
Welcome to the world of Analytical Chemistry

Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind. A. Einstein

Lim Matsuyama Laboratory, Faculty of Engineering, Gifu University

最近の研究業績Recent PUBLICATIONS

2005 onwards

学会発表リストはこちら (Since 2024)

受賞リストはこちら (Since 2024)




  1. 松山嗣史 蛍光X線分析法と情報処理 ぶんせき, Accepted.
  2. 松山嗣史, 蛍光 X 線分析法の迅速・高感度化及び定量精度の向上に関する研究, X線分析の進歩., Accepted.
  3. 松山嗣史, 分析化学の展望 X線分光による微量分析, 中部経済新聞 オープンカレッジ, 2025年2月12日.


  1. M. Amin, A. Sedyohutomo, B. Oktavia, L.W. Lim, Ion chromatographic quantification of nine cationic components in pre-blast and post-blast residues of pyrotechnic samples , Acta Chromatographica,
  2. T. Matsuyama, T. Miyahara, H. Yoshii, L.L. Wah, K. Tsuji, Development of a novel X-ray fluorescence instrument equipped with a noble gas filter, Analyst., 149, 3479, 2024.
  3. 松山嗣史、奥田晟生、安田天、リムリーワ、辻幸一(T. Matsuyama, M. Okuda, S. Yasuda, L.W. Lim, K. Tsuji), 損傷した鉄筋コンクリートの非破壊元素検査に向けた共焦点微小部蛍光X線分析法の適用 (Application of Confocal Micro-X-ray Fluorescence Technique for Non-destructive Elemental Inspection of Damaged Reinforced Concrete), 鉄と鋼(tetsu-to-Hagane)., 110, 662, 2024.


  1. P. Lestari, L.W. Lim, Y. Ohya, T. Takeuchi, One-pot alkanolamines-assisted synthesis of magnetic mesoporous silica for synthetic dye adsorption , Analytical Science., 38, 1441, 2022.


  1. P. Lestari, L.W. Lim, T. Takeuchi Poly(ethylene glycol) Methyl Ether Methacrylate-bonded Stationary Phase in Ion Chromatography and Its Application to Seawater Samples , Analytical Science, 37, 1003, 2021.


  1. K. Tsuge, L. W. Lim and Toyohide Takeuchi, Separation of Inorganic Anions Using 18-Crown-6-ether-modified Organic Polymer Monolithic Stationary Phase in Capillary Ion Chromatography, Analytical Science, 37, 845, 2020.

  2. M. Amin, B. Oktavia, A. Sedyohutomo, L. W. Lim M. Nurdin, Ion Chromatographic Analysis of Sulfur Species (S2?, SO32?, and S2O32?) in Natural Geothermal Water Samples , Inter. J. Adv. Sci. Tech., 29, 2460, 2020.
  3. A. Rahayu, J. A. Fajri,L. W. Lim, T. Takeuchi Preparation of suppressor column for capillary ion chromatography with conductivity detection, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 821, 012008, 2020.


  1. L. Rong, L. W. Lim and Toyohide Takeuchi, Rapid determination of iodide in seawater samples by ion chromatography with chemically-bonded vitamin-U stationary phase, Microchem. J., in press.
  2. L. Rong, L. W. Lim and Toyohide Takeuchi, Determination of Iodide in Seawater by Capillary Ion Chromatography Using Hexadimethrine Bromide Modified C30 Stationary Phases, Anal. Sci., 29(1) (2013) 31-34.
  3. M. Rafi, L. W. Lim, T. Takeuchi and L. K. Darusman, Simultaneous determination of gingerols and shogaol using capillary liquid chromatography and its application in discrimination of three ginger varieties from Indonesia, Talanta, 103 (2013) 28-32.


  1. L. Rong, Z. Liu, M. Ma, J. Liu, Z. Xu, L. W. Lim and T. Takeuchi, Simultaneous determination of inorganic cations by capillary ion chromatography with a non-suppressed contactless conductivity detector, Anal. Sci., 28(4) (2012) 367-371.
  2. L. W. Lim, Y. Nakashima and T. Takeuchi, On-line capillary flow system for the selective determination of glucose via two-step immobilized enzymatic reactions, Int. J. Chem., 1(1) (2012) 16-21.
  3. Siswoyo, L. W. Lim and T. Takeuchi, Separation of gold nanoparticles with a monolithic silica capillary column in liquid chromatography, Anal. Sci., 28(2) (2012) 107-113.
  4. T. Takeuchi, B. Jiang, L. W. Lim, Separation of inorganic anions on hydrophobic stationary phases in ion chromatography, Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 402(1) (2012) 551-555.


  1. X.-L. Jiang, L. W. Lim and T. Takeuchi, Vitamin U-bonded stationary phase in capillary ion chromatography, Anal. Sci., 27 (2011) 1203-1206.
  2. T. Takeuchi and L. W. Lim, Separation of inorganic anions by liquid chromatography with crown ether as eluent additive, Anal. Sci., 27 (2011) 1019-1023.
  3. R. Suhaili, E. Munaf, R. Zein, A. Sedyohutomo, L. W. Lim and T. Takeuchi, Determination of inorganic anions in Eucheuma cottonii and Carrageenan by suppressed ion chromatography, Asian J. Chem., 23(6) (2011) 2597-2599.
  4. L. Rong, Z. Liu, M. Ma, L. W. Lim and T. Takeuchi, Determination of inorganic anions by capillary IC using hexadimethrine bromide-modified silica stationary phases, Chromatographia, 73(5-6) (2011) 501-506.


  1. Y. Sasajima, L. W. Lim, T. Takeuchi, K. Suenami, K. Sato and Y. Takekoshi, Simultaneous determination of antidepressants by non-aqueous capillary electrophoresis-time of flight mass spectrometry J. Chromatogr. A, 1217(48) (2010) 7598-7604.
  2. T. Takeuchi and L. W. Lim, Multifunctional separation mechanism on poly(oxyethylene) stationary phases in capillary liquid chromatography, Anal. Sci., 26(9) (2010) 937-941.
  3. 都築賢太郎・Lee Wah Lim・竹内豊英,ウレタン結合型γ-CDモノリスキャピラリーカラムによるダンシルアミノ酸の分離,分析化学59(8), (2010) 685-691.
  4. Y. Sasajima, L. W. Lim, T. Takeuchi, K. Suenami, K. Sato and Y. Takekoshi, Simultaneous determination of antidepressants by non-aqueous or quasi-non-aqueous capillary electrophoresis, Anal. Sci., 26(6) (2010) 693-698.
  5. T. Takeuchi, T. Kawsaki and L. W. Lim, Separation of inorganic anions on a pyridine stationary phase in ion chromatography, Anal. Sci., 26(4) (2010) 511-514.


  1. R. Suhaili, E. Munaf, R. Zein, A. Dharma, L. W. Lim and T. Takeuchi, Comparative study of cadmium biosorption by eucheuma cottonii marine algae and carrageenan, Asian J. Chem., 21(9) (2009) 7271-7278.
  2. T. Takeuchi, A. Sedyohutomo and L. W. Lim, Indirect detection of ethylene glycol oligomers using a contactless conductivity detector in capillary liquid chromatography, Anal. Sci., 25 (2009) 851-854.
  3. T. Takeuchi, B. Oktavia and L. W. Lim, Poly(ethylene oxide)-bonded stationary phase for capillary ion chromatography, Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 393 (2009) 1267-1272.
  4. T. Takeuchi, Siswoyo, Z. Aspanut and L. W. Lim, Hydrodynamic chromatography of silica colloids on small spherical nonporous silica particles, Anal. Sci., 25 (2009) 301-306.
  5. X.-L. Jiang, L. W. Lim and T. Takeuchi, Determination of trace inorganic anions in seawater samples by ion chromatography using silica columns modified with cetyltrimethylammonium ion, Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 393 (2009) 387-391.


  1. B. Oktavia, L. W. Lim and T. Takeuchi, Simultaneous determination of Fe(III) and Fe(II) ions via complexation with salicylic acid and 1,10-phenanthroline in microcolumn ion chromatography, Anal. Sci., 24 (2008) 1487-1492.
  2. A. Sedyohutomo, L. W. Lim and T. Takeuchi, Development of packed-column suppressor system for capillary ion chromatography and its application to environmental waters, J. Chromatogr. A, 1203 (2008) 239-242.
  3. Z. Aspanut, T. Yamada, L. W. Lim, and T. Takeuchi, Light-scattering and turbidimetric detection of silica colloids in size exclusion chromatography, Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 391 (2008) 353-359.
  4. M. Amin, L. W. Lim and T. Takeuchi, Determination of common inorganic anions and cations by non-suppressed ion chromatography with column switching, J. Chromatogr. A, 1182 (2008) 169-175.


  1. Z. Aspanut, Y. Suzuki, L. W. Lim, T. Takeuchi, Development of a solvent-saving direct-pumping recycle chromatographic system and its application to the separation of deuterated benzenes in liquid chromatography, Chromatography, 28 (2007) 131-135.
  2. A. Suzuki, L. W. Lim, T. Takeuchi, Rapid separation of inorganic anions by capillary ion chromatography using monolithic silica columns modified with dilauryldimethylammonium ion, Anal. Sci., 23 (2007) 1081-1084.
  3. L. Rong, L. W. Lim, T. Takeuchi, Determination of iodide in seawater using C30 column modified with polyoxyethylene oleyl ether in ion chromatography, Talanta, 72 (2007) 1625-1629.
  4. L. W. Lim, Y. Okouchi, T. Takeuchi, On-line preconcentration of trace carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in microcolumn liquid chromatography via large volume injection, Talanta, 72 (2007) 1600-1608.
  5. T. Takeuchi, Z. Aspanut, T. Yamada, A. Inui, L. W. Lim, Light-scattering detection with a fluorimetric detector in high-performance liquid chromatography, J. Chromatogr. A, 1147 (2007) 42-45.
  6. M. Amin, L. W. Lim and T. Takeuchi, Tunable separation of anions and cations by column switching in ion chromatography, Talanta, 71 (2007) 1470-1475.
  7. K. Suenami, L. W. Lim, T. Takeuchi, Y. Sasajima, K. Sato, Y. Takekoshi and S. Kanno, On-line sample extraction and enrichment of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs by pre-column in capillary liquid chromatography mass spectrometry, J. Chromatogr. B, 846 (2007) 176-183.


  1. K. Suenami, L. W. Lim, T. Takeuchi, Y. Sasajima, K. Sato, Y. Takekoshi and S. Kanno, Direct determination of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs by column-switching LC-MS, J. Sep. Sci., 29 (2006) 2725-2732.
  2. L. W. Lim, M. Tomatsu and T. Takeuchi, Development of an on-line enzyme-immobilized reversed-phase HPLC for protein digestion and peptide separation, Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 386(3) (2006) 614-620.
  3. A. Suzuki, L. W. Lim, T. Hiroi and T. Takeuchi, Rapid determination of bromide in seawater samples by capillary ion chromatography using monolithic silica columns modified with cetyltrimethylammonium ion, Talanta, 70 (2006) 190-193.
  4. L. Rong, L. W. Lim and T. Takeuchi, Determination of iodide in seawater samples by ion chromatography with chemically-bonded poly (ethylene glycol) stationary phase, J. Chromatogr. A, 1128 (2006) 68-72.
  5. K. Suenami, L. W. Lim, T. Takeuchi, Y. Sasajima, K. Sato, Y. Takekoshi and S. Kanno, Rapid and Simultaneous Determination of Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs in Human Plasma by LC-MS with Solid Phase Extraction, Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 384 (2006) 1501-1505.
  6. M. Amin, L. W. Lim and T. Takeuchi, Serial separation of cations and anions by ion chromatography using the peak parking technique and sulfosalicylic acid as the eluent, Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 384 (2006) 839-843.
  7. L. W. Lim and T. Takeuchi, On-line precolumn enrichment of bisphenol A using boronate column in microcolumn liquid chromatography, J. Chromatogr. A, 1106 (2006) 139-145.


  1. T. Hiroi, J.-Y. Jin and T. Takeuchi, Photometric detection of cyclodextrins in liquid chromatography by using iodine generated electrochemically in-situ, Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 381 (2005) 1089-1094.
  2. M. Amin, L. W. Lim and T. Takeuchi, Peak parking technique for the simultaneous determination of anions and cations, Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 381 (2005) 1426-1431.
  3. T. Takeuchi, Development of Capillary Liquid Chromatography, Chromatography, 26(1) (2005) 7-10.
  4. L. Rong, L. W. Lim and T. Takeuchi, Determination of iodide and thiocyanate in seawater by liquid chromatography with poly (ethylene glycol) stationary phase, Chromatographia, 61 (2005) 371-374.


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岐阜市柳戸1-1 岐阜大学工学部

Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, 1-1 Yanagido,
Gifu 501-1193