16S rRNA Sequencing

We identify bacteria species by sequencing 16S rRNA. You can submit the extracted DNA to us and we will perform sequencing analysis and bacteria identification. The result will be sent you by e-mail.

Serviece outline

Isolation of bacteria and extraction of genomic DNA (done by customer).
Amplification of 16SrRNA by PCR.
Cycle sequencing with 5 primers.
Assemble the sequences by the SEQUENCHER software to obtain the full length of 16S rRNA.
Homology search by BLAST and identify the bacteria species.
The result will be sent by e-mail to the customer.


\10,000 per sample.

Results delivery

The results will be sent within 10 business days. Following files are sent.
Sequence raw data
Assembled sequence of 16S rRNA
Results of homology search

How to order

Please make an order by phone (extension: 3171, call Wakihara).
Please bring your DNA to Division of Genomics Research Building and meet our researcher to hand in the sample. Contact us for any inquiries or consulting concerning this service by e-mail (mgrc@gifu-u.ac.jp), by phone (ex. 3171), or using the request form on our web site.