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Matsui, T., Kobayasi, K., Yoshimoto, M., Hasegawa,T. Stability of rice
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Matsui, T. Function of long basal dehiscence of the theca in rice (Oryza
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Nakagawa, H., Horie, T.
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Matsui, T.
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T. & Kagata, H.: Characteristics of floral organs related to reliable self-pollination
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Matsui, T. & Kagata, H.:
Correlation of nitrogen concentration with dry-matter partitioning to spikelets
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Matsui, T. & Omasa, K.:
Rice(Oryza sativa L.) cultivars tolerant to high temperature at
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李忠根, 矢内純太, 下保敏和, 飯田訓久, 梅田幹雄, 小崎隆, 松井勤: 水田における圃場情報マップの作成. 農業機械学会誌 63(5): 45-52, 2001.
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soil chemical properties and rice yield in a paddy field and application to the
analysis of yield-determining factors. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition
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Matsui, T., Omasa, K. &
Horie, T.: The difference in sterility due to high temperature during the
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Matsui, T., Omasa, K. &
Horie, T.: Comparison between anthers of two rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars with tolerance to high temperatures at
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Matsui, T., Omasa, K. &
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Matsui, T., Omasa, K. &
Horie, T.: Anther dehiscence in two-rowed barley (Hordeum distichum) triggered by mechanical stimulation. Journal of
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Matsui, T., Omasa, K. &
Horie, T.: Mechanism of septum opening in anther of two-rowed barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Annals of Botany
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Matsui, T., Omasa, K. &
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Matsui, T., Omasa, K. &
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Matsui. T., Omasa, K. &
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Yamasue, Y., Murayama, H.,
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Yamasue, Y., Murayama, H.,
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stands. Journal of Weed Science and Technologies 42: 357-364, 1997.
Horie, T., Centeno, H.G.S.,
Nakagawa, H. & Matsui, T.: Effect of elevated CO2 and climate
change on rice production in East and
Matsui, T., Omasa, K. & Horie,
T. High temperature-induced spikelet sterility of japonica rice at flowering in
relation to air temperature, humidity and wind velocity conditions. Japanese
Journal of Crop Science 66: 449-455, 1997.
Matsui, T., Namuco, O.S.,
Ziska, L.H. & Horie, T. :Effects of high temperature and CO2 concentration on spikelet sterility in indica rice. Field Crops Research 51: 213-2