (2020). Upward negative leaders in positive upward lightning in winter: propagation velocities, electric field change waveforms, and triggering mechanism. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 125,
- Ting Wu, Daohong Wang, Nobuyuki Takagi (2020). A negative cloud-to-ground lightning flash initiating at a high altitude and starting without classic preliminary breakdown pulses. Journal of Atmospheric Electricity, 39(1), 16-32.
- Wang, X., Wang, D., He, J., & Takagi, N. ( 2020). A comparative study on the discontinuous luminosities of two upward lightning leaders with opposite polarities. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 125, e2020JD032533.
International Conference
- Huang, Haitao; Wang, Daohong; Wu, Ting; Takagi, Nobuyuki. High Speed Optical Observations of an Interesting Multi Branched Upward Lightning. AGU Fall Meeting 2020, Online, 2020.
- Wang, Daohong. Recent progresses in the study of lightning initiation, progression and attachment process. JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020, Online, 2020.
Journal Paper
- Shi, D., Wang, D., Wu, T., & Takagi, N. (2019). Temporal and Spatial Characteristics of Preliminary Breakdown Pulses in Intracloud Lightning Flashes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,
- Huang, H., Wang, D., Wu, T., & Takagi, N. (2019). Progression Features of Dart Leaders in Natural Negative Cloud‐to‐Ground Lightning Flashes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,
- Gao, P., Wang, D., Shi, D.,Wu, T., & Takagi, N. (2019). Characterization of Multitermination CG Flashes Using a 3D Lightning Mapping System (FALMA). Atmospheres,
- Wu, T., Wang, D., & Takagi, N. (2019). Velocities of positive leaders in intracloud and negative cloud‐to‐ground lightning flashes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,
- Shi, D., Wang, D., Wu, T., & Takagi, N. (2019). Correlation Between the First Return Stroke of Negative CG Lightning and Its Preceding Discharge Processes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,
- Zheng,D., Wang, D., Zhang,Y., Wu, T., & Takagi, N. (2019). Charge regions indicated by LMA lightning flashes in Hokuriku's winter thunderstorms. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,
- Wu, T., Wang, D., & Takagi, N. (2019). Intracloud lightning flashes initiated at high altitudes and dominated by downward positive leaders. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,
International Conference
- Ting Wu, Daohong Wang, Dongdong Shi, Nobuyuki Takagi.The Fast Antenna Lightning Mapping Array (FALMA): Applications in lightning research. AGU Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, USA, 2019.
- Ting Wu, Daohong Wang, Dongdong Shi, Nobuyuki Takagi.Intracloud and negative cloud-to-ground lightning flashes not producing classic preliminary breakdown pulses. AGU Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, USA, 2019.
- Ting Wu, Daohong Wang, Dongdong Shi, Nobuyuki Takagi.Three-dimensional lightning mapping using low-frequency radio waves. Proceedings of URSI-JRSM, Tokyo, Japan, 2019.
- Wang, Daohong. What have we learned about the lightning discharge in the last 100 years. Proceedings of 27th International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics General Assembly, Montreal, Canada, 2019.
- Wang, Daohong; Wu, Ting; Takagi, Nobuyuki.Practical Features of 3D Lightning Mapping System FALMA. Proceedings of 11th Asia Pacific International Conference on Lightning, Hongkong, China, 2019.
- Wu, Ting; Wang, Daohong; Takagi, Nobuyuki. Some Abnormal Lightning Flashes Imaged by the FALMA. Proceedings of 11th Asia Pacific International Conference on Lightning, Hongkong, China, 2019.
- Shi, Dongdong; Wang, Daohong; Wu, Ting; Takagi, Nobuyuki; Huang, Haitao. A Study on the Initiation of Initial Breakdown. Proceedings of 11th Asia Pacific International Conference on Lightning, Hongkong, China, 2019.
- Huang, Haitao; Wang, Daohong; Wu, Ting; Takagi, Nobuyuki. Progression Characteristics of Dart Leaders Observed by LAPOS5. Proceedings of 11th Asia Pacific International Conference on Lightning, Hongkong, China, 2019.
- Wang, Xiankang; Zhao, Xiangen; He, Junjia. Experimental research on the Effect of Ultraviolet Radiation on 1.5 m air gap discharges. Proceedings of 11th Asia Pacific International Conference on Lightning, Hongkong, China, 2019.
Journal Paper
- Huang, H., Wang, D., Wu, T., & Takagi, N. (2018). Formation Features of Steps and Branches of an Upward Negative Leader. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 123.
- Shi, D., Wang, D., Wu, T., Thomas, R. J., Edens, H. E., Rison, W., Takagi, N., & Krehbiel, P. R. (2018). Leader Polarity‐Reversal Feature and Charge Structure of Three Upward Bipolar Lightning Flashes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 123, 9430–9442, doi:10.1029/2018JD028637.
- Wu, T., Wang, D., & Takagi, N. (2018). Locating preliminary breakdown pulses in positive cloud‐to‐ground lightning. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 123, 7989–7998.
- Daohong Wang, Ting Wu, Nobuyuki Takagi (2018), Charge Structure of Winter Thunderstorm in Japan: a Review and an Update, IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 138(5), 310-314, doi:10.1541/ieejpes.138.310.
- Wu T., D. Wang, N. Takagi (2018), Lightning Mapping with an Array of Fast Antennas, Geophys. Res. Lett., 45, 3698-3705, doi:10.1002/2018GL077628.
International Conference
- Junya Sawada, Nobuyuki Takagi, Daohong Wang, Ting Wu. Characteristics of lightning current at wind power generation facilities. Proceedings of the International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, Nara, Japan, 2018.
- Haitao Huang, Daohong Wang, Ting Wu, Nobuyuki Takagi. Optical Progression Features of the Step Formation of Two Negative Stepped Leaders. Proceedings of the International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, Nara, Japan, 2018.
- Dongdong Shi, Daohong Wang, Ting Wu, Ronald J. Thomas, Harald E. Edens, William Rison, Nobuyuki Takagi, Paul R. Krehbiel. Leader Polarity-Reversal Feature and Charge Structure of Upward Bipolar Lightning Flash. Proceedings of the International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, Nara, Japan, 2018.
- Ting Wu, Daohong Wang, Nobuyuki Takagi. Development of Fast Antenna Lightning Mapping Array (FALMA) and preliminary results. Proceedings of the International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, Nara, Japan, 2018.
- Jumpei Kurachi, Daohong Wang, Ting Wu, Nobuyuki Takagi. A method of measuring thunderstorm electric field by using a pair of wire-attached electrodes and LMA. Proceedings of the International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, Nara, Japan, 2018.
- Y. Hideyuki, D. Wang, T. Wu, N. Takagi, D. Jordan, and M. A. Uman. Lightning attachment process of rocket triggered return strokes observed by using LAPOS 5. Proceedings of the International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, Nara, Japan, 2018.
Journal Paper
- Naoki Tsukamoto, Ting Wu, Daohong Wang, Nobuyuki Takagi (2017), Light Intensity Profiles of Return Strokes at the Bottom of Rocket-triggered and Natural Lightning Channels, Journal of Atmospheric Electricity, 37(1), 1-9, doi:10.1541/jae.37.1.
- Wu T., D. Wang, W. Rison, R.J. Thomas, H.E. Edens, N. Takagi, and P.R. Krehbiel (2017), Corona discharges from a windmill and its lightning protection tower in winter thunderstorms, J. Geophys. Res., 122, 4849–4865, doi:10.1002/2016JD025832.
International Conference
- Daohong Wang, Yasuhumi Hisai, Haitao Huang, Ting Wu, and Nobuyuki Takagi. A comparative study on intermittent propagation mode of positive and negative leaders. Proceedings of the International Conference on Lightning & Static Electricity, Nagoya, Japan, 2017.
- Daohong Wang, Haitao Huang, Hideyuki Yamada, Naoki Tsukamoto, Ting Wu, Nobuyuki Takagi. Observation of Lightning Attachment Process Using a New LAPOS. Proceedings of 10th Asia Pacific International Conference on Lightning, 2017.
- Naoki Tsukamoto, Ting Wu, Daohong Wang, Nobuyuki Takagi. Return Stroke Light Intensity Profiles in the Bottom of Rocket-Triggered Lightning and Natural Lightning. Proceedings of 10th Asia Pacific International Conference on Lightning, 2017.
- Ting Wu, Daohong Wang, Nobuyuki Takagi, William Rison, Ronald J. Thomas, Harald E. Edens, Paul R. Krehbiel. Observation of Corona Discharges from a Windmill and a Nearby Tower with LMA. Proceedings of 10th Asia Pacific International Conference on Lightning, 2017.
- D. Wang, T. Wu, N. Takagi, Charge Structure of Winter Thunderstorm in Japan: a Review and an Update, the 4th International Symposium on Winter Lightning, Joetsu, Japan, 2017.
Journal Paper
- Wang, D., N. Takagi, M. A. Uman, and D. M. Jordan (2016), Luminosity progression in dart-stepped leader step formation, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 121, 14,612–14,620, doi:10.1002/2016JD025813.
International Conference
- D. Wang, S. Okumura, T. Wu and N. Takagi, Optical Progression Characteristics of the Transient Discharges Occurred at the Trails of Positive Upward Leaders, 2016 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 2016.
- D.Wang, N. Sawamura, N.Takagi, A Positive Lightning Discharge that Caused Severe Damage to the Blade of a Windmill, Proceedings of 33rd International Conference on Lightning Protection, Paper number 152, 2016.
- D.Wang, S. Kuroda, N.Takagi, Lightning Attachment Process Parameters Measured by Using LAPOS, Proceedings of 33rd International Conference on Lightning Protection, Paper number 47, 2016.
Journal Paper
- D. Wang, N. Takagi, W. R. Gamerota, M. A. Uman, D.M. Jordan, Lightning attachment processes of three natural lightning discharges, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 120, doi:10.1002/2015JD023734.
- K. Takamatsu, N. Takagi, D. Wang, Characteristics of the brief but bright discharges that often occur along the trails of positive leaders, Vol.35, No.1, 11-30, J. Atmos. Electr., 2015.
- L. Chen , W. Lu, Y. Zhang , D. Wang, Optical Progression Characteristics of an interesting natural downward bipolar lightning flash, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 120, doi:10.1002/2014JD022463, 2015.
International Conference
- M. Zhou, D. Wang, J. Wang, N. Takagi, L. Cai, X. Li and Y. Fan, Modeling of return strokes with taking into account their initiation processes, Proceedings of 9th Asia Pacific International Conference on Lightning, 2015.
- M. Zhou, D. Wang, J. Wang, N. Takagi, L. Cai, X. Li and Y. Fan, On the variation of observed return-stroke speed along the bottom of lightning channel, Proceedings of 9th Asia Pacific International Conference on Lightning, 2015.
- D. Wang, W. Rison, N. Takagi, R.J.Thomas, H.E. Edens, D. Rodeheffer, P. R. Krehbiel, Japan winter upward lightning: triggering source, initial leader progression and parent storm charge structure, Proceedings of 9th Asia Pacific International Conference on Lightning, 2015.
Journal Paper
- M. Zhou, D. Wang, J. Wang, N. Takagi, W. R. Gamerota, M. A. Uman, D. M. Jordan, J. T. Pilkey, and T. Ngin (2014), Correlation between the channel-bottom light intensity and channel-base current of a rocket-triggered lightning flash, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 119, doi:10.1002/2014JD022367, 2014.
- T.Wu, S Yoshida, T Ushio, Z Kawasaki, D. Wang, Lightning‐initiator type of narrow bipolar events and their subsequent pulse trains, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 119, DOI: 10.1002/2014JD021842, pp. 7425–7438, 2014.
- D. Wang, W. R. Gamerota, M. A. Uman, N. Takagi, J. D. Hill, J. Pilkey, T. Ngin, D. M. Jordan, S. Mallick, and V. A. Rakov, Lightning attachment processes of an “anomalous” triggered lightning discharge, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 119, doi:10.1002/2013JD020787, pp. 1-10, 2014.
- T. Wu, S. Yoshida, T. Ushio, Z. Kawasaki, Y. Takayanagi, and D. Wang, Large bipolar lightning discharge events in winter thunderstorms in Japan, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 119, doi:10.1002/2013JD020369, pp. 1-12, 2014.
International Conference
- M. Zhou, D. Wang, J. Wang, N. Takagi, W. R. Gamerota, M. A. Uman, D. M. Jordan, J. Pilkey, and T. Ngin, Correlation between the channel-bottom light intensity versus channel-base current of an artificially triggered lightning flash, Proceedings of 32nd International Conference on Lightning Protection, Paper number 328, 2014.
- D. Wang, N. Takagi, W. R. Gamerota, M.A. Uman, and D.M. Jordan, Height-dependent attenuation characteristics of lightning return strokes, Proceedings of 32nd International Conference on Lightning Protection, Paper number 29, 2014.
- K. Takamatsu, N. Takagi, D. Wang, Characteristics of leader/return stroke sequence along one of multiple branches of upward lightning discharges, Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, Norman, USA, 2014.
- D. Wang, N. Takagi, W. R. Gamerota, M.A. Uman, and D.M. Jordan, High speed optical observation on the attachment processes of natural downward lightning discharges, Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, Norman, USA, 2014.
Journal Paper
- D. Wang, N. Takagi, W. R. Gamerota, M. A. Uman, J.D. Hill, D.M. Jordan, Initiation processes of return strokes in rocket-triggered lightning, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 118(17), 9880–9888, 2013.
- Y. Li, G. Zhang, J. Wen, D. Wang, Y. Wang, T. Zhang, X. Fan, B. Wu, Electrical structure of a Qinghai–Tibet Plateau thunderstorm based on three-dimensional lightning mapping, Atmospheric Research, 134, 137-149, 2013.
- Y. Takayanagi, M.Akita, Y. Nakamura, S. Yoshida, T. Morimoto, T. Ushio, Z. Kawasaki, D. Wang, N.Takagi, H. Sakurano, Y. Kubouchi, Upward lightning observed by LF broadband interferometer, IEEJ Trans. on materials science and engineering, Vol. 133,No. 3 P 132-141, 2013.
Journal Paper
- D. Wang,N. Takagi, Characteristics of winter lightning that occurred on a windmill and its lightning protection tower in Japan, IEEJ Trans. on Power and Energy, Vol. 132, No.6, pp.568-572, Doi:10.1541/ieejpes.132.568, 2012.
- Y. Wang, G. Zhang, X.Qie, D.Wang, T. Zhang, Y. Zhao, Y. Li, T. Zhang, Characteristics of compact intra-cloud discharges observed in a severe thunderstorm in northern part of China, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Vol. 84–85, pp.7–14, 2012.
- H. Zhang,D.Wang, W.Lu, Y. Zhang, Q.Meng, A single-station-based 3D lightning channel location system by using differential arrival time of thunder, Plateau Meteorology, Vol.31, No.1, pp.209-217, 2012 (in Chinese).
International Conference
- D. Wang, N. Takagi, D. Hill, W. Gamerota, D.M. Jordan, and M.A. Uman, High Speed Optical Observation on Initiation Process of Lightning Return Strokes, Proceedings of 31st International Conference on Lightning Protection, Paper number 126, 2012.
- D. Wang, N. Takagi, Three unusual upward positive lightning triggered by other nearby lightning discharge activity, Proceedings of 22nd International Lightning Detection Conference, April, 2012.
Journal Paper
- D. Wang, N. Takagi, A downward positive leader that radiated optical pulses like a negative stepped leader, J. Geophys. Res., VOL. 116, D10205, doi:10.1029/2010JD015391, 2011.
- M.Akita, S. Yoshida, T. Morimoto, T. Ushio, Z. Kawasaki, D. Wang, Effects of thundercloud charge distribution on lightning leader propagation, J. Atmos. Sci., 68, 719-726, doi:10.1175/2010JAS3597.1, 2011.
International Conference
- D. Wang, T.Watanabe, N. Takagi, A high speed optical imaging system for studying lightning attachment process, Proceedings of 7th Asia Pacific International Conference on Lightning, 1-4 November, 2011.
- D.Wang, Y. Inoue, A system for continuously measuring PV maximum power point at high speed and its application, Proceedings of 2011 IEEE Power Engineering and Automation Conference, 2011.
- A. Hazmi, K. Takamatsu, N. Takagi, D.Wang, Simultaneous Observations of Red Sprite and its Parent Lightning Current , Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, 2011.
- D. Wang, N. Takagi, Typical characteristics of upward lightning observed in Japanese winter thunderstorms and their physical implications, Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, 2011.
- D. Wang, F. Wang, W. Lu, Y. Zhang, Q. Meng, G. Zhang, Triggering lightning discharges at various controllable altitudes and their potential applications, Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, 2011.
- M. Akita, S. Yoshida, Y. Nakamura, T. Morimoto, T. Ushio, Z. Kawasaki, D. Wang, N. Takagi, Observations of bipolar lightning discharges using VHF broadband digital interferometers, 3rd International symposium on winter lightning, pp.87-91, 2011.
- Y. Takayanagi, M. Akita, Y. Nakamura, S. Yoshida, T. Morimoto, T. Ushio, Z.-I. Kawasaki, D. Wang, N. Takagi , Winter lightning observations using VLF/LF broadband interferometer, 3rd International symposium on winter lightning, pp.87-91, 2011.
Journal Paper
- M.Akita, Y. Nakamura, S. Yoshida, T. Morimoto, T. Ushio, Z. Kawasaki, D. Wang, What occurs in K process of cloud flashes?, J. Geophys. Res., 115, D07106, doi:10.1029/2009JD012016, 2010.
- Akita, M., Y. Nakamura, S. Yoshida, T. Morimoto, T. Ushio, Z. Kawasaki, D. Wang, Lightning channels of cloud-to-ground flashes neutralizing multiple charge regions inside winter thunderclouds, 電学論A, Vol. 130, No. 5, pp.467-472, 2010 .
International Conference
- W. Lu, Y. Zhang, L. Chen, E. Zhou, D. Zheng, Y. Zhang, D. Wang, Attachment process of two natural downward lightning flashes striking on high structures, Proceedings of 30th International Conference on Lightning Protection, Paper number 1260,1-5 , 2010.
- D. Wang, N. Takagi, Y. Takaki, A comparison between self-triggered and other-triggered upward lightning discharges, Proceedings of 30th International Conference on Lightning Protection, Paper number 1206,1-4 , 2010.
- D. Wang, W. Lu, Y. Zhang, Q. Meng, Two new methods of artificially triggering lightning discharges, Proceedings of 30th International Conference on Lightning Protection, Paper number 1204,1-4, 2010.
- D. Wang, A method for instantaneous measurement of PV V-I characteristics and its application for MPPT control, Proceedings of 35th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Paper number 730, 4 pages, 2010.
Publications before 2010