Laboratory of Watershed Management (Hiramatsu's Room)

Aims of Our Laboratory
Our laboratory conducts the study of water resources and environmental engineering, especially focusing on irrigation water. Over the last several decades our research topics had been mainly based on hydraulics that is a kind of fluid dynamics aiming the stable supply of irrigation water. However, the social environment of domestic and international agricultual industry and the interest of people in the environment have been drastically changed and so our research area has been inevitably extended to water quality and aquatic ecology, which is a turn from a quantity research to a quantity-quality research. The followings are the topics currently working; (2021)
1) Substances dynamics relating with Paddy, Forest and River
2) Denitrification in Paddy and its control (xidation-reduction in paddy and fertilizer control)
3) Trafficability of fish in the irrigation-drainage canals and rivers
4) Environmental characteristics of Nagara River
5) Effect of ecological-friendly work on aquatic ecology in irrigation facilities including fishway
6) Relation between human activity and water environment

21 Century is called as a century of water. There are more than 500 million people to whom enough safe water is not supplied in the world. The importance of water as a strategic resource is increasing. At the same time, the number of species of the endangered fishes in Japan is more than 70. It might be several hundreds in the world. It indicates the conservation of aquatic ecology and water environment is also an urgent topic.
The research area and problems that we are facing are too large and our ability is too small. We, however, would like to advance forward to the goal step by step.

Professor Ken HIRAMATSU
His research topics covers hydraulics, water quality and aquatic ecology of irrigation pond and canal.
Especially he is interested in the relation between human activity and water environment.

Professor Takeo Onishi
He is a trained hydrologist and also expert of numerical modeling.
His research topic is dynamic state of ferrum in a river system and coastal sea of which target is Amor River. His interest coveres from environment of small agricultural basin to global environment.

Coorporative Staff
(At present our laboratory is working with Hydraulic Structure and Environment laboratory and Hydrology laboratory.)

Professor Shinichi Nishimura
He is a specialist of soil mechanics and its related numerical modeling. He proposes the measurement of tensile stress in soil and its relation with hydraulic fracture.

Associate Professor Tatsuro Nishiyama
He is a trained rock and soil dynamics researcher and also an expert of numerical modeling.
His research topic is behavior of cracking rocks. He is also known as a Dam specialist.

International student and scholar
In these 20 years, one Chinese student, one Laotian student, two Bangladeshi students, one Cambodian student and one Indonesian student were awarded MSc degree and one Chinese student, one Srilankan student, and one Mongolian student were awarded PhD degree in our laboratory (hiramatsu's room)
Currently, one Vietnam PhD candidate and one Indonesian MSc candidate are members of our laboratory.
Also one Mongolian PhD candidate, and one Bangladeshi PhD candidate will be members of our research group.

International student and scholar are welcomed to our laboratory.
(At present, students are recruited through BWEL program and IC-GU12 only.)
If you are interested in our laboratory, please contact to
or the following address.

Faculty of Applied Biological Science, Gifu University
1-1 Yanagido, Gifu 501-1193, Japan

If you are student hoping to join Master's program, we have a special program named
"Gifu University Rearing Program for Basin Water Environment Leaders".

In addition, you are recommended to visit the following web-sites.

For Undergraduate program:
  Sub-course of Environmental Science and Ecology,
  Cource of Agricultural and Environmental Science,
  Faculty of Applied Biological Science, Gifu University
For Master's program:
  Department of Agricultural and Environmental Science,
  Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Gifu University
For Doctoral program:
  Chair of Environmental Science and Ecology,
  Course of Biological and Environmental Science,
  The United Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Gifu University

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