RNA Quality Check


We check the quality of your RNA by using " Agilent Bioanalyzer 2100 ", a chip-type electrophoresis system.

Agilent Bioanalyzer system offers objective evaluation of extracted and purified RNA for further application. The quality and integrity of your RNA can be quantified by RIN (RNA integrity number) value , We offer to use this equipment to evaluate your RNA for following applications.

 1. cDNA synthesis
 2. Real-time PCR assay
 3. Microarray analysis
 4. RNA-seq

Agilent RNA6000Nano chip is used for the analysis. Alternatively you can use your own chip if required (the cost of the chip will be deducted from our analysis charge).

One to 12 samples can be analyzed simultaneously by one chip .

Analysis charge is 5,000 yen per chip. We recommend to bring as many samples up to 12 as possible to reduce the cost per sample.

If you have the analysis kit but the chip and wish to analyze your sample by your own, we sell the RNA6000Nano chip upon your request (from one chip).


1 analysis (1 to 12 samples) \5,000   ※Including reagents and chip fee
Chip only: \3,000 / 1 chip   ※Reagents are not included

RNA density range

Applicable RNA concentration range: 25 to 500 ng / μL  ※at least 5μL will be needed for analysis.

How to submit your sample

Contact us by e-mail (mgrc@gifu-u.ac.jp; indicate the subject as “Bioanalyzer”), phone (ex. 3171), or the contact form on our web site, prior to your sample submission for system reservation and consulting.

Then bring your sample to Division of Genomics Research Bldg. Room 202 (on 2nd floor). Please place the sample in the sample box you can find in the freezer (labelled).

If you want to place your sample in our collection box at the School of Medicine building, please contact us by e-mail (mgrc@gifu-u.ac.jp) or the contact form web site beforehand.

The results will be sent by e-mail as a PDF file within 10 business days (usually in three days) from sample submission.

About "RIN"

"RNA integrity number" or "RIN" is a reliable indicator of the degree of degradation of total RNA and used in a number of scientific papers. For more information, please visit Agilent website.