Students' Accomplishments
[05] The STEP Test (The Test by the Society for Testing English Proficiency)
[31] 歴史能力検定(世界史)/History Test (World History)
Level | Level 3 | Level 2 | Level 1 |
Year | |||
2025 | [1] 長谷川裕生 |
[30] Newspaper Articles
[01] Chen, Yun-Wen (2022) Chunichi Shimbun Web May 8th, 2022.
防災情報、多言語で平易に伝達を 岐阜大院の陳さん「イラストなど活用して」
2022年5月8日05時10分 (5月9日10時50分更新)
牧秀樹研究室所属 岐阜大学大学院生 陳韻雯(ちんいんぶん)さんの記事
[29] Publications
A. Linguistics
[25] Wang, Shao-Ge and Hideki Maki (2021) "On the Distribution of the Genitive Case Marker in the Manchu Language," JELS 38 (Papers from the Thirteenth International Spring Forum of the English Linguistic Society of Japan), 248-254.
[24] Zhang, Zhen and Hideki Maki (2020) "The Distribution of Genitive Subjects in Evenki(エヴェンキ語における属格主語の分布)," Handbook of the 161st Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan, 361-367.
[23] Wang, Shao-Ge, Pei-Zhi Wu, Yun-Qian Yao and Hideki Maki (2020) "On Long Distance Genitive Subject Licensing in Human Language," Handbook of the 161st Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan, 347-353.
[22] Nakamura, Mako and Hideki Maki (2020) "A Comparative Study of the Treatment of 'Object' in the First and Foreign Language Education in Japan, China, Korea and the United States(日本・中国・韓国・米国の母国語・外国語教育における「目的語」の扱い方についての比較研究)," Handbook of the 160th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan, 334-340.
[21] Hu, Xue-Ying and Hideki Maki (2020) "What does the Unavailability of Genitive Subject in Naxi Suggest?" JELS 37 (Papers from the 37th Conference of the English Linguistic Society of Japan), 31-37.
[20] Xie, Yu-Han and Hideki Maki (2019) "On the Distribution of Genitive Subject in Kazakh," Handbook of the 159th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan, 215-221.
[19] Wang,
Shao-Ge and Hideki Maki (2019) "The N´-Deletability and the
Non-Availability of Genitive Subject in the Tujia Language," Handbook of the
158th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan, 183-189.
[18] Shulun, Hideki Maki, Lina Bao, Megumi Hasebe and Yuta Sakamoto (2018) "Leftward and Rightward Clause Movement in Mongolian," Handbook of the 157th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan, 208-213.
[17] Yiliqi, Hideki Maki, Lina Bao and Megumi Hasebe (2017) "Subjects of Stative Predicates in Prenominal Sentential Modifiers in Mongolian," Handbook of the 155th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan, 354-359.
[16] Gao, Yong-Xin, Megumi Hasebe, Ying Bi, Can Wang, Wen-Qi Ren, Chun-Zhu Huo, Michael Sevier, and Hideki Maki (2016) "On the Particle Zhi in Old Chinese," Handbook of the 152nd Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan, 20-25.
[15] Maki, Hideki, Ling-Yun Fan, and Can Wang (2015) "Does Modern Chinese Allow Genitive Subjects?" English Linguistics 32.1, 59-77.
[14] Maki, Hideki, Lina Bao, Qing-Yu Wu, Wurigumula Bao, Asako Uchibori, Fumikazu Niinuma, and Kenichi Goto (2010) "The Nominative/Genitive Alternation in Modern Mongolian," MIT Working Papers in Linguistics #61: Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics (WAFL6), ed by Hiroki Maezawa and Azusa Yokogoshi, 229-245, MITWPL, Cambridge, MA.
[13] Maki, Hideki, Lina Bao, Badma Odsar, and Satoru Yokoyama (2010) "The Nominative/Genitive Alternation in Modern Inner Mongolian: A Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) Evaluation Method-Based Analysis," Handbook of the 141st Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan, 4-9.
[12] Uchibori, Asako, Hideki Maki, and Yin-Ji Jin (2010) "The Origin of the Ga/No Conversion in the History of the Japanese Language," Handbook of the 141st Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan, 10-15.
[11] Maki, Hideki, Lina Bao, Wurigumula Bao, Quing-Yu Wu, Sarenqimuge, Megumi Hasebe, Naohiro Takemura, Keiichiro Kobayashi, Asako Uchibori, Fumikazu Niinuma, and Shigeki Taguchi (2010) "Accusative Subjects in Modern Mongolian and Old Japanese," Proceedings of the 2010 Seoul International Conference on Linguistics: Syntax, 8 pages.
[10] Maki, Hideki, Kana Ito, Megumi Hasebe, Kenichi Goto, Michiyo Hamasaki, Takashi Munakata, and Yukiko Ueda (2010) "The Nominative/Accusative Alternation in Modern Japanese: An ANOVA Analysis," The Proceedings of the Tenth Tokyo Conference on Psycholinguistics, ed. by Yukio Otsu, 67-191, Hituzi Syobo, Tokyo.
[09] Maki, Hideki, Kenichi Goto, Mohammed Joynal Abedin, and Juri Yoshimura (2009) "On the Structure of the Stative Construction with a Genitive Subject in Modern Bengali," Handbook of the 139th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan, 20-25.
[08] Maki, Hideki, Kenichi Goto, and Mohammed Joynal Abedin (2008) "On the Distribution of Nominative and Genitive Case in Modern Bengali," Handbook of the 137th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan, 286-291.
[07] Maki, Hideki, Kazushige Takahashi, and Toshiro Umezawa (2008) "An ANOVA Analysis of the Nominative/Genitive Alternation in Multiple Nominative Constructions in Modern Japanese," Handbook of the 136th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan, 200-205.
[06] Maki, Hideki, Kazuya Tsubouchi, and Michiyo Hamasaki (2007) "Gendai nihongo no shukaku/zokkaku kootai no ANOVA bunseki: Kaizai kooka to sono gani," (An ANOVA Analysis of the Nominative/Genitive Alternation in Modern Japanese: An Intervention Effect and Its Implications.) Handbook of the 135th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan, 160-165.
[05] Maki, Hideki, Tamami Morishima, and Kazuya Tsubouchi (2007) "The Nominative/Genitive Alternation in Multiple Nominative Constructions in Japanese: A Preliminary Statistical Analysis," Nanzan Linguistics 3, 98-122.
[04] Maki, Hideki, Ki-Sang Shin, and Kazuya Tsubouchi (2006) "A Statistical Analysis of the Nominative/Genitive Alternation in Korean: A Preliminary Study," Handbook of the 133rd Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan, 71-76.
[03] Maki, Hideki, Tamami Morishima, Eiko Goto, and Kana Ito (2004) "A Statistical Analysis of the Nominative/Dative Alternation in Japanese," Handbook of the 129th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan, 219-224.
[02] Maki, Hideki and Tamami Morishima (2004b) "A Statistical Analysis of the Nominative/Accusative Alternation in Japanese," Proceedings of the 2004 Linguistic Society of Korea International Conference, Volume II: General Sessions, 309-318.
[01] Maki, Hideki and Tamami Morishima (2004a) "A Statistical Analysis of the Nominative/Genitive Alternation in Japanese: A Preliminary Study," Handbook of the 128th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan, 245-250.
B. Second Language Education
[20] Chen Yun-Wen and Hideki Maki
"Correlations Between the Scores on the MET 60/kMET and the Scores on the
TOEFL iBT: A Preliminary Study," Proceedings of the Chubu English
Language Education Society 52, 1-6.
[20] 陳韻雯・牧秀樹 (2023)「MET
60/kMET得点とTOEFL iBT得点との相関―初期研究―」中部地区英語教育学会紀要 52巻, 1-6.
[19] 牧秀樹・齊藤正高・王港雲・董珺儀・馬佳奇・田中麻実 (2023)『MCT中国語実践会話 ―学びなおしとステップアップ 上海出張・日本紹介―』(MCT Chinese Practical Conversation: Business in Shanghai and Introduction
to Japan), 開拓社, 東京.
[18] Maki, Hideki, Toshiro Umezawa, Zhen Zhang and Michael Sevier (2021) "The Minimal English Test (MET) 60 and the TOEIC IP: A Study at an Institution in Gifu Prefecture," Journal of Linguistics and Cultural Studies 54, 315-322.
[17] Wu, Wen-Liang, Megumi Hasebe, Michael Sevier, Hideki Maki and Toshiro Umezawa (2020) "A More Minimal English Test: A Study in Jiangxi Province of China," Journal of Linguistics and Cultural Studies 53, 15–35.
[16] Wu, Wen-Liang, Hideki Maki and Megumi Hasebe (2020) "The Minimal English Test for Chinese Learners of English: A Study in Jiangxi Province of China," Proceedings of the Chubu English Language Education Society 49, 47-54.
[15] Maki, Hideki, Wen Ma, Toshiro Umezawa and Megumi Hasebe (2019) "The Minimal English Test for Chinese Learners of English (MET-C) and the Test in Practical English (Eiken): A Preliminary Study," Journal of Linguistics and Cultural Studies 52, 3-13.
[14] Hasebe, Megumi, Hideki Maki, Toshiro Umezawa, Ling-Yun Fan, Yong-Xin Gao, and Jessica Dunton (2015) "The Acquisition of Wh-Interrogatives and Relative Clauses by Japanese EFL Learners," Proceedings of the Chubu English Language Education Society 44, 9-16.
[13] Hasebe, Megumi, Hideki Maki, Toshiro Umezawa, Asako No, and Shogo Tokugawa (2012) "On the That-Trace Effect by Japanese ESL Learners: A VAS-Based Analysis," Proceedings of the 40th Western Conference on Linguistics Volume 21, ed. by Christina Galeano, Emrah Gorgulu, and Irina Presnyakova, 106-114, Department of Linguistics, California State University, Fresno.
[12] Maki, Hideki, Juri Yoshimura, Toshiro Umezawa, Kenichi Goto, Megumi Hasebe, and Jessica Dunton (2011) "A Study on Acquisition of Operator Movement Constructions by Japanese ESL Learners," Gengo Bunka Gakkai Ronshu (The Japan Association of Language and Culture) 36, 59-73.
[11] Yoshimura, Juri, Megumi Hasebe, Hideki Maki, Chise Kasai, Toshiro Umezawa, Kenichi Goto, Jessica Dunton, Sachie Ono, and Takahiko Kishi (2011) "The junior Minimal English Test (jMET) as a Prediction Test for More Comprehensive English Tests: A Study at a Junior High School in Gifu Prefecture," Proceedings of the Chubu English Language Education Society 40, 81-88.
[10] Hasebe, Megumi, Juri Yoshimura, Hideki Maki, and Hiromasa Hamatani (2010) "The junior Minimal English Test (jMET) for the 8th and 9th Graders," Proceedings of the Second Annual Asian Conference on Education 2010 Conference, 1253-1264.
[09] Maki, Hideki, Sarenqimuge, Juri Yoshimura, Yuki Makino, Megumi Hasebe, Kenichi Goto, Takane Ito, Yoko Yumoto, Saotshi Oku, Michiyo Hamasaki, Yukiko Ueda, Kosuke Nagasue, Hironobu Kasai, Takashi Munakata, and Jessica Dunton (2010) "The Minimal English Test: A Revised Version," KOTESOL Proceedings 2009, 225-232.
[08] Maki, Hideki, Toshiro Umezawa, Chise Kasai, Megumi Hasebe, Hirotaka Imamaki, Akane Ishikawa, Yoko Shibata, Yasuna Shinoda, Yumi Kimura, and Akina Okada (2010) "What Language Proficiency does Writing Proficiency Correlate with?" Gengo Bunka Gakkai Ronshu (The Japan Association of Language and Culture) 34, 45-55.
[07] Goto, Kenichi, Hideki Maki, and Chise Kasai (2010) "The Minimal English Test: A New Method to Measure English as a Second Language Proficiency," Evaluation & Research in Education 23.2, 91-104.
[06] Umezawa, Toshiro, Hideki Maki, Kenichi Goto, Jessica Dunton, Naohiro Takemura, and Juri Yoshimura (2010) "A Preliminary Study on Word Initial Sound Identification of the Phonemes /b/, /v/, /m/, /n/, /l/, and /r/ by Japanese ESL Learners," Proceedings of the Chubu English Language Education Society 39, 167-172.
[05] Umezawa, Toshiro, Hideki Maki, Megumi Hasebe, Kenichi Goto, Kazushige Takahashi, and Chise Kasai (2009) "Two Functions of the LR Identification Test for Japanese ESL Learners," Gengo Bunka Gakkai Ronshu (The Japan Association of Language and Culture) 32, 3-17.
[04] Goto, Kenichi, Hideki Maki, and Chise Kasai (2009) "The Minimal English Test: A New Method to Measure English as a Second Language Proficiency," Current Issues in Unity and Diversity of Languages: Collection of the Papers Selected from the CIL 18, 2654-2611.
[03] Umezawa, Toshiro, Hideki Maki, Chise Kasai, Megumi Hasebe, Kazushige Takahashi, Kenichi Goto, and Mayu Kashimura (2009) "On Japanese ESL Learners' Perception of the Phonemes /l/ and /r/," Proceedings of the Chubu English Language Education Society 38, 109-116.
[02] Imamaki, Hirotaka, Hideki Maki, Chise Kasai, Megumi Hasebe, Akane Ishikawa, and Yasuna Shinoda (2008) "A Study of Correlation Between English Proficiency and Long-Term Memory," Proceedings of the 3rd CLS International Conference (CLaSIC 2008): Media in Foreign Language Teaching and Learning, 237-251.
[01] Maki, Hideki, Chise Kasai, Kenichi Goto, Myung-Hwan Lee, Hee-Won Lee, and Dae-Jin Kim (2006) "The Minimal English Test in Korea: Its Correlation with the College Scholastic Achievement Test (English Part) 2005," Proceedings of the 2006 KALS-KASELL International Conference on English and Linguistics, 201-213.
[28] Presentations
A. Linguistics
[46] Yao, Xiayin and Hideki Maki (2021) "Time Adverbs in Chinese: Evidence for the Chinese as an Underlyingly Head-Final Language Hypothesis," The 39th Conference of the English Linguistic Society of Japan, Yamaguchi University, Online, November 13, 2021.
[45] Qiu, Xiao-Shi and Hideki Maki (2021) "What Does Azeri Suggest for Refining Conditions on Genitive Subject Licensing?," The Fourteenth International Spring Forum by the English Linguistic Society of Japan, Online, May 8, 2021.
[44] Zhang, Zhen and Hideki Maki (2020) "The Distribution of Genitive Subject in Evenki(エヴェンキ語における属格主語の分布)," Poster Session, The 161st Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan, Online, November 21, 2020.
[43] Wang, Shao-Ge, Pei-Zhi Wu, Yun-Qian Yao and Hideki Maki (2020) "On Long Distance Genitive Subject Licensing in Human Language," Poster Session, The 161st Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan, Online, November 21, 2020.
[42] Nakamura,
Mako and Hideki Maki (2020) "A Comparative Study of the Treatment of 'Object'
in the First and Foreign Language Education in Japan, China, Korea and the
United States(日本・中国・韓国・米国の母国語・外国語教育における「目的語」の扱い方についての比較研究),"
Poster Session, The 160th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan, Waseda
University, June
[41] Qiu, Xiao-Shi and Hideki Maki (2020)
"The Genitive Case Marker in Azerbaijani," Poster Session, The
International Spring Forum by the English Linguistic Society of Japan,
Kansai University, May 10, 2020.
[40] Wang, Shao-Ge and Hideki Maki (2020)
"On the Distribution of the Genitive Case Marker in the Manchu Language,"
International Spring Forum by the English Linguistic Society of Japan,
Kansai University, May 9, 2020.
[39] Xie, Yu-Han and Hideki Maki (2019) "On the Distribution of Genitive Subject in Kazakh," The 159th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan, Nagoya Gakuin University, November 16, 2019.
[38] Hu, Xue-Ying and Hideki Maki (2019) "What does the Unavailability
of Genitive Subject in Naxi Suggest?" The 37th Conference of the English Linguistic Society
of Japan,
Kwansei Gkuin University, November 10, 2019.
[37] Wang, Shao-Ge and Hideki Maki (2019) "The N´-Deletability and the Non-Availability of Genitive Subject in the Tujia Language," The 158th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan, Hitotsubashi University, June 22, 2019.
[36] Daojicao and Hideki Maki (2019) "Embedded Topicalization in Tibetan," Poster Session, The Twelfth International Spring Forum by the English Linguistic Society of Japan, University of the Sacred Heart, May 12, 2019.
[35] Jin, Xiao-Yu and Hideki Maki (2019) "Relative Clauses in Buyi," Poster Session, The Twelfth International Spring Forum by the English Linguistic Society of Japan, University of the Sacred Heart, May 12, 2019.
[34] Shulun, Hideki Maki, Lina Bao, Megumi Hasebe and Yuta Sakamoto (2018) "Leftward and Rightward Clause
Movement in Mongolian," The 157th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of
Japan, Kyoto University, November 17, 2018.
[33] Yiliqi, Hideki Maki, Lina Bao and Megumi Hasebe (2017) "Subjects of Stative Predicates in Prenominal Sentential Modifiers in Mongolian," Poster Session, The 155th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan, Ritsumeikan University, November 26, 2017.
[32] Gao, Yong-Xin, Megumi Hasebe, Ying Bi, Can Wang, Wen-Qi Ren, Chun-Zhu Huo, Michael Sevier, and Hideki Maki (2016) "On the Particle Zhi in Old Chinese," The 152nd Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan, Keio University, June 25, 2016.
[31] Fan, Ling-Yun, Can Wang, and Hideki Maki (2014) "Does Modern Chinese Allow Genitive Subjects?" The Seventh International Spring Forum by the English Linguistic Society of Japan, Doshisha University, April 19, 2014.
[30] Maki, Hideki, Megumi Hasebe, Lina Bao, Michael Sevier, Ling-Yun Fan, and Shogo Tokugawa (2013) "Why Japanese and Korean Differ in the Behavior of Genitive Subject," The 23rd Japanese/Korean Linguistics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, October 13, 2013.
[29] Hasebe, Megumi, Hideki Maki, and Fumikazu Niinuma (2011) "On the "Surprising" That-Trace Effect and an Issue on Data Treatment," Poster Session. The Fourth International Spring Forum by the English Linguistic Society of Japan, Shizuoka University (Hamamatsu Campus), April 24, 2011.
[28] Maki, Hideki and Megumi Hasebe (2011) "An A/A’-Asymmetry in Genitive Subject Licensing in Modern Japanese," The Fourth International Spring Forum by the English Linguistic Society of Japan, Shizuoka University (Hamamatsu Campus), April 24, 2011.
[27] Maki, Hideki, Lina Bao, Badma Odsar, and Satoru Yokoyama (2010) "The Nominative/Genitive Alternation in Modern Inner Mongolian: A Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) Evaluation Method-Based Analysis," The 141st Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan, Tohoku University, November 27, 2010.
[26] Maki, Hideki, Lina Bao, Wurigumula Bao, Qing-Yu Wu, Asako Uchibori, Fumikazu Niinuma, Megumi Hasebe, and Juri Yoshimura (2010) "Deep Genitive in Modern Inner Mongolian," Poster Session, The 8th Conference of the Generative Linguistics in the Old World (Asia), Beijing Language and Culture University, August 14, 2010.
[25] Maki, Hideki, Lina Bao, Wurigumula Bao, Quing-Yu Wu, Sarenqimuge, Megumi Hasebe, Naohiro Takemura, Keiichiro Kobayashi, Asako Uchibori, Fumikazu Niinuma, and Shigeki Taguchi (2010) "Accusative Subjects in Modern Mongolian and Old Japanese," The 2010 Seoul International Conference on Linguistics, The Linguistic Society of Korea, Korea University, June 24, 2010.
[24] Shibata, Yoko, Hideki Maki, and Megumi Hasebe (2010) "Person Agreement in the History of the Japanese Language," The Third International Spring Forum by the English Linguistic Society of Japan, Aoyama Gakuin University, April 25, 2010.
[23] Maki, Hideki, Juri Yoshimura, Yin-Ji Jin, and Megumi Hasebe (2010) "The Genuine Mechanism Behind the Nominative/Genitive Alternation in Modern Japanese," The Third International Spring Forum by the English Linguistic Society of Japan, Aoyama Gakuin University, April 24, 2010.
[22] Maki, Hideki, Kenichi Goto, Mohammed Joynal Abedin, and Juri Yoshimura (2009) "On the Structure of the Stative Construction with a Genitive Subject in Modern Bengali," The 139th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan, Kobe University, November 28, 2009.
[21] Maki, Hideki, Yin-Ji Jin, Satoru Yokoyama, Michiyo Hamasaki, and Yukiko Ueda (2009) "The Nominative/Genitive Alternation in Modern Japanese: A Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) Evaluation Method-Based Analysis," The 19th Japanese/Korean Linguistics, University of Hawaii at Manoa, November 12, 2009.
[20] Jin,Yin-Ji (2009) "Is Genitive Subject Possible in Modern Korean?" The 19th Japanese/Korean Linguistics, University of Hawaii at Manoa, November 12, 2009.
[19] Maki, Hideki and Kenichi Goto (2009) "The Semipermeable Membrane Theory in Syntax," The 27th Conference of the English Linguistic Society of Japan, Osaka University, November 15, 2009.
[18] Maki, Hideki, Lina Bao, Qing-Yu Wu, Wurigumula Bao, Asako Uchibori, Fumikazu Niinuma, and Kenichi Goto (2009) "The Nominative/Genitive Alternation in Modern Mongolian," The Sixth Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics, Nagoya University, September 4, 2009.
[17] Maki, Hideki, Kenichi Goto, Mohammed Joynal Abedin, and Juri Yoshimura (2009) "Properties of Bengali Relative Clauses and Their Theoretical Implications," The Second International Spring Forum by the English Linguistic Society of Japan, Nara Women's University, April 26, 2009.
[16] Maki, Hideki, Kana Ito, Megumi Hasebe, Kenichi Goto, Michiyo Hamasaki, Takashi Munakata, and Yukiko Ueda (2009) "The Nominative/Accusative Alternation in the Transitive Adjective Construction in Modern Japanese: An ANOVA Analysis," The Tenth Tokyo Conference on Psycholinguistics, Keio University, March 13, 2009.
[15] Maki, Hideki, Kenichi Goto, and Mohammed Joynal Abedin (2008) "On the Distribution of Nominative and Genitive Case in Modern Bengali," The 137th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan, Kanazawa University, November 29, 2008.
[14] Maki, Hideki, Kazushige Takahashi, and Toshiro Umezawa (2008) "An ANOVA Analysis of the Nominative/Genitive Alternation in Multiple Nominative Constructions in Modern Japanese," The 136th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan, Gakushuin University, June 21, 2008.
[13] Maki, Hideki, Kazuya Tsubouchi, and Michiyo Hamasaki (2007) "Gendai nihongo no shukaku/zokkaku kootai no ANOVA bunseki: Kaizai kooka to sono gani," (An ANOVA Analysis of the Nominative/Genitive Alternation in Modern Japanese: An Intervention Effect and Its Implications,) The 135th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan, Shinshu University, November 24, 2007.
[12] Maki, Hideki, Ki-Sang Shin, and Kazuya Tsubouchi (2006) "A Statistical Analysis of the Nominative/Genitive Alternation in Modern Korean: A Preliminary Study," The 133rd Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan, Sapporo Gakuin University.
[11] Maki, Hideki and Tamami Morishima (2005) "The Nominative/Genitive Alternation in Multiple Nominative Constructions in Japanese: A Statistical Analysis," The 72nd Southeastern Conference on Linguistics, The Sheraton Capitol Center in Raleigh, North Carolina.
[10] Maki, Hideki, Tamami Morishima, Eiko Goto, and Kana Ito (2004) "A Statistical Analysis of the Nominative/Dative Alternation in Japanese," The 129th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan, Toyama University.
[09] Maki, Hideki and Tamami Morishima (2004b) "A Statistical Analysis of the Nominative/Accusative Alternation in Japanese," 2004 Linguistic Society of Korea International Conference, Yonsei University.
[08] Maki, Hideki and Tamami Morishima (2004a) "A Statistical Analysis of the Nominative/Genitive Alternation in Japanese: A Preliminary Study," The 128th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan, Tokyo Gakugei University.
[07] Maki, Hideki, Jessica Dunton, Carlyn Obringer, and Tim Price (1999c) "The Origin of the Nominative/Genitive Alternation in Japanese," The 61st Southeastern Conference on Linguistics, Atlanta, Georgia.
[06] Maki, Hideki, Jessica Dunton, Carlyn Obringer, and Tim Price (1999b) "Language Variation in Association with Focus," The 52nd Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, University of Kentucky.
[05] Maki, Hideki, Jessica Dunton, Carlyn Obringer, and Tim Price (1999a) "A Difference in Association with Focus between English and Japanese," The 60th Southeastern Conference on Linguistics, Old Dominion University.
[04] Maki, Hideki, Michael LoPresti, and Masao Ochi (1998) "The Overt Wh-Feature Movement Hypothesis," The 58th Southeastern Conference on Linguistics,University of Southeastern Louisiana.
[03] Maki, Hideki and Michael LoPresti (1998) "Japanese Interrogatives: What Moves When Where?" The 51st Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, University of Kentucky.
[02] Maki, Hideki and Michael LoPresti (1997) "Word Structure and Language Variation," The 50th Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, University of Kentucky.
[01] Maki, Hideki and Sandra Klanderud (1997) "Properties of Scrambled Wh-Phrases in Japanese," The 26th Annual Conference of the Mid-Atlantic Region Association for Asian Studies, West Chester University.
B. Second Language Education
1. English as a Second Language
[48] 牧秀樹・張超・于汶羚・陳傑雯・李沁君・ヒグネット真妃・飯田泰弘・上田由紀子・越智正男・永末康介 (2023)「大学入学共通テスト英語得点とkMET得点との相関: 初期研」, 第23回日本第二言語習得学会, 2023年10月15日.
[48] Maki,
Hideki, Zhang Chao, Yu Wenling, Chen
Jiewen, Li Qinjun, Maki Hignett, Yasuhiro Iida, Yukiko Ueda, Masao Ochi and Nagasue
Kosuke (2023) "Correlations Between the Scores on the Japanese
Term Test for High School Students in the 11th Grade in China and the Scores on
the Minimal Japanese Tests Based on Tsukiyo to Megane: A Preliminary
The 23rd
International Conference of the Japan Second Language Association,
October 15, 2023.
[47] 張超 (2023)「中国における高校2年生日本語期末試験得点と最小日本語テスト『月夜と眼鏡』版得点との相関: 初期研究」, ポスター, 第23回日本第二言語習得学会, 2023年10月15日.
[47] Zhang, Chao (2023) "Correlations Between the Scores on the Japanese Term Test for High School Students in the 11th Grade in China and the Scores on the Minimal Japanese Tests Based on Tsukiyo to Megane: A Preliminary Study," The 23rd International Conference of the Japan Second Language Association, October 15, 2023
[46] Isami,
Kotoha, Hideki Maki and Maki Hignett(勇琴葉・牧秀樹・ヒグネット真妃)(2023) 「二つのgMET得点とTOEIC IP得点との相関: 初期研究」"Correlations
Between the Scores on the Two Versions of the gMET and the Scores on the TOEFIC
IP: A Preliminary Study," The 2023 (The 52nd) Chubu English Language
Education Society, Online, June 24, 2023.
[45] Maki,
Hideki, Masataka Saito and Zhen Zhang(牧秀樹・齊藤正高・張震)(2021) 「The MET Online(最小英語テスト オンライン版): 初期調査」"The MET Online: A Preliminary Study," Poster Session, The
21st International Conference of the Japan Second Language Association,
October 23, 2021.
[44] Maki, Hideki and Zhen Zhang(牧秀樹・張震)(2021) 「岐阜大学職員の英語能力測定: TOEIC IPとMET 60を使った調査」"Measurement of Gifu University Staff’s English Proficiency: A Survey Based on the TOEIC IP and the MET 60," Poster Session, The 20th International Conference of the Japan Second Language Association, Online, March 28, 2021.
[43] Wang,
Shao-Ge and Hideki Maki and Hideki Maki (2021) "A Survey on the junior
Minimal English Test (jMET) and the Minimal English Test (MET) in Shaanxi
Province of China," Poster Session, The 20th International
Conference of the Japan Second Language Association, Online,
March 28, 2021.
[42] Xu, Chuan and Hideki Maki (2021) "The Minimal Japanese Test: Aozora Bunko Versions," The 20th International Conference of the Japan Second Language Association, Online, March 28, 2021.
[41] Wu, Wen-Liang, Hideki Maki and Megumi Hasebe
(2019) "The Minimal English Test for Chinese Learners of English: A Study
in Jiangxi Province of China," The 2019 Chubu English Language
Education Society, Hokuriku University, Taiyogaoka Campus, June 23, 2019.
[40] Ma,
Wen and Hideki Maki (2018) "Versions of the Minimal English Test for
Chinese Learners of English as a Second Language," The 2018 Chubu
English Language Education Society, Shizuoka University, June 23, 2018.
[39] Maki, Hideki, Wen Ma, Toshiro Umezawa, and Megumi Hasebe (2018) "The Minimal English Test for Chinese Learners of English (MET-C) and the Test in Practical English (Eiken)," The 2018 Chubu English Language Education Society. Shizuoka University, June 23, 2018.
[38] Hasebe, Megumi, Hideki Maki, Toshiro Umezawa, Yong-Xin Gao, and Jessica Dunton (2015) "The Acquisition of the Present Participial Construction by Japanese EFL Learners," The 2015 Chubu English Language Education Society, Wakayama University, June 28, 2015.
[37] Hasebe, Megumi, Hideki Maki, Toshiro Umezawa, Ling-Yun Fan, Yong-Xin Gao, and Jessica Dunton (2014) "The Acquisition of Wh-Interrogatives and Relative Clauses by Japanese EFL Learners," The 2014 Chubu English Language Education Society, Yamanashi University, June 22, 2014.
[36] Maki, Hideki, Megumi Hasebe, Ling-Yun Fan, Jessica Dunton, Toshiro Umezawa, and Chise Kasai (2013) "The junior Minimal English Tests as Prediction Tests for the STEP Tests," The 2013 Chubu English Language Education Society, Toyama University, June 30, 2013.
[35] Maki, Hideki, Makio Amano, Megumi Hasebe, Ling-Yun Fan, and Toshiro Umezawa (2013) "Steps in Acquisition of the Interrogative Construction in English by Japanese EFL Learners," Poster Session, The 13th Annual Conference of the Japan Second Language Association, Chuo University, June 1, 2013.
[34] Maki, Hideki, Kengo Suzuki, Megumi Hasebe, Shogo Tokugawa, Ru-Wen Zhang, Ling-Yun Fan, Jessica Dunton, and Chise Kasai (2012) "The junior Minimal English Test: A New Crown Version," The 2012 Chubu English Language Education Society, Juroku Plaza, Gifu, July 1, 2012.
[33] Hasebe, Megumi, Hideki Maki, Toshiro Umezawa, Asako No, and Shogo Tokugawa (2011) "On the That-Trace Effect by Japanese ESL Learners: A VAS-Based Analysis," Western Conference on Linguistics 2011, Simon Fraser University, November 19, 2011.
[32] Hasebe, Megumi, Hideki Maki, and Shogo Tokugawa (2011) "The Reliability of the Minimal English Test," The 9th Japan Association for Research on Testing, Okayama University, September 11, 2011.
[31] Maki, Hideki, Megumi Hasebe, Megumi Kato, Shogo Tokugawa, Chise Kasai, Toshiro Umezawa, Sachie Ono, and Jessica Dunton (2011) "Progress in the junior Minimal English Test: A Study in Gifu Prefecture," The 2011 Chubu English Language Education Society, Fukui University, June 25, 2011.
[30] Hasebe, Megumi, Juri Yoshimura, Hideki Maki, and Hiromasa Hamatani (2010) "The junior Minimal English Test (jMET) for the 8th and 9th Graders," The Second Annual Asian Conference on Education 2010 Conference, The Ramada Osaka, December 3, 2010.
[29] Maki, Hideki, Megumi Hasebe, Juri Yoshimura, Toshiro Umezawa, Nobutaka Kubota, Kenichi Goto, and Jessica Dunton (2010) "Word Initial Sound Identification of Six Phonemes by Japanese ESL Learners," The 36th Annual Conference of the Japan Society of English Language Education, Kansai University, August 7, 2010.
[28] Hasebe, Megumi and Hideki Maki (2010) "Subject/Object Asymmetries in Acquisition of Matrix Wh-Questions and Relative Clauses in English by Junior High School Students in Japan: A Preliminary Study," Poster Session, The 12th Japanese Society for Language Sciences, The University of Electro-Communications, June 27, 2010.
[27] Yoshimura, Juri, Megumi Hasebe, Hideki Maki, Chise Kasai, Toshiro Umezawa, Kenichi Goto, Jessica Dunton, Sachie Ono, and Takahiko Kishi (2010) "The junior Minimal English Test (jMET): A Study at a Junior High School in Gifu Prefecture," The 2010 Chubu English Language Education Society, Ishikawa Prefectural University, June 26, 2010.
[26] Hasebe, Megumi and Juri Yoshimura (2010) "The Minimal English Test (MET) and the junior Minimal English Test (jMET)," Club Spirits, Nagoya, June 16, 2010.
[25] Maki, Hideki, Juri Yoshimura, Toshiro Umezawa, and Kenichi Goto (2010) "Acquisition of Operator Movement Constructions by Japanese ESL Learners: A Preliminary Study," The 10th Annual Conference of the Japan Second Language Association, Gifu University, June 12, 2010.
[24] Maki, Hideki, Sarenqimuge, Juri Yoshimura, Yuki Makino, Megumi Hasebe, Kenichi Goto, Takane Ito, Yoko Yumoto, Saotshi Oku, Michiyo Hamasaki, Yukiko Ueda, Kosuke Nagasue, Hironobu Kasai, Takashi Munakata, and Jessica Dunton (2009) "The Minimal English Test: A Revised Version," The 17th Korea TESOL International Conference, Sookmyung Women's University, Seoul, Korea, October 24, 2009.
[23] Umezawa, Toshiro, Hideki Maki, Kenichi Goto, Jessica Dunton, Naohiro Takemura, and Juri Yoshimura (2009) "A Preliminary Study on Word Initial Sound Identification of the Phonemes /b/, /v/, /m/, /n/, /l/, and /r/ by Japanese ESL Learners," The 2009 Chubu English Language Education Society, Tokoh Gakuen University, June 28, 2009.
[22] Maki, Hideki, Hiromasa Hamatani, Megumi Hasebe, Chise Kasai, Kenichi Goto, and Jessica Dunton (2009) "The junior Minimal English Test (jMET): A Study at a Junior High School in Japan," Poster Session, The 11th Japanese Society for Language Sciences, Tokyo Denki University, July 5, 2009.
[21] Imamaki, Hirotaka, Hideki Maki, Chise Kasai, Megumi Hasebe, Akane Ishikawa, and Yasuna Shinoda (2008) "A Study of Correlation Between English Proficiency and Long-Term Memory," The 3rd CLS International Conference (CLaSIC 2008), The National University of Singapore, December 4-7, 2008.
[20] Maki, Hideki, Kenichi Goto, Kazushige Takahashi, Chise Kasai, Megumi Hasebe, Yoko Yumoto, Yoichi Miyamoto, Masao Ochi, and Saotshi Oku (2008) "A Breakfast Effect on Japanese University Students' ESL Proficiency," The 16th Korea TESOL International Conference, Sookmyung Women's University, Seoul, Korea, October 25-26, 2008.
[19] Maki, Hideki, Chise Kasai, Megumi Hasebe, Kenichi Goto, Hirotaka Imamaki, Akane Ishikawa, Yumi Kimura, and Yasuna Shinoda (2008) "Acquisition of Relative Clauses in SLA," European Second Language Association 18, Université de Provence, France, September 10-13, 2008.
[18] Kasai, Chise, Megumi Hasebe, Dae-Jin Kim, Hee-Won Lee, and Hye-Jin Chung (2008) "Bilingual Cognition: Shape/Material Preference among Japanese and Korean Subjects," European Second Language Association 18, Université de Provence, France, September 10-13, 2008.
[17] Goto, Kenichi, Hideki Maki, and Chise Kasai (2008b) "The Minimal English Test: A New Method to Measure English as a Second Language Proficiency," The 18th International Congress of Linguistics, Korea University, July 21-26, 2008.
[16] Maki, Hideki, Chise Kasai, Megumi Hasebe, Hirotaka Imamaki, Akane Ishikawa, Yoko Shibata, Yasuna Shinoda, Yumi Kimura, and Akina Okada (2008) "What Language Proficiency does Writing Proficiency Correlate with?" The 10th Japanese Society for Language Sciences, University of Shizuoka, July 12-13, 2008.
[15] Hasebe, Megumi, Hideki Maki, Chise Kasai, Hirotaka Imamaki, Akane Ishikawa, and Yumi Kimura (2008) "The junior Minimal English Test (jMET)," The 33rd Annual Conference of the Applied Linguistics Association of Australia, University of Sydney, July 4, 2008.
[14] Umezawa, Toshiro, Hideki Maki, Chise Kasai, Megumi Hasebe, Kazushige Takahashi, Kenichi Goto, and Mayu Kashimura (2008) "On Japanese ESL Learners' Perception of the Phonemes /l/ and /r/," The 2008 Chubu English Language Education Society, Seisen Jogakuin College, Japan, June 28-29.
[13] Maki, Hideki, Chise Kasai, Megumi Hasebe, and Kenichi Goto (2008) "Correlation Between ESL Proficiency and Arithmetic Ability: A Preliminary Study on the Correlation Between the Scores on the Minimal English Test and the Time to Complete the 100 Square Calculation," The 2008 Chubu English Language Education Society, Seisen Jogakuin College, Japan, June 28-29.
[12] Maki, Hideki, Toshiro Umezawa, Chise Kasai, Kazushige Takahashi, Megumi Hasebe, and Mayu Kashimura (2008) "Correlation Between Production and Perception in ESL," Poster Session, The 8th Annual Conference of the Japan Second Language Association, Kyoto University of Foreign Studies, May 31 - June 1, 2008.
[11] Goto, Kenichi, Hideki Maki, and Chise Kasai (2008a) "The Minimal English Test," The 42nd Annual TESOL Convention & Exhibit (TESOL 2008), New York Hilton & Sheraton New York, New York, New York, U.S.A., April 2-5, 2008.
[10] Maki, Hideki, Chise Kasai, Kenichi Goto, Hirotaka Imamaki, Yohey Hashimoto, Chunhua Bai, Akane Ishikawa, Megumi Hasebe, and Yoko Shibata (2007) "Differences Between Korean/Japanese University Students in ESL Proficiency," The 15th Korea TESOL International Conference, Sookmyung Women's University, Seoul, Korea, October 27-28, 2007.
[09] Bai, Chunhua, Hideki Maki, Kenichi Goto, Yohey Hashimoto, Hirotaka Imamaki, and Akane Ishikawa (2007) "How Chinese and Japanese Differ in Acquiring English as a Second Language," European Second Language Association 17, Newcastle University, U.K., September 11-14, 2007.
[08] Umezawa, Toshiro, Hideki Maki, Kenichi Goto, and Akane Ishikawa (2007) "Statistical Correlation Between the Scores on the Minimal English Test and the Scores on the College TOEIC: A Preliminary Study," The 2007 Chubu English Language Education Society, Mie University, Japan, June 23-24.
[07] Maki, Hideki, Chise Kasai, Kenichi Goto, and Hirotaka Imamaki (2007) "A Statistical Analysis of the Correlation Between the Scores on the Minimal English Test and the Scores on the Kanji Test: A Preliminary Study," The 2007 Chubu English Language Education Society, Mie University, Japan, June 23-24.
[06] Bai, Chunhua, Hideki Maki, Chise Kasai, Kenichi Goto, and Yohey Hoshimoto (2007) "The Minimal English Test in China: A Strong Correlation with the Paul Nation Vocabulary Test," The 37th English Language Education Society of Japan, Waseda University, Japan, March 28.
[05] Maki, Hideki, Yuka Morita, Kenyu Ichihara, Shinya Furukawa, Chise Kasai, and Kenichi Goto (2007) "The Minimal English Test in High School: The Correlation Between the GTEC and the MET," The 37th English Language Education Society of Japan, Waseda University, Japan, March 28.
[04] Maki, Hideki, Chise Kasai, Kenichi Goto, Myung-Hwan Lee, Hee-Won Lee, and Dae-Jin Kim (2006) "The Minimal English Test in Korea: Its Correlation with the College Scholastic Achievement Test (English Part) 2005," The 2006 KALS-KASELL International Conference on English and Linguistics, Pusan University, Korea, June 29-30, 2006.
[03] Maki, Hideki, Yuka Morita, Kenyu Ichihara, Shinya Furukawa, Chise Kasai, and Kenichi Goto (2006) "The Minimal English Test in High School: A Case of Kamo High School," The 2006 Chubu English Language Education Society, Wakayama University, Japan, June 24-25.
[02] Goto, Kenichi, Hideki Maki, Chise Kasai, and Fumikazu Niinuma (2006) "The Goto English Test: A Strong Correlation with the Minimal English Test," Poster Session, The 6th Annual Conference of the Japan Second Language Association, Daito Bunka University, Japan, May 20-21, 2006.
[01] Maki, Hideki, Hisae Matsui, Kenichi Goto, and Chise Kasai (2006) "The Minimal English Test in the U.S.A." Poster Session, The 6th Annual Conference of the Japan Second Language Association, Daito Bunka University, Japan, May 20-21, 2006.
2. Japanese as a Second Language
[07] Maki, Hideki, Carlyn Obringer, and Tim Price (1999) "The Salem Model," 1999 Fall Conference of West Virginia Foreign Language Teachers Association, Charleston, West Virginia.
[06] Maki, Hideki, Jessica Dunton, Carlyn Obringer, and Tim Price (1999) "Writing Proficiency," The 13th New England Japanese Teachers Association, Connecticut College.
[05] Maki, Hideki, Chris McNatt, Keiko Ueda, and Shin Watanabe (1999) "The Isshiki Project," The 14th Annual Conference of the Southeast Association of Teachers of Japanese, Wake Forest University.
[04] Maki, Hideki, Jessica Dunton, and Carlyn Obringer (1999) "What Grade Would I Be in If I Were Japanese?" The 14th Annual Conference of the Association of Teachers of Japanese, Boston.
[03] Klanderud, Sandra, Michael LoPresti, Hideki Maki, Chris McNatt, and Dai Tanno (1998) "SPOT Test and Its Correlate," The 13th Annual Conference of the Southeast Association of Teachers of Japanese, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
[02] Klanderud, Sandra, Michael LoPresti, Hideki Maki, and Dai Tanno (1997) "Relative Clauses and Japanese Proficiency," The 11th New England Japanese Teachers Association, Amherst College.
[01] Klanderud, Sandra, Michael LoPresti, and Hideki Maki (1997) "The Significance of Relative Clauses: An Analysis of the Correlation between Mirror Image Comprehension and Japanese Language Studies," The 12th Annual Conference of the Southeast Association of Teachers of Japanese, Georgia Institute of Technology.
[27] The People's Republic of China Qualification Certificate of Speciality and Technology(中級会計士資格)
Year |
Name |
Level |
2015 |
RZ |
Accountant |
[26] The People's Republic of China Certificate of Certified Public Accountant(公認会計士資格三科目)
Year |
Name |
Level |
2015 |
RZ |
1 : Accounting, Financial Management, and Economic Law |
[25] Grants
[02] MH (2010) Gifu University Exchange Program Grant: Research on Acquisition of Relative Clauses and Wh-Questions by JSL Learners. Taguchi Fukujukai, Japan. Visiting Scholar at West Virginia University (11/1/2010 to 11/17/2010). Advisor: Asako No.
[01] LB (2009) Gifu University Exchange Program Grant: On the Distribution of Nominative and Genitive Case in Modern Mongolian. Taguchi Fukujukai, Japan. Visiting Scholar at Inner Mongolia University (9/8/2009 to 9/25/2009). Advisor: Badma Odsar.
[24] Awards
[01] KG (2008) Presidential Award for Excellence in Scholarship. West Virginia University.
[23] Internship
Year |
Name |
Company (English) |
Company (Japanese) |
2005 |
[1] YM |
NT7 |
株式会社エヌティーセブンス |
Period |
Name |
Institution |
Country |
27 |
August 2018 -
May 2019 |
[1] KA |
Virginia University |
U.S.A. |
26 |
August 2018 -
May 2019 |
[2] MS |
of Arkansas - Fort Smith |
U.S.A. |
25 |
August 2018 -
May 2019 |
[3] MN |
State University |
U.S.A. |
24 |
August 2018 -
May 2019 |
[4] AH |
Diego State University |
U.S.A. |
23 |
August 2018 -
May 2019 |
[5] SN |
Kentucky University |
U.S.A. |
22 |
August 2018 -
May 2019 |
[6] NO |
University |
Canada |
21 |
August 2018 -
May 2019 |
[7] YN |
University |
Canada |
20 |
August 2018 -
May 2019 |
[8] KT |
Technology, Sydney |
Australia |
19 |
August 2018 -
May 2019 |
[9] AN |
Technology, Sydney |
Australia |
18 |
August 2017 - May
2018 |
[1] KS |
Kentucky University |
U.S.A. |
17 |
August 2017 -
May 2018 |
[2] AS |
of Arkansas - Fort Smith |
U.S.A. |
16 |
August 2017 -
May 2018 |
[3] AT |
of Arkansas - Fort Smith |
U.S.A. |
15 |
July 2017 - May
2018 |
[4] RN |
Technology, Sydney |
Australia |
14 |
July 2017 - May
2018 |
[5] JE |
Technology, Sydney |
Australia |
13 |
July 2017 - May
2018 |
MN |
Technology, Sydney |
Australia |
12 |
July 2017 - May
2018 |
IH |
Technology, Sydney |
Australia |
11 |
July 2017 - May
2018 |
MM |
Technology, Sydney |
Australia |
10 |
July 2017 - May
2018 |
MW |
Technology, Sydney |
Australia |
09 |
August 2014 -
June 2015 |
[1] SO |
University |
Sweden |
08 |
August 2014 -
May 2015 |
[2] TK |
West Virginia
University |
U.S.A. |
07 |
August 2012 -
May 2013 |
[1] KT |
University |
Sweden |
06 |
March 2011 -
February 2012 |
[1] MN |
of Erfurt |
Germany |
05 |
August 2008 -
May 2009 |
[1] TN |
Kentucky University |
U.S.A. |
04 |
August 2008 -
May 2009 |
[2] AO |
Virginia University |
U.S.A. |
03 |
August 2008 -
May 2009 |
[3] YS |
Virginia University |
U.S.A. |
02 |
August 2007 -
May 2008 |
[1] KG |
Virginia University |
U.S.A. |
01 |
August 2005 -
May 2006 |
[1] KI |
State University |
U.S.A. |
[21] Large-Sized Special Motor Vehicle License
Year |
Name |
2013 |
[1] KT |
[20] Electric Chief Engineer License
Class |
Class |
Class |
Class |
Year |
2014 |
[1] KT |
[19] Electrician License
Class |
Class |
Class |
Year |
2009 |
[1] KT |
[18] The Stenography Test
Level |
6 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
Year |
2006 |
[1] KT |
[17] The Secretary Test
Level |
3 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
Year |
2009 |
[1] JY |
2007 |
[1] MT |
[1] HI |
[2] MH |
2005 |
[1] SM |
[1] YM |
2004 |
[1] KI |
[2] AK |
[3] YM |
[16] The Kanji Proficiency Test
Level |
2 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
Year |
2010 |
SH |
2009 |
JY |
2008 |
SU |
2007 |
HI |
2006 |
TS |
KT |
KS |
MT |
KT |
2005 |
TS |
YM |
KT |
2004 |
KI |
[15] Test of Proficiency in Korean
Level |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
Year |
2018 |
[1] KH
[14] Diplom Deutsch in Japan
Level |
Level 4 |
Level 3 |
Level 2 |
Pre-Level 1 |
Level 1 |
Year |
2010 |
MN |
MN |
[13] Diplôme d'Aptitude Pratique au Français
Level |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
Year |
2013 |
AN |
AN |
2012 |
TK |
TK |
2009 |
JY |
2006 |
AK |
[12] Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (HSK) The Chinese-Language Proficiency State Examination
Level |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Year |
2021 |
[1] NM |
2018 |
[1] NM |
2006 |
[1] MT |
[1] MT |
[11] The Chinese-Language Proficiency Test
Level |
Level 4 |
Level 3 |
Level 2 |
Pre-Level 1 |
Level 1 |
Year |
2007 |
[1] MT |
2006 |
[1] MT |
[10] The Volunteer Interpreter Test
Grade |
B |
A |
Year |
2004 |
[1] NY |
[09] Travel English Standard Test
Grade |
B |
A |
Year |
2004 |
[1] YM |
[08] IELTS (by British Council)
Year |
Section |
Name |
Score |
2004 |
General |
[1] NY |
6.5 |
Year |
Name |
(IBT) |
(CBT) |
(PBT) |
2013 |
[1] TK |
64 |
2011 |
KT |
86 |
RZ |
78 |
2009 |
[1] YS |
73 |
537 in PBT) |
[2] MH |
84 |
2008 |
[1] TN |
65 |
[2] TN |
73 |
(= 200 in CBT) |
(= 539 in PBT) |
2007 |
[1] YS |
513 |
[2] EE |
547 |
[3] AO |
507 |
2006 |
[1] KG |
200 |
[2] KG |
203 |
Year |
Name |
Score |
2020 |
[01] MN |
890 |
2018 |
[01] NM |
955 |
[02] NM |
910 |
[03] NM |
905 |
2012 |
[01] ST |
735 |
[02] ST |
720 |
[03] MN |
750 |
[04] AN |
875 |
[05] RZ |
845 |
2011 |
[01] ST |
645 |
2010 |
[01] RK |
745 |
2009 |
JY |
600 |
MH |
765 |
YS |
825 |
KH |
615 |
2008 |
AK |
635 |
TN |
855 |
MH |
735 |
KG |
845 |
NT |
610 |
NT |
680 |
2007 |
KG |
770 |
AK |
715 |
YM |
735 |
YS |
660 |
KG |
790 |
AM |
780 |
KI |
835 |
MH |
685 |
YS |
685 |
KT |
600 |
TN |
765 |
2006 |
KG |
665 |
KI |
770 |
KG |
725 |
AM |
695 |
YM |
710 |
2005 |
KI |
600 |
YM |
700 |
2004 |
NY |
750 |
[05] The STEP Test (The Test by the Society for Testing English Proficiency)
Level |
Pre-Level 2 |
Level 2 |
Pre-Level 1 |
Level 1 |
Year |
2019 |
SK |
2018 |
NM |
2014 |
YY |
MF |
NM |
YY |
YY |
AS |
2012 |
HK |
HS |
2011 |
HM |
NW |
2010 |
SH |
MK |
JY |
2007 |
HI |
KG |
SK |
TN |
YK |
YM |
SS |
KT |
AT |
2006 |
HK |
TS |
MT |
AK |
YS |
2005 |
MT |
SM |
NY |
2004 |
KI |
DK |
[04] Graduate School
a. Doctorate Programs
Year |
Name |
Institution |
2012 |
[1] LB |
University |
[2] WB |
University (The United Graduate School of Agricultural Science) |
2011 |
[1] MH |
National University |
2010 |
[1] YJ |
National University |
b. Masters' Programs
Year |
Name |
Institution |
2010 |
[1] TN |
University |
YS |
Gakuin University |
2009 |
MH |
2004 |
TM |
2003 |
PN |
2002 |
TP |
2000 |
ML |
CO |
Institute of International Studies |
[03] Scholarships
a. Japanese Government Scholarship
Year |
Name |
Institution |
2007 |
[1] CW |
Sophia University |
[2] YJ |
Gifu University |
2003 |
[1] JD |
Hokkaido University |
2002 |
[1] CW |
Sophia University |
1998 |
[1] ML |
University of Tsukuba |
[2] JR |
Hiroshima University |
b. Reitaku Foundation of America Scholarship
Year |
Name |
Institution |
2000 |
[2] CW |
Reitaku University |
1988 |
[1] SK |
Reitaku University |
c. Japan Student Service Organization (JASSO)
Year |
Name |
Institution |
2011 |
[1] MN |
University of Erfurt |
2008 |
[1] YS |
West Virginia University |
2007 |
[1] KG |
West Virginia University |
d. Gifu Minami Lions Club Scholarship for Foreign Students
Year |
Name |
Institution |
2011 |
[1] NW |
Gifu University |
e. Sato Yo International Scholarship Foundation
Year |
Name |
Institution |
2012 |
[1] AN |
Gifu University |
f. Gifu University Financial Aid Scholarship
Year |
Name |
Institution |
2012 |
RZ |
University |
g. Gifu University Excellent Student Scholarship
Year |
Name |
Institution |
2018 |
[1] WM |
University |
h. Rotary Yoneyama Memorial Foundation Scholarship
Year |
Name |
Institution |
2019 |
[1] WW
University |
[02] Japan Exchange and Teaching Program (JET Program)
ALT: Assistant Language Teacher
CIR: Coordinator for International Relations
Year |
Name |
Type |
2003 |
[1] GF |
[2] MM |
2001 |
[1] JS |
2000 |
[1] CM |
1999 |
[1] JP |
1998 |
[1] CS |
[2] TT |
[01] The Japanese-Language Proficiency Test
Level |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
Year |
2014 |
[1] RZ |
2013 |
[1] MS |
[2] KA |
2004 |
[1] ML |
2003 |
[1] TP |
2002 |
[1] EG |
[1] GF |
[2] NH |
[2] CM |
[3] LM |
2001 |
AE |
[1] GF |
[1] CW |
IG |
[2] MM |
NH |
AH |
LM |
RS |
2000 |
[1] PK |
[2] TP |
[3] CW |
1999 |
[1] EE |
[1] JD |
[1] ML |
[2] KM |
[2] PK |
[3] CO |
[4] TP |
[5] NS |
[6] CW |
1998 |
[1] JD |
[1] JC |
[2] CK |
[2] DD |
[3] MF |
[4] TG |
[5] CM |
[6] JP |
[7] SS |
[8] MT |
[9] JZ |
1997 |
[1] CM |
[1] AA |
[1] SK |
[2] KA |
[3] CS |
[4] TT |
1996 |
[1] CB |
[2] MB |
[3] SK |
[4] ML |
[5] AT |
1995 |
[1] PN |