DNA Sequencing Analytical service
Analysis Fee 受託解析料金
How to submit samples サンプル提出方法
Fill the name of the sample to the sample tube サンプルチューブへの記入
methods for coordination of Pre-Reaction Sequencing sample 反応前サンプルの調整方法
About recept of analysis result データの受取
How to connect to the file server ファイルサーバーへの接続方法
Analysis of the Sequencing data シーケンス結果の解析
Options Service シーケンスオプションサービス
We're going a sequencing analytical service by using DNA Sequencer ABI 3100 and 3130
* Pre-Reaction / Post-Reaction Sequencing analysis is done by using the 3500 sequencer、
Please refer to price list for the regular fee.
*During the campaign , the price is different from the regular fee.
通常料金はこちらをご覧ください。 (※キャンペーン中は価格が異なります)
The group to use for the first time the pre-reaction sequence is a free until the first 10 samples.
How to submit a sample
Pre-Reaction Sequence ( Other than School of Medicine ) 反応前シーケンス(医学部以外)
Pre-Reaction Sequence ( School of Medicine )
反応前シーケンス(医学部) サンプル回収依頼フォームでの受付となります
Post-Reaction Sequence 反応済みシーケンス
Fragment analysis フラグメント解析
If you are a "Registered user", you can admission and submit samples at any time 24 hours.
Each analysis service , please reserve on the phone in the case of a lot of sample ( 1 plate or more)
Telephone Hours 9 : 00 〜 16 : 00
Extension number ( 3171 )
電話受付時間 9時〜16時まで ゲノム研究分野 内線(3171)
If you are planning an analysis of the mass sample , such as the genome project , please contact us in advance.
We will carry out suggestions such as schedule adjustments and discounts .
If you want to submit to put a pre-reaction sample to the plate ,
please don't put anything in one well .
(In order to put the control sample in one well.)
Fill the name of the sample to the sample tube
In principle , please fill in the sample name in the serial number
Arrangement of the samples to the sample BOX ( Tube racks )
Please arranged in the order of A1, B1, C1 from the top left ( A1 ) .
(please arranged the sample without an interval)
*This shall not apply , such as 8strips PCR tube, etc.
If more than one person in the same group is to submit
If you can not continue numbering together everyone in the sample ,
please fill in the alphabet such as the initials of their name on the
lid of the tube .
Such as in the case of a lot of samples or PCR tube ,
if you can not write until the group number to all of the lid
Although it's don't have to fill in the name of the sample in all ,
the first and last samples please fill in the group number always .
We have prepared the seal, that affix on the lid and on the side of the tube.
methods for coordination of Pre-Reaction Sequencing sample
In total volume of 10μl with pure water , put it in 1,5ml tube .
It's better to check in advance the purity of the template DNA by agarose gel electrophoresis.
In this case , a simple plasmid also shows the three bands , CCC type , OC type and Linear type nicked in part.
If necessary , by digestion with an appropriate restriction enzyme , please make sure that it is a single band .
In the case of plasmid DNA, please particular attention that there is no contamination of the RNA of the small molecules.
(Broadband visible to the 200base below 200base以下に見えるブロードなバンド)
In total volume of 10μl with pure water , put it in 1,5ml tube .
In the case of PCR product , please do the work of removing the primer .
(PEG precipitation , ultrafiltration membrane , etc. (PEG沈殿、限外ろ過膜等) )
It's better to check in advance the purity of the template DNA by agarose gel electrophoresis.
If contains chelating agents such as EDTA, it is essential for the activation of the enzyme Mg2 + and will then chelate to inhibit sequencing reaction .
For this reason , the use of such TE buffer containing a chelating agent to the sample should be avoided.
このため、サンプルにキレート剤が含むTE bufferなどの使用は避けて下さい。
Concentration of template DNA and the primer does not need to think so severe .
In our data , between 1 / 10-10 times the amount , it has sufficiently reliable results are obtained .

Receiving the results of fragment analysis フラグメント解析結果の受取
Location of the analysis result
The PC that are installed "Gene Mapper"(1F 102) → desktop screen → "Users Data"( Black icon ) → "Users Data-original"
ジーンマッパーのPC ( ゲノム研究分野1階102 情報処理室 ) のデスクトップ上にある
Users Data (黒いアイコン) → Users Data-original 内にあります。
(February 18, 2014 revision) (2014年2月18日より改訂)
Original data ( Division of Genomics Research have analyzed )
Users Data ( black icon on the desktop screen ) → Users Data-original
デスクトップの Users Data (黒いアイコン) → Users Data-original
The data that each laboratory(group) have analyzed individually
Users Data ( black icon on the desktop screen ) → Users Data → save in the folder of each laboratory(group)
デスクトップの Users Data (黒いアイコン) → Users Data → 各研究室のフォルダに各自保存

Please save your data in the "Users Data" folder, NOT in the "Users Data-original" folder.
PC that is installed Gene Mapper , please do not connect to the network.
Analysis results of the sample submitted on Friday , will come out next week Monday .
( *If next week Monday is holiday, it will be later. )
Samples that were submitted past the deadline time will be analyzed in the next day.
In rare cases , if the number of samples exceeds the upper limit analysis of the day , please understand that there is a case to be analyzed in the next day .
In this case, we will contact you that the analysis is delayed .
How to connect to the file server ( Receipt of the sequence result data )
Open the Internet browser and access to the URL that is allocated to each group
" http://seq.sakura.ne.jp/seq/group number + password/ "
「http://seq.sakura.ne.jp/seq/グループ番号 + パスワード/」 へアクセスします。
Ex: group number " GT-01 " , password " abcd"
例 : グループ番号が「GT-01」で、パスワードが「abcd」の場合
Access to the URL http://seq.sakura.ne.jp/seq/gt-01abcd//
*Please type the group number in lowercase
*Please contact if you don't know the password .
If the URL is correct , open the folder of the analysis data .Please download the required data .
Analysis result is in to zip file . Please decompression .
In principal, the period to keep the analysis data in the file server is one month .
Analysis data may be deleted without notice , please note .
Analysis of the Sequencing data
From the website of "Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc." , you can download Sequence Scanner (the software that can display the sequence of results file to confirm the waveform data ) at no charge .
サーモフィッシャー社ウェブサイトの下記ページから Sequence Scanner ( シーケンス結果のファイルを表示し波形データを確認することができるソフトウェア )を無償でダウンロードできます。
Sanger Sequencing and Fragment Analysis Software
Pre-Reaction Sequence ( Other than School of Medicine )
Sample acceptance deadline・・・Monday to Friday every morning 9:30 ( Except the holiday )
サンプル受付締切・・・月曜日〜金曜日の毎朝 9:30 (祝日等休業日は除く)
Please put side by side the tubes to the " pre-reaction sequence Box ( pink tube racks ) " . ( Uppermost of the rack, which is in the lower left door of the refrigerator , Division of Genomics Research building 2F [room 202] )
ゲノム研究棟202の冷蔵庫左下扉上段の「反応前シーケンスBox (ピンク色)」にチューブを並べて入れてください。
Please fill in the group name (EX:AG01) and the serial number of the sample to the lid of the tube.
Please fill out the " Use-record note ( pink ) "
If you want to submit to put a pre-reaction sample to the plate ,
please don't put anything in one well .
(In order to put the control sample in one well.)
プレートで提出する場合は1ウェル分は何も入れないでください。 (コントロールサンプルを入れるため)
Pre-Reaction Sequence ( Receive the samples in theSchool of Medicine Building)
E-Mail acceptance deadline・・・The morning of the day 8:00 , you want to request a sequence analysis (*Saturday, Sunday and public holidays, we can not collecte samples.)
メール受付締切・・・回収希望日の朝 8:00 (土日・祝日等休業日は回収できません)
The Request of to collect samples in the School of Medicine building
Request acceptance deadline is every morning 8:00.
Fill in the number of samples is not required when booking , but please contact us if you want to analyze a lot of sample (96 or more samples) .
予約時にサンプル数の記入は特に必要ありませんが、大量サンプル(96 サンプル以上)の場合はご相談ください。
Deadline to be collected the samples・・・The morning of the day 8:45 , you want to request a sequence analysis (*Saturday, Sunday and public holidays, we can not collecte samples.)
サンプル回収締切・・・回収希望日の朝 8:45 (土日・祝日等休業日は回収できません)
If you submit a sample 8:45 or later , even if you have reservations , please keep in mind that is analyzed in the next day .
8:45以降に持ってこられた方は、予約されていても翌日の反応になりますのでご注意ください。 以降に持ってこられた方は、予約されていても翌日の反応になりますのでご注意ください。
Place to collect samples・・・School of Medicine Building 5F 医学部棟5階 共通機能機器センター「5S22」
サンプル回収場所・・・ 医学部棟5階 共通機能機器センター「5S22」
Please contact us for entering password .
If you want to submit to put a pre-reaction sample to the plate ,
please don't put anything in one well .
(In order to put the control sample in one well.)
プレートで提出する場合は1ウェル分は何も入れないでください。 (コントロールサンプルを入れるため)
Post-Reaction Sequence
Sample acceptance deadline・・・ Monday to Friday every afternoon 14:30 ( Except the holiday )
サンプル受付締切・・・ 月曜日〜金曜日の毎日 14:30 (祝日等休業日は除く)
Dissolve the dried sample with Hi-Di Formamide (10μl) , and then lightly centrifuged the tube.乾燥状態のサンプルをHi-Diホルムアミド10μlで溶解しチューブを軽く遠心してください。
Please put side by side the tubes to the " post-reaction sequence Box ( blue tube racks ) " . ( Middle of the rack, which is in the lower left door of the refrigerator , Division of Genomics Research building 2F [room 202] )
ゲノム研究棟202の冷蔵庫左下扉中段の「反応済みシーケンスBox (青色)」にチューブを並べて入れてください。
Please fill in the group name (EX:AG01) and the serial number of the sample to the lid of the tube. チューブのふたにグループ名(AG01など)とサンプルの通し番号を記入してください。
Please fill out the " Use-record note ( blue ) "青色の「反応済み受託シーケンス使用記録簿」に必要事項を記入してください。
it's not necessary to transfer the sample from the tube to the plate , and to input to the sample name in sample sheet .今までのようにサンプルをプレートに移したりサンプルシートの入力は必要ありません。
※If you want to input a special sample names and comments , please contact us in advance by phone .特別なサンプル名やコメントの入力を希望する場合は電話でご相談の上お越し下さい。
※Corresponding to the sample using the "BigDye Direct" and "X Terminator Kit".BigDye Direct、X Terminator Kitを使用したサンプルにも対応します。
※We accept BigDye version3.1or1.1.Please indicate the version of your sample on the order logbook.BigDyeのバージョンV1.1またはV3.1ni対応しています。(バージョンは使用記録簿に記入する必要があります)
Fragment Analysis
Sample acceptance deadline・・・ Monday to Friday every afternoon 14:30 ( Except the holiday )
サンプル受付締切・・・月曜日〜金曜日の毎日 14:30 (祝日等休業日は除く)
Dissolve the dried sample with Hi-Di Formamide (10μl) , and then lightly centrifuged the tube.
Please put side by side the tubes to the " post-reaction sequence Box ( blue tube racks ) " . ( Bottom step of the rack, which is in the lower left door of the refrigerator , Division of Genomics Research building 2F [room 202] )
ゲノム研究棟202の冷蔵庫左下扉下段の「フラグメント解析Box (緑色)」にチューブを並べて入れてください。
Please fill in the group name (EX:AG01) and the serial number of the sample to the lid of the tube.
If you want to submit a sample in the plate , put a film seal or wrap in a shroud , enclose the area where the sample is contained by using a pen, and describe the group name .
Please fill out the " Use-record note ( green ) "
Please fill sure to Dye set for analysis in the remarks column .
その際、備考欄に使用するDye setも忘れずに記入してください。
Input to the sample sheet is not required.
※If you want to input a special sample names and comments , please contact us in advance by phone .