

A. Brain Science

B. Linguistics

C. Second Language Education

D. Photo Books

A. Brain Science

Journal Articles

[02]        Kasai, Chise, Motofumi Sumiya, Takahiko Koike, Takaaki Yoshimoto, Hideki Maki and Norihiro Sadato (2022) "Neural Underpinning of Japanese Particle Processing in Non-native Speakers," Scientific Reports 12, 18740,

[01]        Yokoyama, Satoru, Hideki Maki, Yosuke Hashimoto, Masahiko Toma, and Ryuta Kawashima (2012) "Mechanism of Case Processing in the Brain: An fMRI Study," PLoS ONE 7(7): e40474. doi:10.1371

B. Linguistics

Authored Books

[12]        Maki, Hideki (2024)百人一首の言語学(Linguistics of One Hundred Poems by One Hundred Poets), Kaitakusha, Tokyo.

[11]        Maki, Hideki (2023)みんなの言語学入門 -日本語と英語の仕組みから未知の言語へ-(Introduction to Linguistics: From Japanese and English to Unfmiliar Languages), Kaitakusha, Tokyo.

[10]        Maki, Hideki and Yoko Takahashi (2023)火星人とはなしたよ -地球人のことばは、ほとんど同じなんだって-(A Talk with a Martian: Earth Languages Are Almost All the Same), Kaitakusha, Tokyo.

[09]        Maki, Hideki (2023)象の鼻から言語学 -主語・目的語カメレオン説-(Let's Start Linguistics with Elephant Trunks: The Subject/Object Cameleon Hypothesis), Kaitakusha, Tokyo.

[08]        Maki, Hideki (2023)10分でわかる!ことばの仕組み(Understanding the Mechanism of Language Within 10 Minutes), Kindle Direct Publishing.

[07]        Maki, Hideki (2022)それでも言語学 -ヒトの言葉の不思議な約束-(Still This Is Linguistics: Mysterious Promises in Human Language), Kaitakusha, Tokyo.

[06]        Maki, Hideki (2021) Essays on Case, Kaitakusha, Tokyo.

[05]        Maki, Hideki (2021)これでも言語学 -中国の中の「日本語」-(This Is Linguistics, Too: 'Japanese' in China), Kaitakusha, Tokyo.

[04]        Maki, Hideki (2019)誰でも言語学(Linguistics for Anybody), Kaitakusha, Tokyo.

[03]        Maki, Hideki and Dónall P. Ó Baoill (2017) Essays on Irish Syntax II, Kaitakusha, Tokyo.

[02]        Maki, Hideki, Lina Bao and Megumi Hasebe (2015) Essays on Mongolian Syntax, Kaitakusha, Tokyo.

[01]        Maki, Hideki and Dónall P. Ó Baoill (2011) Essays on Irish Syntax, Kaitakusha, Tokyo.

Book Chapters

[02]        Maki, Hideki and Dónall P. Ó Baoill (2013) "Scope Ambiguity in WH/Quantifier Interactions in Modern Irish," Ambiguity: Multifaceted Structures in Syntax, Morphology and Phonology, ed. by Anna Bondaruk and Anna Malicka-Kleparska, 215-237, Wydawnictwo KUL, Lublin, Poland.

[01]        Maki, Hideki and Asako Uchibori (2008) "Ga/No Conversion," The Oxford Handbook of Japanese Linguistics, ed. by Shigeru Miyagawa and Mamoru Saito, 192-216, Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Edited Books

[01]        Miyamoto, Yoichi, Daiko Takahashi, Hideki Maki, Masao Ochi, Koji Sugisaki and Asako Uchibori (2013) Deep Insights, Broad Perspectives: Essays in Honor of Mamoru Saito, Kaitakusha, Tokyo.

Journal Articles

[23]        Shulun, Hideki Maki, Lina Bao, Megumi Hasebe and Yuta Sakamoto (2024) "Leftward and Rightward Clause Displacement and Genitive Subject Licensing in Mongolian," English Linguistics 40, 184-204.

[22]        Bao, Lina, Shulun and Hideki Maki (2021) "Genitive Subjects in Mongolian Exclamatives," English Linguistics 38.1, 127-138.

[21]        Hasebe, Megumi, Hideki Maki and Fumikazu Niinuma (2017) "On the Scope of Naze 'Why' in Japanese," English Linguistics 33.2, 478-498.

[20]        Maki, Hideki, Lina Bao, Wurigumula Bao and Megumi Hasebe (2016) "Scrambling and Genitive Subjects in Mongolian," English Linguistics 33.1, 1-35.

[19]        Maki, Hideki and Hasan Basri (2015) "The Absolutive/Genitive Alternation in Selayarese," English Linguistics 32.2, 327-345.

[18]        Maki, Hideki, Ling-Yun Fan and Can Wang (2015) "Does Modern Chinese Allow Genitive Subjects?" English Linguistics 32.1, 59-77.

[17]        Ó Baoill, Dónall P. and Hideki Maki (2015) "Puzzles with the Subject Position in Irish," English Linguistics 32.1, 102-113.

[16]        Maki, Hideki and Dónall P. Ó Baoill (2014) "Clausal Arguments in Irish," English Linguistics 31.2, 545-562.

[15]        Maki, Hideki and Dónall P. Ó Baoill (2014) "Embedded Topicalization in Irish," English Linguistics 31.1, 130-148.

[14]        Hasebe, Megumi, Hideki Maki and Toshiro Umezawa (2014) "Where the Nominative/Genitive Alternation Genuinely Takes Place in Modern Japanese," English Linguistics 31.1, 149-160.

[13]        Maki, Hideki and Hasan Basri (2013) "Subject/Object Asymmetries and Chain Formation in Selayarese," English Linguistics 30.2, 588-607.

[12]        Maki, Hideki, Megumi Hasebe and Lina Bao (2013) "Focused Genitive Subject in Japanese and Mongolian," English Linguistics 30.2, 627-638.

[11]        Maki, Hideki and Amanullah Bhutto (2013) "Genitive Subject Licensing in Modern Urdu," English Linguistics 30.1, 191-203.

[10]        Ó Baoill, Dónall P. and Hideki Maki (2012) "On the Highest Subject Restriction in Modern Irish," English Linguistics 29.2, 357-368.

[09]        Ó Baoill, Dónall P. and Hideki Maki (2009) "The Mar "As" Construction in Modern Irish and Its Theoretical Implications," English Linguistics 26.2, 394-404.

[08]        Maki, Hideki and Dónall P. Ó Baoill (2008b) "The Distribution of Nominative Case in Modern Irish," English Linguistics 25.2, 452-463.

[07]        Maki, Hideki and Dónall P. Ó Baoill (2008a) "The Theme Goal Construction in Modern Irish," English Linguistics 25.2, 439-451.

[06]        Maki, Hideki and Dónall P. Ó Baoill (2007b) "Deriving the Verb-Initial Order," English Linguistics 24.2, 485-513.

[05]        Maki, Hideki and Dónall P. Ó Baoill (2007a) "The Modern Irish (aN, aL, t) Chain," English Linguistics 24.1, 67-77.

[04]        Maki, Hideki and Dónall P. Ó Baoill (2005) "Two Notes on Wh-Movement in Modern Irish: Subject/Object Asymmetries and Superiority," Gengo Kenkyu 128, 1-31.

[03]        Kobayashi, Keiichiro and Hideki Maki (2002) "A Non-Exceptional Approach to Exceptional Case-Marking in Japanese," English Linguistics 19.2, 211-238.

[02]        Maki, Hideki, Lizanne Kaiser and Masao Ochi (1999) "Embedded Topicalization in English and Japanese," Lingua 109, 1-14.

[01]        Maki, Hideki and Lizanne Kaiser (1998) "Implications of Embedded Topicalization," English Linguistics 15, 290-300.


[20]        Maki, Hideki, Megumi Hasebe, Lina Bao, Michael Sevier, Ling-Yun Fan and Shogo Tokugawa (2016) "Why Japanese and Korean Differ in the Behavior of Genitive Subjects," Japanese/Korean Linguistics Volume 23, ed. by Theodore Levin, Ryo Masuda, and Michael Kenstowicz, 133-146, CSLI Publications, Stanford.

[19]        Bao, Lina, Megumi Hasebe, Wurigumula Bao and Hideki Maki (2015) "Accusative Subject Licensing in Modern Inner Mongolian," MIT Working Papers in Linguistics #76: Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics (WAFL9), ed. by Andrew Joseph and Esra Kesici, 83-95, MITWPL, Cambridge, MA.

[18]        Hasebe, Megumi and Hideki Maki (2014) "The That-Adverb-Trace Effect in English: A Visual Analogue Scale Analysis," Proceedings of the Forthy-Third Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society, ed. by Hsin-Lun Huang, Ethan Poole, and Amanda Rysling, 167-177, GLSA, Amherst, MA.

[17]        Jin, Yin-Ji and Hideki Maki (2013) "The Genitive Subject in the Yanbian Variety of Korean: A Visual Analogue Scale Analysis," MIT Working Papers in Linguistics #67: Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics (WAFL8), ed. by Umut Ӧzge, 153-158, MITWPL, Cambridge, MA.

[16]        Maki, Hideki, Luisa Martí and Satoru Yokoyama (2012) "Wh-Movement and Inversion in Spanish: A Visual Analogue Scale Analysis," The Proceedings of the Thirteenth Tokyo Conference on Psycholinguistics, ed. by Yukio Otsu, 137-157, Hituzi Syobo, Tokyo.

[15]        Maki, Hideki, Yin-Ji Jin, Satoru Yokoyama, Michiyo Hamasaki and Yukiko Ueda (2012) "The Nominative/Genitive Alternation in Modern Japanese: A Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) Evaluation Method-Based Analysis," Japanese/Korean Linguistics Volume 19, ed. by Ho-Min Sohn, Haruko Minegishi Cook, William O’Gray, Leon A. Serafim, and Sang Yee Cheon, 185-198, CSLI Publications, Stanford.

[14]        Maki, Hideki, Lina Bao, Wurigumula Bao, Qing-Yu Wu, Asako Uchibori, Fumikazu Niinuma, Megumi Hasebe and Juri Yoshimura (2011) "Deep Genitive in Modern Inner Mongolian," Proceedings of GLOW in ASIA VIII 2010 Universals and Variation, ed. by Ming-Le Gao, 282-288, Beijing Language and Culture University Press, Beijing.

[13]        Maki, Hideki, Lina Bao, Qing-Yu Wu, Wurigumula Bao, Asako Uchibori, Fumikazu Niinuma and Kenichi Goto (2010) "The Nominative/Genitive Alternation in Modern Mongolian," MIT Working Papers in Linguistics #61: Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics (WAFL6), ed. by Hiroki Maezawa and Azusa Yokogoshi, 229-245, MITWPL, Cambridge, MA.

[12]        Maki, Hideki, Lina Bao, Wurigumula Bao, Quing-Yu Wu, Sarenqimuge, Megumi Hasebe, Naohiro Takemura, Keiichiro Kobayashi, Asako Uchibori, Fumikazu Niinuma and Shigeki Taguchi (2010) "Accusative Subjects in Modern Mongolian and Old Japanese," Proceedings of the 2010 Seoul International Conference on Linguistics: Syntax, 8 pages.

[11]        Maki, Hideki, Kana Ito, Megumi Hasebe, Kenichi Goto, Michiyo Hamasaki, Takashi Munakata and Yukiko Ueda (2010) "The Nominative/Accusative Alternation in the Transitive Adjective Construction in Modern Japanese: An ANOVA Analysis," The Proceedings of the Tenth Tokyo Conference on Psycholinguistics ed. by Yukio Otsu, 167-191, Hituzi Syobo, Tokyo.

[10]        Maki, Hideki and Asako Uchibori (2009) "An Integrated Approach to Nominative/Genitive Conversion in Japanese." Investigations into Formal Altaic Linguistics: Proceedings of WAFL 3, ed. by Sergei Tatevosov, 88-103, MAKS Press, Moscow.

[09]        Maki, Hideki and Dónall P. Ó Baoill (2009) "Possible Patterns of A'-Chains in Relative Clauses in Ulster Irish," Current Issues in Unity and Diversity of Languages: Collection of the Papers Selected from the CIL 18, 1738-1754.

[08]        Niinuma, Fumikazu and Hideki Maki (2007) "A Note on the Subject Honorific Form o-X ni naru in Japanese," English and Grammar: A Festschrift for Hidekazu Suzuki on the Occasion of His Sixteeth Birthday, ed. by Akira Mizokoshi, Hiromi Onozuka, Shigeyuki Fujimoto, Nobuhiro Kaga, Toshiaki Nishihara, Makoto Kondo, and Michiyo Hamasaki, 315-326, Kaitakusha, Tokyo.

[07]        Maki, Hideki (2005) "A Statistical Analysis of the Nominative/Dative Alternation in Japanese," The World of Linguistic Research: A Festschrift for Kinsuke Hasegawa on the Occasion of His Seventieth Birthday, 150-165, Kaitakusha, Tokyo.

[06]        Maki, Hideki, Fumikazu Niinuma and Keiichiro Kobayashi (2001) "A Dilemma in the Ga/No Conversion," Proceedings of Western Conference on Linguistics 28 Volume 11, ed. by Nancy Mae Antrim, Grant Goodall, Martha Schulte-Nafeh, and Vida Samiian, 286-297, Department of Linguistics, California State University, Fresno.

[05]        Maki, Hideki and Masao Ochi (1998) "Scrambling of Wh-Phrases and the Move-F Hypothesis," Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference Volume 8, ed. by David J. Silva, 487-500, Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics, Cornell University.

[04]        Maki, Hideki (1997) "Consequences of Move-F in Japanese," Proceedings of Western Conference on Linguistics 24 Volume 8, ed. by Vida Samiian, 107-116, CSLI Publications, Stanford.

[03]        Maki, Hideki (1995c) "Ittai Nani/What the Hell," Essays in Linguistics and Philology Presented to Professor Kinsuke Hasegawa on the Occasion of His Sixtieth Birthday,153-163, Kenkyuusha, Tokyo.      

[02]        Maki, Hideki (1995b) The Syntax of Particles, Doctoral Dissertation, University of Connecticut. Distributed by MIT Working Papers in Linguistics.

[01]        Maki, Hideki (1995a) "Anti-Anti-Superiority," Proceedings of the Eleventh Eastern States Conference on Linguistics, ed. by Janet M. Fuller, Han Ho, and David Parkinson, 198-209, Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics, Cornell University.

C. Second Language Education

Authored Books

[12]        牧秀樹・何海希 (2024)最小英語テスト(MET)ドリル〈大学入学共通テスト読解版〉(The Minimal English Test Drill Book: Practice for the Reading Section of the Common Test for University Admissions), 開拓社, 東京.

[11]        牧秀樹・張超 (2024)最小英語テスト(MET)ドリル〈大学入学共通テスト聴解版〉(The Minimal English Test Drill Book: Practice for the Listening Section of the Common Test for University Admissions), 開拓社, 東京.

[10]        Maki, Hideki and Hina Nishida (2023)小学生版最小英語テスト (eMET) ドリル(The elementary Minimal English Test Drill Book), Kaitakusha, Tokyo.

[09]        牧秀樹・齊藤正高・王港雲・董珺儀・馬佳奇・田中麻実 (2023)MCT中国語実践会話 ―学びなおしとステップアップ 上海出張・日本紹介―(MCT Chinese Practical Conversation: Business in Shanghai and Introduction to Japan), 開拓社, 東京.

[08]        Maki, Hideki (2022)最小日本語テスト(MJT)ドリル(The Minimal Japanese Test Drill Book), Kaitakusha, Tokyo.

[07]        Maki, Hideki (2022)最小韓国語テスト(MKT)ドリル(The Minimal Korean Test Drill Book), Kaitakusha, Tokyo.

[06]        Maki, Hideki (2022)最小中国語テスト(MCT)ドリル(The Minimal Chinese Test Drill Book), Kaitakusha, Tokyo.

[05]        Maki, Hideki (2020)金言版最小英語テスト(kMET) ドリル(The kingen Minimal English Test Drill Book), Kaitakusha, Tokyo.

[04]        Maki, Hideki (2019c)中学生版最小英語テスト(jMET) ドリル(The junior Minimal English Test Drill Book), Kaitakusha, Tokyo.

[03]        Maki, Hideki (2019b)最小英語テスト(MET) ドリル センター試験レベル(The Minimal English Test Drill Book: The Center Test Level), Kaitakusha, Tokyo.

[02]        Maki, Hideki (2019a)最小英語テスト(MET) ドリル 標準レベル: 高校生から社会人(The Minimal English Test Drill Book: The Standard Level), Kaitakusha, Tokyo.

[01]        Maki, Hideki (2018)The Minimal English Test(最小英語テスト)研究 (Research on the Minimal English Test), Kaitakusha, Tokyo.

Books Supervised

[07]        牧秀樹監修・お茶ゼミ√英語科著 (Hideki Maki (Editorial Supervisor) and Ochazemi Rootasu English Department (Author)) (2024) 英語monogrammar シリーズ第8: 前置詞・接続詞(English monogrammar Series Volume 8: Prepositions and Conjunctions), Kaitakusha, Tokyo.

[06]        牧秀樹監修・お茶の水ゼミナール英語科著 (Hideki Maki (Editorial Supervisor) and Ochanomizu Seminar English Department (Author)) (2021) 英語monogrammar シリーズ第9: 動詞(English monogrammar Series Volume 9: Verbs), Kaitakusha, Tokyo.

[05]        牧秀樹監修・お茶の水ゼミナール英語科著 (Hideki Maki (Editorial Supervisor) and Ochanomizu Seminar English Department (Author)) (2020e) 英語monogrammar シリーズ第5: 時制・相(English monogrammar Series Volume 5: Tense and Aspect), Kaitakusha, Tokyo.

[04]        牧秀樹監修・お茶の水ゼミナール英語科著 (Hideki Maki (Editorial Supervisor) and Ochanomizu Seminar English Department (Author)) (2020d) 英語monogrammar シリーズ第4: 助動詞・仮定法(English monogrammar Series Volume 4: Auxiliary Verbs and Conditionals), Kaitakusha, Tokyo.

[03]        牧秀樹監修・お茶の水ゼミナール英語科著 (Hideki Maki (Editorial Supervisor) and Ochanomizu Seminar English Department (Author)) (2020c) 英語monogrammar シリーズ第3: 準動詞(English monogrammar Series Volume 3: Non-Finite Verbs), Kaitakusha, Tokyo.

[02]        牧秀樹監修・お茶の水ゼミナール英語科著 (Hideki Maki (Editorial Supervisor) and Ochanomizu Seminar English Department (Author)) (2020b) 英語monogrammar シリーズ第2 : 比較(English monogrammar Series Volume 2: Comparatives), Kaitakusha, Tokyo.

[01]        牧秀樹監修・お茶の水ゼミナール英語科著 (Hideki Maki (Editorial Supervisor) and Ochanomizu Seminar English Department (Author)) (2020a) 英語monogrammar シリーズ第1 : 関係詞(English monogrammar Series Volume 1: Relatives), Kaitakusha, Tokyo.

Book Chapters

[02]        Maki, Hideki (2015) "The Minimal English Test (Saishoo Eego Tesuto) no Yuuyoosee (The Usefulness of the Minimal English Test)," Nihon no Eeego Kyooiku no Ima, Soshite, Korekara (The Present and Future English Education in Japan) ed. by Nobuko Hasegawa, 302-318, Kaitakusha, Tokyo.

[01]        Maki, Hideki (2010) "Introduction to the Minimal English Test," Gengo Kyoiku Kenkyu (Language Education Research) Volume 3, ed. by Morioka Daigaku Institute of Language, 15-26, Seizansha, Kanagawa.

Journal Articles

[26]        清水万里子・牧秀樹 (2025)「小学校英語教育における英語リスニングテスト―絵MET開発・実施による結果分析―」中部地区英語教育学会紀要 54, 247-254.

[25]        Chen Yun-Wen and Hideki Maki (2023) "Correlations Between the Scores on the MET 60/kMET and the Scores on the TOEFL iBT: A Preliminary Study," Proceedings of the Chubu English Language Education Society 52, 1-6.

[25]        陳韻雯・牧秀樹 (2023)MET 60/kMET得点とTOEFL iBT得点との相関―初期研究―」中部地区英語教育学会紀要 52, 1-6.

[24]        Jin, Yin-Ji, Hideki Maki and Toshiro Umezawa (2021) "The Minimal Japanese Test (MJT) Based on Aozora Bunko: The Practice Makes Perfect Effect," Journal of Linguistics and Cultural Studies 56, 195203.

[24]        金銀姫・牧秀樹・梅澤敏郎 (2021)青空文庫を利用した最小日本語テスト (The Minimal Japanese Test (MJT)): 繰り返しによる得点向上効果」『言語文化学会論集』56, 195203.

[23]        Maki, Hideki, Toshiro Umezawa, Zhen Zhang and Michael Sevier (2021) "The Minimal English Test (MET) 60 and the TOEIC IP: A Study at an Institution in Gifu Prefecture," Journal of Linguistics and Cultural Studies 54, 315-322.

[22]        Wu, Wen-Liang, Megumi Hasebe, Michael Sevier, Hideki Maki and Toshiro Umezawa (2020) "A More Minimal English Test: A Study in Jiangxi Province of China," Journal of Linguistics and Cultural Studies 53, 15–35.

[21]        Wu, Wen-Liang, Hideki Maki and Megumi Hasebe (2020) "The Minimal English Test for Chinese Learners of English: A Study in Jiangxi Province of China," Proceedings of the Chubu English Language Education Society 49, 47-54.

[20]        Maki, Hideki, Wen Ma, Toshiro Umezawa and Megumi Hasebe (2019) "The Minimal English Test for Chinese Learners of English (MET-C) and the Test in Practical English (Eiken): A Preliminary Study," Journal of Linguistics and Cultural Studies 52, 3-13.

[19]        Kubo, Hiromi, Harumi Nishida and Hideki Maki (2015) "The Minimal English Test for Engineering Majors: Its Correlation with the University Entrance Examination (English Part) 2014," Journal of Agriculture Science, Tokyo University of Agriculture 60.1, 34-39.

[18]        Hasebe, Megumi, Hideki Maki, Toshiro Umezawa, Ling-Yun Fan, Yong-Xin Gao and Jessica Dunton (2015) "The Acquisition of Wh-Interrogatives and Relative Clauses by Japanese EFL Learners," Proceedings of the Chubu English Language Education Society 44, 9-16.

[17]        Munakata, Takashi, Megumi Hasebe and Hideki Maki (2014) "The MET 7: Its Correlation with the University Entrance Examinations (English) Part 2012 and 2013," The Journal of Tokiwanomori 1, 74-85.

[16]        Hasebe, Megumi, Hideki Maki, Toshiro Umezawa and Jessica Dunton (2014) "The junior Minimal English Test: A Measurement Tool for Junior High School Students' EFL Proficiency," Journal of Linguistics and Cultural Studies 42, 19-32.

[15]        Hasebe, Megumi and Hideki Maki (2014) "Acquisition of the Wh-Interrogative Construction by Japanese Junior High School EFL Learners," Selected Proceedings of the 2012 Second Language Research Forum: Building Bridges Between Disciplines, ed. by Ryan T. Miller, Katherine I. Martin, Chelsea M. Eddington, Ashlie Henery, Nausica Marcos Miguel, Alison M. Tseng, Alba Tuninetti, and Daniel Walter, 76-88, Cascadilla, Somerville, MA.

[14]        Maki, Hideki, Megumi Hasebe, Ling-Yun Fan, Jessica Dunton, Toshiro Umezawa and Chise Kasai (2014) "The junior Minimal English Tests as Prediction Tests for the STEP Tests," Proceedings of the Chubu English Language Education Society 43, 1-8.

[13]        Hasebe, Megumi, Hideki Maki and Toshiro Umezawa (2013) "On the That-Trace Effect by Mongolian EFL Learners: A VAS Based Analysis," Journal of Linguistics and Cultural Studies 41, 5-17.

[12]        Hasebe, Megumi, Hideki Maki and Toshiro Umezawa (2013) "Acquisition of the Long Distance Wh-Interrogative Construction and the Cleft Construction in English by Japanese ESL Learners," Journal of Linguistics and Cultural Studies 40, 193-210.

[11]        Maki, Hideki, Kengo Suzuki, Megumi Hasebe, Shogo Tokugawa, Ru-Wen Zhang, Ling-Yun Fan, Jessica Dunton and Chise Kasai (2013) "The junior Minimal English Test: A New Crown Version." Proceedings of the Chubu English Language Education Society 42, 147-152.

[10]        Hasebe, Megumi, Hideki Maki and Toshiro Umezawa (2012) "Two Types of Asymmetries in Acquisition of the Wh-Interrogative Construction by Japanese ESL Learners," Journal of Linguistics and Cultural Studies 38, 3-14.

[09]        Maki, Hideki, Juri Yoshimura, Toshiro Umezawa, Kenichi Goto, Megumi Hasebe and Jessica Dunton (2011) "A Study on Acquisition of Operator Movement Constructions by Japanese ESL Learners," Journal of Linguistics and Cultural Studies 36, 59-73.

[08]        Yoshimura, Juri, Megumi Hasebe, Hideki Maki, Chise Kasai, Toshiro Umezawa, Kenichi Goto, Jessica Dunton, Sachie Ono and Takahiko Kishi (2011) "The junior Minimal English Test (jMET) as a Prediction Test for More Comprehensive English Tests: A Study at a Junior High School in Gifu Prefecture," Proceedings of the Chubu English Language Education Society 40, 81-88.

[07]        Maki, Hideki, Sarenqimuge, Juri Yoshimura, Yuki Makino, Megumi Hasebe, Kenichi Goto, Takane Ito, Yoko Yumoto, Saotshi Oku, Michiyo Hamasaki, Yukiko Ueda, Kosuke Nagasue, Hironobu Kasai, Takashi Munakata and Jessica Dunton (2010) "The Minimal English Test: A Revised Version," KOTESOL Proceedings 2009, 225-232.

[06]        Maki, Hideki, Toshiro Umezawa, Chise Kasai, Megumi Hasebe, Hirotaka Imamaki, Akane Ishikawa, Yoko Shibata, Yasuna Shinoda, Yumi Kimura and Akina Okada (2010) "What Language Proficiency does Writing Proficiency Correlate with?" Journal of Linguistics and Cultural Studies 34, 45-55.

[05]        Goto, Kenichi, Hideki Maki and Chise Kasai (2010) "The Minimal English Test: A New Method to Measure English as a Second Language Proficiency," Evaluation & Research in Education 23.2, 91-104.

[04]        Umezawa, Toshiro, Hideki Maki, Kenichi Goto, Jessica Dunton, Naohiro Takemura and Juri Yoshimura (2010) "A Preliminary Study on Word Initial Sound Identification of the Phonemes /b/, /v/, /m/, /n/, /l/, and /r/ by Japanese ESL Learners," Proceedings of the Chubu English Language Education Society 39, 167-172.

[03]        Umezawa, Toshiro, Hideki Maki, Megumi Hasebe, Kenichi Goto, Kazushige Takahashi and Chise Kasai (2009) "Two Functions of the LR Identification Test for Japanese ESL Learners," Journal of Linguistics and Cultural Studies 32, 3-17.

[02]        Umezawa, Toshiro, Hideki Maki, Chise Kasai, Megumi Hasebe, Kazushige Takahashi, Kenichi Goto and Mayu Kashimura (2009) "On Japanese ESL Learners' Perception of the Phonemes /l/ and /r/," Proceedings of the Chubu English Language Education Society 38, 109-116.

[01]        Maki, Hideki, Hiroaki Wasada and Ekuko Hashimoto (2003) "Saishoo Eego Tesuto (MET): Shoki Kenkyuu (The Minimal English Test (MET): A Preliminary Study)," Eego Kyooiku (The English Teachers' Magazine) 53.10, 47-50.


[05]        Hasebe, Megumi, Hideki Maki, Toshiro Umezawa, Asako No and Shogo Tokugawa (2012) "On the That-Trace Effect by Japanese ESL Learners: A VAS-Based Analysis," Proceedings of the 40th Western Conference on Linguistics Volume 21, ed. by Christina Galeano, Emrah Gorgulu, and Irina Presnyakova, 106-114, Department of Linguistics, California State University, Fresno.

[04]        Hasebe, Megumi, Juri Yoshimura, Hideki Maki and Hiromasa Hamatani (2010) "The junior Minimal English Test (jMET) for the 8th and 9th Graders," Proceedings of the Second Annual Asian Conference on Education 2010 Conference, 1253-1264.

[03]        Goto, Kenichi, Hideki Maki and Chise Kasai (2009) "The Minimal English Test: A New Method to Measure English as a Second Language Proficiency," Current Issues in Unity and Diversity of Languages: Collection of the Papers Selected from the CIL 18, 2654-2611.

[02]        Imamaki, Hirotaka, Hideki Maki, Chise Kasai, Megumi Hasebe, Akane Ishikawa and Yasuna Shinoda (2008) "A Study of Correlation Between English Proficiency and Long-Term Memory," Proceedings of the 3rd CLS International Conference (CLaSIC 2008): Media in Foreign Language Teaching and Learning, 237-251.

[01]        Maki, Hideki, Chise Kasai, Kenichi Goto, Myung-Hwan Lee, Hee-Won Lee and Dae-Jin Kim (2006) "The Minimal English Test in Korea: Its Correlation with the College Scholastic Achievement Test (English Part) 2005," Proceedings of the 2006 KALS-KASELL International Conference on English and Linguistics, 201-213.

D. Photo Books

[05]        牧秀樹 (2024)笑う門にはパピプペポ ―朝から元気が出る暦(こよみ)―(Papipupepo Smile: A Calender That Gives You Energy From the Beginning of the Day), Kindle Direct Publishing.

[04]        牧秀樹 (2024)岐阜市の風景 ―7月から12月まで―(Gifu City Scenery: From July to December), Kindle Direct Publishing.

[03]        牧秀樹 (2024)岐阜市の風景 ―1月から6月まで―(Gifu City Scenery: From January to June), Kindle Direct Publishing.

[02]        牧秀樹 (2024)岐阜大学の風景 ―7月から12月まで―(Gifu University Scenery: From July to December), Kindle Direct Publishing.

[01]        牧秀樹 (2024)岐阜大学の風景 ―1月から6月まで―(Gifu University Scenery: From January to June), Kindle Direct Publishing.

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