FALMA is short for Fast Antenna Lightning Mapping Array. As the name suggests, this system uses an array of fast antennas to receive electromagnetic radiation from lightning discharges, and it can realize accurate lightning 3D mapping.
First observation has been made from June to September in 2017. Twelve sites were set up in Gifu and Aichi Prefecture of Japan. Distances between neighboring sites are from 20 to 30 km. Figure 1 shows locations of all sites. The network covers an area of about 90×90 km2.
Figure 2 shows a photo of a site. Each site has two basic parts: a fast antenna and a controlling box containing an AD converter, a PC and some other devices. The fast antenna is a flat plate antenna with a time constant of 200 μs and effective frequency band of about 500 Hz to 500 kHz. It is newly designed and manufactured by ourselves before the observation. It has much higher sensitivity than the old antennas. The high sensitivity enables it to capture pulses produced by relatively weak discharges, which ultimately enables more detailed 3D mapping.
The resolution of the AD converter is 16 bit. In order to achieve a timing accuracy as high as possible, the sampling rate is set to 25 MS/s, which equals to a timing accuracy of 40 ns, about the same as the GPS timing accuracy. A sampling rate of 25 MS/s implies a quite large amount of data flow. Normally during the time when a large amount of data is being written to the hard drive, new signals cannot be recorded, and the so-called “dead time” arises. We have developed a new data recording scheme to completely eliminate the dead time. This system can continuously record the full waveform data at 25 MS/s as long as there is space on the hard drive.
Figure 3 shows electric field change waveforms recorded by 12 sites. We can see the waveforms recorded at different sites have some time differences. The time differences are caused by different distances between the lightning discharge and each site. Based on the time differences, we can use the so-called “time-of-arrival” (TOA) method to make 3D locating. We can see there are many pulses in the waveform, and all of them can be located. There are actually many more small pulses that may not be discernible to the naked eye. We have developed an improved TOA method to locate as many as pulses, and with such location results, we can show the detailed development of lightning flashes in 3D.
The following video shows the development of an interesting lightning flash in 3D. This flash starts like a normal intracloud flash with a vertical channel connecting two charge layers. Some K changes can be seen propagating through the vertical channel. Suddenly, one leader developed downward from the lower layer and went directly to the ground. Later, the lower layer expanded slowly to the south. From the right panel, we can see many branches developing in the lower layer. Meanwhile, several dart leaders and K changes developed from the tips of leaders in the lower layer backward to the initiation point and into the downward channel. No more development from the upper layer can be seen. Shortly afterwards, one K change went slowly backward to the initiation point and suddenly created a new channel going downward. Instead of reaching the ground directly, it propagated horizontally for a short while and suddenly turned downward to the ground. It also created a new striking point.
Video 1
FALMA can not only show the detailed 3D structure of a single flash, due to the capability of continuous recording, it can also monitor all lightning activities in any thunderstorm passing over the network. Video 2 shows the lightning activities from 17:30 to 18:30 on August 22. This period has the most frequent lightning in the summer of 2017. In this video, we can see numerous lightning flashes occurred at several places. General structure of each flash can be recognized. The overall lightning activity gradually moved to the west, indicating the movement of the thunderstorm.
Video 2
More videos of lightning flashes imaged by FALMA
Realtime lightning monitoring by FALMA(中部・北陸地方リアルタイム雷放電状況)
Acknowledgement/謝辞 本観測の実施にあたっては次の市町村、役所または施設、個人の方々から多大な協力・支援をいただきました。関係各位に厚く御礼を申し上げます。
*Some old web browsers may not be able to play the videos.Contact Ting Wu (wu.ting.x4(at)f.gifu-u.ac.jp) for more information.