

This new workshop "Asian Workshop on Planarization/CMP Technology (AWPT)" aims to promote an exchange of recent and advanced information among researchers, scientists, engineers and students in the field of CMP (chemical mechanical planarizartion/ polishing). This workshop also supply at promoting communication and collaboration in respective area of CMP.

Date and Method

Date: 29 Oct. (Fri.)
Method: Online (Zoom)


We welcome papers in the following areas:
(1) Chemical mechanical planarization/ polishing technologies
(2) Ultra precision fabrication process
(3) Semiconductor device processes
(4) Comsumables (Slurry, Polishing pad and conditioner)
(5) Cleaning
(6) Related technologies

Important date

Abstract submission: 6 Aug. (Fri.)
  <Required information>
  E-mail adress, Paper title, Author(s), Afflication(s),
  Presenting author and Abstract (around 500 words)

Extended abstract submission: 17 Sep. (Fri.)
Notification of AWPT proceedings acceptance: 24 Sep. (Fri.)
Workshop registration: 1 Oct. (Fri.)


Registration fee: Free
Registration (Link)


Program (Link)

Organization and Chairpersons

Organization: The Planarization and CMP Technical Committee, The Japan Society of Precision Engineering (JSPE)
Chair: Hirokuni Hiyama, EBARA corporation
Workshop chair: Michio Uneda, Kanazawa Institute of Technology
Workshop pogram chair: Yasuhisa Sano, Osaka University
Committees: Members of The Planarization and CMP Technical Committee

Contact information

Clich here

Copyright © 2021- AWPT, All Rights Reserved

The Planarization and CMP Technical Committee,
The Japan Society of Precision Engineering (JSPE)