
    京都大学 2001年

Refereed Journals:

  1. Aminata,D., Yashima,A,, Sawada,K., Sung,E., New Protection Wall Against Rockfall Using a Ductile Cast Iron Panel,Journal of Natural Disaster Science,Vol.30,No.1,pp.25-33,2008.

  2. 沢田 和秀, 八嶋厚, 森口周二, 前田英史, 横田善弘, 西村淳, 松本七保子, 間昭徳, 黄雨, 自然共生型補強土河川護岸工法の開発,土木学会論文集C,Vol.64,No.3,pp.440-455,2008.

  3. 沢田 和秀, 野々山栄人, 八嶋厚, 森口周二, 斜面崩壊土砂の挙動予測解析へのSPH法の適用,混相流,Vol.22,No.4,pp.339-347,2008.

  4. Moriguchi,S., Yashima,A., Sawada,K., Ito,M., Hadush,S. and Inoue,S., Numerical Prediction of Impact Force of Geomaterial Flow against Retaining Structure using CIP Method, Bifurcations, Instabilities, Degradation in Geomechanics, pp.381-402, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2007.

  5. 鷲見武富,八嶋 厚,沢田和秀,森口周二,小嶋正樹,すべり・落下・転倒を対象としたきれつ性岩盤斜面の簡易安定性評価手法,土木学会論文集C,Vol.63,No.1,pp.188-206,2007.

  6. Huang,Y., Sawada,K., Moriguchi,S., Yashima,A. and Zhang,F., Numerical assessment of the effect of reinforcement on the performance of reinforced soil dikes,Geotextiles and geomembranes, Vol.24, pp.169-174, 2006.

  7. 小嶋正樹,杉井俊夫,八嶋 厚,沢田和秀,森口周二,GISをデータベースとしたロジット解析による危険斜面の対策優先順位付け,地盤工学ジャーナル,Vol.1,No.3,pp.33-43,2006.

  8. 森口周二,八嶋 厚,沢田和秀,伊藤修宏,荻本健二,鷲見武富,小嶋正樹,中村洋一,デジタルカメラを用いた簡易斜面安定性評価システムの構築,自然災害科学,Vol.123,No.4,pp.565-582,2005.

  9. Moriguchi,S., Sawada,K., Yashima,A., Uzuoka,R. and Ito,M., Numerical simulation of flow failure of geomaterials based on fluid dynamics,Soils and foundations, Special issues on IWS-Athens, Vol.45, No.2, pp.155-166, 2005.

  10. Sawada,K., Moriguchi,S., Yashima,A., Zhang,F. and Uzuoka,R, Large deformation analysis in geomechanics using CIP method,JSME International journal, Fluids and thermal engineering, Special issue on CIP, Series B, Vol.47, No. 4, pp.735-743, 2004.
  11. 森口周二,八嶋 厚,沢田和秀,前田英史,松本七保子,間昭徳,弓良知,久保田薫,自然共生型補強土護岸工法の設計法について,ジオシンセティックス論文集,第18巻,pp.191-196,2003.

  12. 陸田秀実,土井康明,中村健一,網谷貴彰,杉芳典,石川博,沢田和秀,現地観測に基づく広島湾の干潟の底生生物量と活性量の時空間分布,海岸工学論文集,第49巻,pp.1131-1135,2002.
  13. 森口周二,八嶋 厚,沢田和秀,弓良 知,前田英史,松本七保子,間昭徳,補強土河川護岸構造物の破壊実験と試験堤防再構築,ジオシンセティックス論文集,第17巻,pp.195-200,2002.

  14. Hadush,S., Yashima,A., Uzuoka,R., Moriguchi,S. and Sawada,K., Liquefaction Induced Lateral Spread Analysis Using the CIP Method, Computers and Geotechnics, No. 8, Vol. 28, pp. 549-574, 2001.

  15. 沢田和秀,八嶋 厚,岡 二三生,コセラ連続体理論を用いた飽和粘性土の変形解析, 日本材料学会学会誌, 第50巻,第6号,pp585-592, 2001.

  16. Oka,F., Yashima,A., Sawada,K. and Aifantis,E.C., Instability of gradient-dependent elastoviscoplastic model for clay and strain localization analysis,Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering, 183, pp.67-86, 2000.

  17. Oka,F., Muhlhaus,H.B., Yashima,A. and Sawada,K., Quasi-static and dynamic characteristics of strain gradient dependent non-local constitutive models,Material Instabilities in Solids, (eds. R. de Borst et al.), pp.387-404, 1998.

Proceedings of Conferences:

  1. 野々山栄人,八嶋厚,沢田和秀,森口周二,SPH法とCIP法による粘性土地盤の支持力解析,第21回計算力学講演会 ,CD-ROM,No.606,2008.
  2. 沢田和秀,八嶋厚,辻八郎,村田芳信,環境共生型簡易縦坑掘削システムの開発,地盤工学会中部支部第17回調査・設計・施工技術報告会, pp.66-69, 2008.
  3. 野々山栄人,八嶋厚,沢田和秀,森口周二,地盤材料の変形解析に関するSPH法の適用性についての一考察,第57回理論応用力学講演会論文集, pp.505-506, 2008.
  4. H.Nonoyama, A.Yashima, K.Sawada and S.Moriguchi, Performance of SPH method for deformation analyses of geomaterials, 8th International Workshop on Bifurcations and Degradations in Geomaterials, 1-Day Workshop Meeting, Peoria, Illinois, USA, 2008.
  5. M.Iwata, A.Yashima and K.Sawada, Local behavior of pore water pressure in the specimen during plane-strain compression test of soft rock and its numerical simulation, 8th International Workshop on Bifurcations and Degradations in Geomaterials,Lake Louise, Alberta, Canada, 2008.
  6. K.Oda, A.Yashima, K.Sawada, M.Goshima, S.Moriguchi, A.Sato and I.Kamiishi, CIP-based numerical simulation of soil/snow avalanche, 8th International Workshop on Bifurcations and Degradations in Geomaterials, Lake Louise, Alberta, Canada, 2008.
  7. H.Nonoyama, A.Yashima, K.Sawada and S.Moriguchi, Performance of SPH method for deformation analyses of geomaterials, 8th International Workshop on Bifurcations and Degradations in Geomaterials, Lake Louise, Alberta, Canada, 2008.
  8. 小田憲一,八嶋厚,沢田和秀,森口周二,五島麻希,佐藤篤司,上石勲, CIP法による雪崩の再現解析, 第13回計算工学講演会論文集, vol.2, pp.803-806, 2008.
  9. 余川弘至,八嶋厚,沢田和秀,地震時液状化地盤中の杭基礎の挙動を理解するための有効応力解析, 第13回計算工学講演会論文集 ,vol.1,pp.223-226,2008.
  10. 野々山栄人,八嶋厚,沢田和秀,森口周二,黄雨,SPH法を用いた地盤材料の変形解析に関する基礎的研究,第13回計算工学講演会論文集 ,vol.1,pp.215-218,2008.
  11. 沢田和秀,大規模斜面崩壊に対するモニタリングと対策例, 日本材料学会東海支部第2回学術講演会 ,2008.
  12. Iwata,M., Yashima,A. and Sawada,K., Laboratory tests for material parameters of numerical simulation in rock slope failure, 2nd International Workshop on Numerical Simulation for Disastrous Phenomena, Pathumthani, Thailand, 2008.
  13. Oda,K., Yashima,A., Sawada,K., Moriguchi,S., Sato,A. and Kamiishi,I., CIP-Based numerical simulation of soil/snow avalanche, 2nd International Workshop on Numerical Simulation for Disastrous Phenomena, Pathumthani, Thailand, 2008.
  14. Sawada,K., Yashima,A., Aminata,D., Sugimori,K., Sung,E., Inoue,S. and Nishida,Y., Real scale field test of protective wall using geomaterial against rock fall, International Symposium on Geotechnical Engineering, Ground Improvement and Geosynthetics for Human Security and Enviromental preservation, Bangkok, Thailand, 2008.
  15. 野々山栄人, 八嶋厚, 沢田和秀, 地盤の大変形解析問題に関するSPH法の適用性についての一考察, 地盤力学における大変形の予測とシミュレーション法に関するシンポジウム論文集, pp.49-58, 2007.
  16. Sung,E., Yashima,A., Aminata,D., Sugimori,K., Sawada,K., Inoue,S. and Nishida,Y., Numerical assessment of the performance of protecting wall against rockfall, IS-Kyushu 2007 - New horizon in Earth Reinforcement, Fukuoka, Japan, Nov. 2007.

  17. Sawada,K., Monitoring system and remedial works for the large scale slope failure in Gifu, Japan, Prediction and Simulation Methods in Geomechanics, TC34 of ISSMGE, Madrid, Spain, September 2007.

  18. 杉森健作,成彦洙,沢田和秀,八嶋 厚,井上昭一,落石衝突に対する補強土防護壁の内部挙動予測解析,可視化情報学会全国講演会2007 ,A108,2007.

  19. Sung,E., Yashima,A., Sawada,K., Aminata,D. and Sugimori,K., Numerical assessment of the performance of protecting wall composed of geo-grid reinforcement against rockfall, Proc. Protect 2007 Whistler, Canada, Aug. 2007.

  20. Moriguchi,S., Goshima,M. and Sawada,K., Fluid dynamics based numerical analysis for estimating earth pressure, Proc. 13th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2007

  21. Moriguchi,S., Yashima,A., Sawada,K. and Goshima,M., Numerical Analysis for interaction problem between geomaterial and rigid body based on fluid dynamics, Proc. 3rd International Workshop on New Frontiers in Computational Geotechnics, pp.177-182, Xian, China, 2006.

  22. Sawada,K., Yashima,A. and Moriguchi,S., Quick and easy approach for large deformation simulations of Geomaterials without any special attention by "G-FRIC/2D", Proc. 3rd International Workshop on New Frontiers in Computational Geotechnics, pp.57-62, Xian, China, 2006.

  23. Yashima,A., Sugito,M., Sawada,K., Yokawa,H., Tanabe,A., Huang,Y., Nakayama,O., Tokiwa,S., Abe,T. and Sekizawa,G., Expected settlement modes and conutermesures of river levee against liquefaction, Proc. 3rd International Workshop on New Frontiers in Computational Geotechnics, pp.37-43, Xian, China, 2006.

  24. Sawada,K., Moriguchi,S., Yashima,A., Goshima,M., Inoue,S. and Nishida,Y., CIP-based numerical simulation for large deformation problems considering the interaction between geomaterial and rigid body, Proc. 6th European conference on numerical methods in geotechnical engineering, Austria, pp.713-720, 2006.
  25. 森口周二,八嶋 厚,沢田和秀,CIP法を用いた地盤材料の大変形解析,第11回日本計算工学講演会論文集,2006.
  26. 森口周二,八嶋 厚,沢田和秀,CIP法による地盤材料の大変形解析, 第55回理論応用力学講演会論文集, pp.153-154, 2006.
  27. 八嶋 厚,沢田和秀, 五島麻希,森口周二,井上昭一,西田陽一,武藤隆則,上野弘平,金田文一,吉田眞輝,伊藤正俊,地盤材料の特性を生かした落石・土砂防護壁の実大規模衝撃実験,地盤工学会中部支部 第15回調査・設計・施工技術研究報告会発表論文集 ,pp.56-63,2006.
  28. Sawada,K., Moriguchi,S., Yashima,A., Ito,M., Hadush,S., Inoue,S. and Nishida,Y., Fluid dynamics based analysis and experiments of geomaterial flow, Proc. of the 2005 International Conference on Landslide Risk Management / 18th Annual Vancouver Geotechnical Society Symposium, CD-ROM S030, 2005.
  29. Yashima,A., Sawada,K., Moriguchi,S., Ito,M., Hadush,S. and Inoue,S., Numerical prediction of impact force of soil avalanche using CIP method, 7th International Workshop on Bifurcation, Instabilities and Degradation in Geomechanics , Chania, Greece, 2005.
  30. Moriguchi,S., Yashima,A. and Sawada,K., CIP-based numerical simulation for slope disasters and topographic survey based on photographic analysis, International Workshop on Numerical Simulation for Disastrous Phenomena, Pathumthani, Thailand, 2005.
  31. 森口周二,八嶋 厚,沢田和秀,地盤への剛体貫入に関する大変形問題への新しい試み, 平成17年度地盤工学シンポジウム論文集pp.85-92,2005.
  32. 森口周二,八嶋 厚,沢田和秀,吉田眞輝,竜田尚希,井上昭一,西田陽一,辰井俊美,中川幸洋,武藤隆則,妹尾善和,美濃輪俊彦,地盤材料の特性を生かした落石・土砂防護壁に関する実大規模実験,地盤工学会中部支部 第14回調査・設計・施工技術研究報告会発表論文集,2005.

  33. Sawada,K., Furuta,R., Yashima,A., Zhang,F. and Yoshida,T., Experimental and numerical studies on change stiffness before and after liquefaction, Proc. 13th World conference on earthquake engineering, Canada, Paper No.601, CD-ROM., 2004.

  34. Ye,G.L., Miyaguchi,H., Huang,Y., Sawada,K., Zhang,F. and Yashima,A., Dynamic behavior of group-pile foundation evaluated by simplified model and sophisticated model, Proc. 13th World conference on earthquake engineering, Canada, Paper No.28, CD-ROM., 2004.

  35. Moriguchi,S., Sawada,K., Yashima,A., Uzuoka,R. and Ito,M.,Numerical simulation of Tsukidate large-scale landslide using the CIP method, Computational mechanics, WCCM VI in conjunction with APCOM'04, 2004 Tsinghua University Press & Springer-Verlag, China, CD-ROM I, 2004.
  36. Huang,Y., Zhang,F., Yashima,A., Sawada,K., Ye,G.L. and Kubota,N., three-dimensional numerical simulation of pile-soil seismic interaction in saturated deposits with liquefiable sand and soft clay, Computational mechanics, WCCM VI in conjunction with APCOM'04, 2004 Tsinghua University Press & Springer-Verlag, China, CD-ROM I, 2004.
  37. Sarr,A.M., Yshiama,A., Zhang,F., Shigematsu,H. and Sawada,K., 11. Stress-dilatancy relation for highly structured soils, Computational mechanicsWCCM VI in conjunction with APCOM'04, 2004 Tsinghua University Press & Springer-Verlag, China, CD-ROM II,2004.

  38. Wan,R.G., Al-Mamun,M. and Sawada,K., A biaxial shearing apparatus to study the micromechanics of sand using a 2-D analogue photoelastic material, Proc. 57th Canadian geotechnical conference, Geo Quebec 2004, Canada, pp.8-15,2004.
  39. Moriguchi,S., Sawada,K., Yashima,A. Ito,M. and Uzuoka,R., Simulation of ground flow using a numerical method based on fluid dynamics, Proc. 2nd International workshop on new frontiers in computational geotechnics, Brazil, pp.119-126, 2004.
  40. Huang,Y., Sawada,K., Moriguchi,S., Yashima,A. and Zhang,F., Finite element analysis of a reinforced soil dike, Proc. 2nd International workshop on new frontiers in computational geotechnics, Brazil, pp.55-58, 2004.
  41. Wan,R.G., Al-Mamun,M. and Sawada,K., Failure of granular materials and underlying microstructural changes, Proc.2nd International workshop on new frontiers in computational geotechnics, Brazil, pp.49-54, 2004.
  42. Guanlin,Y., Naito,K., Sawada,K., Zhang,F. and Yashima,A., Experimental study on soft sedimentary rock under plane-strain compression and creep tests, Proc. ISRM International symposium 3rd ARMS, Contribution of rock mechanics to the new century(eds. Ohnishi and Aoki), Japan, Vol.2, pp.865-868, 2004.
  43. Yamaguchi,M., Yashima,A., Sawada,K. and Sumi,T., Measurement of basic friction angle of rock surface using boring core,  Proc. International symposium 3rd ARMS, Contribution of rock mechanics to the new century (eds. Ohnishi and Aoki), Japan, Vol.2, pp.995-998, 2004.
  44. Sawada,K., Yamaguchi,M., Moriguchi,S., Kamitani,K., Nakamura,T., Kojima,M. and Ito,N., Efficient utilization of mobile phones in GIS based geo-disaster prevention system, Case histories of urban geo-informatics, ATC10 Workshop, Thailand, pp.37-46, 2004.
  45. Sawada,K., Yashima,A., Moriguchi,S., Yumira,T, Kubota,K., Maeda,H., Hazama,A. and Matsumoto,N., Mechanical behavior of reinforced river dike subjected to scouring made from soil using geo-synthetics, Proc. 3rd Asian regional conference on geo-synthetics, Geo Asia 2004, Korea, pp.851-858, 2004.

  46. Sawada,K. and Sumi,T., Decision making system for the prevention of slope failure utilizing GIS, Proc. 12th Asian regional conference on soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering, Singapore, Vol.1, pp.985-988, 2003.

  47. Zhang,F., Yashima,A., Sawada,K. and Noda,Y., Seismic evaluation of group pile foundation with M1 and M2 model, Proc. 27th JSCE Symposium on earthquake engineering, JSCE The earthquake engineering committee, Japan, CD-ROM, 2003.
  48. Sarr,A.M., Yashima,A., Zhang,F., Shigematsu,H. and Sawada,K., Stress-dilatancy relation for highly structured soils, Proc. International workshop on prediction and simulation methods in geomechanics(IWS-Athens 2003), TC34 of ISSMGE, Greece, pp.61-64, 2003.

  49. Moriguchi,S., Yashima,A., Sawada,K. and Hayashi,S., CIP based large deformation analysis in geomechanics using a fluid model in consideration of the shear strength, Proc. International workshop on prediction and simulation methods in geomechanics(IWS-Athens 2003), TC34 of ISSMGE, Greece, pp.133-136, 2003.

  50. 八嶋 厚,沢田和秀, 森口周二,伊藤修宏,荻本健二,中村洋一,鈴木 真,リモコン飛行機を用いた簡易岩盤安定度評価,地盤工学会中部支部 第12回 調査・設計・施工技術報告会発表論文集 ,pp.19-26,2003.

  51. Moriguchi,S., Yashima,A. & Sawada,K., Large deformation analysis of geomaterials in the frame work of fuluid dynamics using CIP method, Proc. 1st Internatinal workshop on new frontiers in computatinal geotechnics, Banff Alberta, Canada., pp.107-110. 2002.

  52. Sawada,K., Kato,H., Yashima,A. & Zhang,F., Analytical study of grains rotation using tij sand model based on Cosserat continuum theory Proc. 1st Internatinal workshop on new frontiers in computatinal geotechnics, Banff Alberta, Canada., pp.175-182. 2002.

  53. Hadush,S., Moriguchi,S., Yashima,A., Sawada,K. & Uzuoka,R., 2001. CIP based liquefaction induced lateral spreading analysis Proc. the 10th International Conference on Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics, Vol. 2, pp. 1093-1098, Tucson, Arizona, USA , 4.10, CD-ROM, 2001.

  54. Sawada,K., Hadush,S., Moriguchi,S., Yashima,A., Murakami,A., Takasuka, T. & Mutsuda, H., 2001. CIP and CA based large deformation analysis of collapse of a soil column, Proc. 1st Asian-Pacific Conference on Computational Mechanics, Sydney, Australia, S.Valliappan and N.Khalili, editors., Elsevier, pp.479-484., 2001.

  55. Zhang,F., Yashima,A., Sawada,K., Sumi,T., Adachi,T. and Oka,F., Numerical analysis of a large-scale slope failure, Proc. of the 1st Asian-Pacific Conference on Computational Mechanics, Sydney, Australia, S.Valliappan and N.Khalili, editors., Elsevier, pp.527-532., 2001.

  56. Sawada,K., Yashima,A,, Sato,Y., Fujita,Y., Maeda,H., Matsumoto,N. and Hazama,A., Trial construction of the reinforced river dike and its performance, Proc. of the international Symposium on earth reinforcement, Fukuoka, Ochiai et al. eds. Vol1, pp.271-276., 2001.

  57. Zhang,F., Sawada,K. and Yashima,A,, Assessment of the long-term stability of tunnel with FEM based on an elasto-viscoplastic model, TC34 of ISSMGE, International Workshop on Deformation of Earth Materials, Sendai, 2001.

  58. Yashima,A., Zhang,F., Uzuoka,R. and Sawada,K., 3-D finite element liquefaction analysis of a petroleum tank-ground-foundation system based on a kinematic hardening elastoplastic model, Proc. of 4th Int. Conf. on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics, San Diego, Balkema, 4.10, CD-ROM, 2001.

  59. Sawada,K., Yashima,A. and Oka,F., Numerical Analysis of Deformation of Saturated Clay based on elasto-viscoplastic Cosserat type model, Proc. 5th Int. Workshop on Bifurcation and Localization in Geomechanics,(eds. H.-B. Muhlhaus et al.), Perth, pp.155-160., Balkema, 2001.

  60. Oka,F., Yashima,A., Sawada,K. and Aifantis,E.C., Strain localization analysis for clay by using a strain gradient elasto-viscoplastic model, Proc. of Plasticity'99: The seventh international symposium on plasticity and its current applications, edited by. Akhtar S. Khan, Neat Press, pp.511-514. 1999.

  61. Oka,F., Yashima,A., Sawada,K. and Adachi,T., Effects of viscoplastic strain gradient on strain localization analysis, Deformation and Progressive Failure in Geomechanics, (eds. A.Asaoka et al.), Nagoya, Pergamon Press, pp.27-32. 1997.

  62. Oka,F., Yashima,A. and Sawada,K., Nonlocal continuum in geomechanics, Deformation and Progressive Failure in Geomechanics, (eds. A.Asaoka et al.), Nagoya, Pergamon Press, pp.851-870. 1997.

  63. Oka,F., Yashima,A. and Sawada,K., Static and dynamic characteristics of strain gradient dependent elastic and elasto-viscoplastic models, Proc. 4th Int. Workshop on Localization and Bifurcation Theory for Soils and Rocks, Gifu, pp.71-79. 1997.

  64. OkaF,., Yashima,A., Sawada,K. and Hirata,Y., Elasto-Viscopalstic Cosserat Constitutive Model : Formulation and FEM Analysis , Proc. Plasticity '97:The sixth international symposium on Plasticity and its current Application, edited by Akhtar S. Khan, pp.77-78. 1997.
  65. Oka,F., Yashima, F., Sawada,K. and Ono,K., On the effect of kinematic hardening rule in a three dimensional consolidation, Proc. International symposium on compression and consolidation of clayey soils(eds. Yoshikuni,H. and Kusakabe,O.), Balkema, Japan, Vol.1, pp. 355-360, 1995.

  66. 岡 二三生, 八嶋 厚, 小野健司, 沢田和秀, 正規圧密粘土のせん断帯まわりの間隙水圧について, 地盤の破壊とひずみの局所化に関するシンポジウム論文集, 土質工学会, pp. 205-210, 1994.


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