Welcome to Wang・Wu Lab

About this Lab

More than half of accidents in electric power systems are caused by lightning. And in recent years there are also many lightning-related accidents in facilities for wind power generation. For the purpose of lightning protection of various electric power systems, we are trying to develop technologies for the observation, prediction and control of lightning discharges. We are also developing technologies for lightning protection of smart grid – the next generation electric power system and doing researches about solar power system.


The paper "Observation of the First Stepping Process of Three Winter Lightning Discharges" by Yang et al. is published by Geophysical Research Letters. link
Dr. Wu had an oral presentation at AGU Fall Meeting 2024 held in Washington DC.
Mr. Yang (D3) had an oral presentation at ICLP2024 held in Dresden, Germany.
Dr. Wu had an oral presentation at AGU Fall Meeting 2023 held in San Francisco.
The paper "High-Accuracy Classification of Radiation Waveforms of Lightning Return Strokes"by Wu et al. is published by JGR Atmospheres. link
Mr. Yang (D3) had an oral presentation at APL2023 held in Langkawi, Malaysia, and won the Best Paper Award. Congratulations!
The paper "A 3D Interferometer-Type Lightning Mapping Array for Observation of Winter Lightning in Japan" by Yang et al. is published by Remote Sensing. link
The paper "On the Intensity of First Return Strokes in Positive Cloud-to-Ground Lightning in Winter"by Wu et al. is published by JGR Atmospheres. link

Faculty of Engineering, Gifu University, 1-1 Yanagido, Gifu City 501-1193, JAPAN MAP