Charter of the United Graduate School of Drug Discovery and Medical Information Sciences
The founding principle of the United Graduate School of Drug Discovery and Medical Information Sciences is to serve as a system of education and research on the theme of drug discovery, via the media of relevant medical information, with the purpose of developing human resources capable of flexibly responding to diverse national-scale challenges and societal requirements. In concrete terms, Gifu University, Gifu Pharmaceutical University and other associated bodies are allied on the common theme of drug discovery, thus forming a network of specialists in different fields, teaching in an educational system premised on mutual sharing of each party's outstanding research achievements, knowledge and information. This system pursues education and research in the Medical Sciences Division and the Medical Information Sciences Division, in such fields as biomolecular chemistry, bioregulation, bioresponses, biological drug discovery, pharmaceutical efficacy and patient information, at highly advanced international standard levels, so as to train people who can function optimally in relevant advanced fields requiring high levels of specialization, foresight and mental flexibility, and to collect and disseminate research achievements relating to drug discovery and medical information.
Accordingly, the United Graduate School of Drug Discovery and Medical Information Sciences shall:
- Ensure that the two Universities and other associated bodies can fully take advantage of this alliance for their respective education and research;
- Aim at developing human resources capable of proactively finding solutions, creating, verifying and developing applications;
- Train highly specialized professionals and researchers with a sound ethical foundation;
- Promote compilation of highly specialized knowledge and pursuit of research concerning drug discovery;
- Promote compilation of highly specialized knowledge and pursuit of research required for safe and reliable medical care;
- Provide education that motivates students to serve the community;
- Aim at developing human resources capable of international activity; and
- Promote admission of suitable recurrent adult students and foreign students.
1. Basic Strategies for Education
- (1) United postgraduate education
- Barriers between the two Universities and associated bodies shall be minimized, so as to facilitate student access to education and research instruction.
- Students shall be trained to become researchers or technical experts armed with highly specialized knowledge and skills.
- A system of research instruction shall be continuously reviewed for improvement, with several research advisors assigned to each student from within and outside the affiliated Division.
- Programs shall be organized for self-evaluation and academic performance improvement, so as to enhance educational quality.
- (2) Globalization of education and research
- Education shall be continuously reviewed for improvement, so as to enhance the quality of human resources for the global age.
- Information on educational and research achievements shall be widely disseminated.
- Education leading students to acquire a global vision shall be promoted.
- (3) Maximization of alliance effects
- The system of education and research founded on alliance of the two Universities and associated bodies shall be reinforced.
- The system of education and research shall be continuously improved while promoting various fields of research, the better to respond to diverse student academic aspirations.
- IT-aided long-distance education shall be organically integrated and operated, so as to improve education by the two Universities and associated bodies.
2. Basic Strategies for Research
- (1) Research unique to the United Graduate School shall be promoted.
- (2) Inter-departmental research projects that involve several research institutions and external funds shall be promoted.
- (3) Research shall be promoted in tune with technological development and evolution.
- (4) Student research environment shall be reviewed for optimization.
3. Basic Strategies for Social Contribution
- (1) A framework shall be put in place to accommodate recurrent education for adult students.
- (2) Contribution to the international and local community shall be pursued through human resource development.
- (3) The foreign student enrollment system shall be improved.
- (4) International exchange shall be promoted, so as to vitalize the interaction of knowledge and human resources.
4. Basic Strategies for Administration
- (1) The administration of the United Graduate School shall be continuously reviewed for improvement so that it reflects the principles and objectives of the United Graduate School.
- (2) An environment that ensures fairness in education, research and work shall be put in place and maintained so that all constituent members can protect their integrity and fully demonstrate their abilities with regard to their education, research or work at the United Graduate School.
- (3) A stable financial foundation shall be maintained, so as to conduct advanced education and research.
- (4) A system for the United Graduate Schoolfs public relations shall be maintained and improved, as for example the Schoolfs own web site, so as to enhance its public recognition.
- (5) Concerned parties shall be thoroughly informed as to requirements for the protection and management of personal and other confidential information.
- (6) The use of IT equipment shall be promoted, so as to simplify administrative duties.