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Prof. MORITOMI, Hiroshi


  • Patents

  1. Osakabe T, Moritomi H. Discharged hydrogen gas processor and method therefor. JP patent, 2008-3000164, A; 2008.
  2. Moritomi H, Kambara S, Suzuki Y, Lin S. Hydrogen production method and hydrogen production apparatus used for the same. JP patent, 2008-247638, A; 2008.
  3. Osakabe T, Moritomi H. System and method for utilizing combustion heat of exhausted hydrogen gas. JP patent, 2008-002748, A; 2008.
  4. Osakabe T, Moritomi H. Method and apparatus for treating discharged hydrogen gas. JP patent, 2008-000675, A; 2008.
  5. Tanaka M, Ozaki H, Inatani M, Moritomi H. Gasifying apparatus. JP patent, 2006-077195, A; 2006.
  6. Tanaka M, Ozaki H, Inatani M, Moritomi H. Method for gasifying organic material. JP patent, 2006-036999, A; 2006.
  7. Tanaka M, Ozaki H, Inatani M, Moritomi H. Method for gasifying organic material. JP patent, 2006-036901, A; 2006.
  8. Sonoda K, Moritomi H. Method for treating combustion exhaust gas. JP patent, 2005-334885, A; 2005.
  9. Fujiwara N, Teramae T, Takarada Y, Moritomi H, Shimizu T. Method for removing tar in fluidized bed furnace. JP patent, 2005-272782, A; 2005.
  10. Moritomi H, Kambara S, Fujine M, Tokukura K, Yamamoto M, Takeshita T, Imai T. Purification treating agent for high temperature exhaust gas and purification processing method for high temperature exhaust gas using the same. JP patent, 2005-254140, A; 2005.
  11. Tanaka M, Ozaki H, Moritomi H, Shimizu H. Thermal analysis device. JP patent, 2005-181112, A; 2005.
  12. Tanaka M, Ozaki H, Moritomi H, Shimizu H. Thermal analysis apparatus. JP patent, 2005-024447, A; 2005.
  13. Ozaki H, Tanaka M, Moritomi H. Decomposition method and decomposition apparatus. JP patent, 2004-256672, A; 2004.
  14. Sonoda K, Moritomi H. Method for treating combustion waste gas. JP patent, 2001-212427, A; 2001.
  15. Sanada Y, Yokoyama S, Chiba T, Yokono T, Moritomi H, Obara T, et al. Catalyst for coal liquefaction. DE patent 83-3338578;1983.