Kenichi G.N. Suzuki Lab

 Members in October, 2023

Kenichi G.N. Suzuki

Kenichi G. N. Suzuki: Professor


Mar. 1987

Mar. 1991

Mar. 1993

Jan. 1997

Kumagaya high school

Department of Polymer Chemistry, School of Engineering, Kyoto University Bachelor of Engineering

Department of Polymer Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University Master of Engineering,

Department of Synthetic and Biological Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University Ph. D.

Research Experience

Nov. 1996

Feb. 1999

Apr. 2005

Oct. 2008

Apr. 2011

Apr. 2017

Research Associate in Michael P. Sheetz Laboratory Duke University Medical Center, Department of Cell Biology

Researcher in ERATO Kusumi membrane Organizer Project

Research Assistant Professor, Kyoto University, Institute for Frontier Medical Sciences

PRESTO researcher, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)

Associate Professor, Kyoto University, Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences (iCeMS)
Visiting Associate Professor, The National Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS)/Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine (inStem)

Professor, Gifu University, Center for Highly Advanced Integration of Nano and Life Sciences (G-CHAIN)

Koichiro M Hirosawa


Tatsuki Isogai :D3

JSPS Doctoral Course Students (DC2)

森 俊貴

Toshiki Mori :D2

Nagoya University, WISE Program, CiBoG Student
THERS Interdisciplinary Frontier Next Generation Researcher

Toui Kawai :D1

Nagoya University, WISE Program, CiBoG Student

Ryojiro Kondo :M1

Nagoya University, WISE Program, CiBoG Student