氏名 | 勤務先 | 学歴 | 学位 | 資格 | 職歴 | 所属学会 | 賞罰 | 外国出張 | 研究業績 | これまでの研究内容・方向性 | 将来への抱負


桑田 一夫


(電話)058-230-6145 (FAX)058-230-6144


昭和51年 4月 岐阜大学医学部入学
昭和57年 3月 同上 卒業
昭和57年 4月 岐阜大学大学院医学研究科入学
昭和59年 9月 同上 中退

4. 学位

博士(医学)昭和 63年


医籍登録  昭和 57年


昭和59年10月 岐阜大学助手医学部
平成 1年 2月 岐阜大学医学部付属病院併任講師
平成 5年3月〜平成14年3月  岐阜大学助教授医学部
平成11年4月〜平成12年3月  大阪大学助教授蛋白質研究所(併任)
平成16年9月〜 岐阜大学人獣感染防御研究センター教授,センター長
平成19年4月〜 岐阜大学大学院連合創薬医療情報研究科教授


Protein Science
International Society for Magneteic Resonance in Medicine


平成 7年 5月 岐阜医学奨励賞
平成 8年12月 日本磁気共鳴医学会国際飛躍賞
平成19年10月25日 杉田玄白賞


  1. 平成 4年 3月 〜 平成 6年 3月
    Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, University of California, Santa Cruz,Visiting Postdoctral Researcher
  2. 平成 11年 7月 〜 平成 11年 8月
    米国フォックス・チェイス癌センターにて,蛋白質のα→β転移における原子レベルでの機構に関する共同研究(Prof. Heinrich Roder)。
  3. 平成 12年 7月 〜 平成 12年 8月
    米国カリフォルニア大学サンフランシスコ校にて,プリオン蛋白質の高圧変性に関する共同研究(Prof. Stanley B. Prusiner,Thomas L.James)。
  4. 平成 13年 7月 〜 平成 13年 8月
    米国カリフォルニア大学サンフランシスコ校にて,プリオン蛋白質の熱力学的安定性と病原性の伝播メカニズムに関する共同研究(Prof. Stanley B. Prusiner,Thomas L. James)。

他 多数



特願 2003−355617(桑田一夫,西田教行,片峰 茂)


  1. Yuji Goto, Masaru Hoshino, Kazuo Kuwata and Carl A. Batt : Folding of β-lactoblobulin, a case of the inconsistency of local and non-local interactions. In “Old and New Views of Protein Folding”, (Ed) Kuwajima K & Arai M, 3-11, Elsevier, 1999
  2. Vincent Forge, Masaru Hoshino, Kazuo Kuwata, Carl A. Batt and Yuji Goto : Dynamic stability of bovine β-lactoblobulin studied by hydrogen/deuterium exchange. In “Old and New Views of Protein Folding”, (Ed) Kuwajima K & Arai M, 13-19, Elsevier, 1999
  3. Kazuo Kuwata, Semi-classical quantization of protein dynamics: novel NMR relaxation formalism and its application to prion. In “PRIONS”, (Ed) T. Kitamoto, Springer, in press
  4. Kazuo Kuwata: Semi-classical quantization of protein dynamics:Novel NMR relaxation formalism and its application to prion. In: T. Kitamoto, ed. PRIONS- Food and Drug Safety. Tokyo: Springer-Verlag Tokyo; 155-170,2005
  1. 桑田一夫 : NMRによる分子内部運動の観測, 蛋白質のかたちと物性. シリーズ・ニューバイオフィジクス@, 中村春木, 有坂文雄 編, 216-228, 共立出版, 1997
  2. 桑田一夫 : MRIの基礎. 現場で役立つ臨床MRIシリーズT : MRIの原理と撮像法, 杉村和郎 編, 株式会社メディカルビュー社, 2-29, 2000
  3. 桑田一夫: 21世紀は蛋白質の時代になる. 食の安全性, 東京教育情報センター, 31-43, 2004
  4. 桑田一夫 : プリオンタンパク質,後藤祐児、桑島邦博、谷沢克行編「タンパク質科学−構造・物性・機能−」,京都;化学同人,315-330,2005


  1. Kazuo Kuwata, Douglas Brooks, Hua Yang and Thomas Schleich : Relaxation matrix formalism for rotating frame spin-lattice proton NMR relaxation and magnetization transfer in the presence of an off-resonance irradiation field. J. Magn. Reson. B 104, 11-25, 1994
  2. Douglas Brooks, Kazuo Kuwata and Thomas Schleich : Determination of proton magnetization transfer rate constants in heterogenous biological systems. Magn. Reson. Med. 31, 331-336, 1994
  3. Kazuo Kuwata and Thomas Schleich : Off-resonance rotating-frame nuclear Overhauser Effect Spectroscopy. J. Magn. Reson. A 111, 43-49, 1994
  4. Seiichi Era, Kazuo Kuwata, Hajime Imai, Koji Nakamura, Tomoya Hayashi and Masaru Sogami : Age-related change in redox state of human serum albumin. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1247, 12-16, 1995
  5. Kazuo Kuwata and Thomas Schleich : Polarization operator formalism description of the off-resonance ROESY experiment. J. Magn. Reson. A 114, 219-229, 1995
  6. Kazuo Kuwata, Shunsuke Ueki, Seiichi Era, Masaru Sogami and Hiroshi Watari : Spin-lattice relaxation times of water in polarized and depolarized rabbit vagus nerve. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 215, 459-466, 1995
  7. Douglas Brooks, Ladam Patrick, Kazuo Kuwata and Thomas Schleich : Re-evaluation of the off-resonance rotating-frame nuclear Overhauser effect (O-ROESY) experiment. J. Magn. Reson. A 117, 307-310, 1995
  8. Kazuo Kuwata, Seiichi Era, Masaru Sogami, Hajime Amano, Shunji Nagaoka, Kazuo Kato, Katsunobu Takahashi, Yoshiaki Kitazawa and Hiroshi Watari : Comparative 1H-NMR studies on the physical state of water in soft contact lens and mouse lens. Biochim Biophys. Acta 1289, 369-376, 1996
  9. Tomoya Hayashi, Kazuo Kuwata, Yuhei Shimoyama, Seiichi Era, Koji Nakamura and Hiroshi Watari : Dynamics of bovine serum albumin by vector EPR spectroscopy.  Reports Progr. Polymer Phys. Jap. 39, 641-644, 1996
  10. Kazuo Kuwata, Shinji Sato, Seiichi Era, Masaru Sogami, Kimihiro Kida, Toru Iwama, Kazuo Kato, Takanobu Matsunaga and Hiroshi Watari : Cross-relaxation times of normal and biochemically induced osteoarthritic rabbit knee cartilages. Jpn. J. Physiol. 47, 291-297, 1997
  11. Atsushi Hayakawa, Kazuo Kuwata, Seiichi Era, Masaru Sogami, Hiroyuki Shiminaka, Michio Yamamoto, Syuji Dohi and Hajime Hirose : Alteration of redox state of human serum albumin in patients under anesthesia and invasive surgery. J. Chromatogr. B, 698, 27-33, 1997
  12. Tae-Rak Kim, Yuji Goto, Nami Hirota, Kazuo Kuwata and Carl A. Batt : High level expression of bovineβ-lactoglobulin in Pichia pastoris and characterization of its physical properties. Protein Eng. 10, 1339-1345, 1997
  13. Kazuo Kuwata, He Liu, Thomas Schleich and Thomas L. James : Rotational correlation times of internuclear vectors in a DNA duplex with G-A mismatch determined in aqueous solution by complete relaxation matrix analysis of off-resonance ROESY (O-ROESY) spectra. J. Magn. Reson. 128, 70-81, 1997
  14. Ayumi Okumura, Kazuo Kuwata, Katunobu Takenaka,Yasuaki Nishimura, Shunichi Shirakami, Noboru Sakai, Tomoya Hayashi and Seiichi Era : Pulsed off-resonance magnetization transfer for brain tumor in patients. Neurol. Res. 20, 313-319, 1998
  15. Ayumi Okumura, Kazuo Kuwata, Yasuaki Nishimura, Masahiro Kawaguchi, Katunobu Takenaka, Noboru Sakai, Seiichi Era and Hiroshi Hoshi : Clinical applicability of functional magnetic resonance imaging and activation study with single photon emission computerized tomography for functional mapping. Neurol. Res. 20, 191-197, 1998
  16. Kazuo Kuwata, Masaru Hoshino, Seiichi Era, Carl A. Batt and Yuji Goto :α→βtransition of β-lactoglobulin as evidenced by heteronuclear NMR. J. Mol. Biol. 283, 731-739, 1998
  17. Tomoya Hayashi, Yuhei Shimoyama, Kazuo Kuwata and Seiichi Era : Investigation of slow dynamics of the sulfhydryl in the solution and gel states of bovine serum albumin: a vector electron paramagnetic resonance study. Jpn. J. Physiol. 49, 27-33, 1999
  18. Kazuo Kuwata, Masaru Hoshino, Vincent Forge, Seiichi Era, Carl A. Batt and Yuji Goto : Solution structure and dynamics of bovine β-lactoglobulin A. Protein Sci. 8: 2541-2545, 1999
  19. Ayumi Okumura, Katunobu Takenaka, Yasuaki Nishimura, Youji Asano, Noboru Sakai, Kazuo Kuwata and Seiichi Era : The characterization of human brain tumor using magnetization transfer technique in magnetic resonance imaging. Neurol. Res. 21, 250-254, 1999
  20. Vincent Forge, Masaru Hoshino, Kazuo Kuwata, Munehito Arai, Kunihiro Kuwajima, Carl A. Batt and Yuji Goto : Is folding of β-lactoglobulin non-hierarchic Intermediate with native-like β-sheet and non-native α-helix. J. Mol. Biol. 296, 1039-1051, 2000
  21. Yukitoshi Takahashi, Kazuko Sukegawa, Ninako Aoki, Akiko Ito, Kiyotaka Suzuki, Heima Sakaguchi, Mizuko Watanabe, Kouji Isogai, Shinji Mizuno, Hiroshi Hoshi, Kazuo Kuwata, Shunji Tomatsu, Shunichi Kato, Ysuyoshi Ito, Naomi Kondo and Tadao Orii : Evolution of accumulated mucopolysaccharides in the brain of patients with mucopolysaccharidoses by 1H-magnetic resonance spectroscopy before and after BMT. Pediatric Res. 49, 349−355, 2001
  22. Kazuo Kuwata, Hua Li, Hiroaki Yamada, Carl A. Batt, Yuji Goto and Kazuyuki Akasaka : High pressure NMR reveals a variety of fluctuating conformers in β-lactoglobulin. J. Mol. Biol. 305, 1073-1083, 2001
  23. Kazuo Kuwata, Ramachandra Shastry, Hong Cheng, Masaru Hoshino, Carl A. Batt, Yuji Goto and Heinrich Roder : Structural and kinetic characterization of early folding events in β-lactoglobulin. Nature Struct. Biol. 8, 151-155, 2001
  24. Naoki Nagai, Kazuo Kuwata, Tomoya Hayashi, Hiromi Kuwata and Seiichi Era : Evolution of the periodicity and the self-similarity in DNA sequence: A Fourier transform analysis. Jpn. J. Physiol. 51, 159-168, 2001
  25. Kazuo Kuwata, Hua Li, Hiroaki Yamada, Guiseppe Legname, Stanley B. Prusiner, Kazuyuki Akasaka and Thomas L. James: Locally disordered conformer of the hamster prion protein: a crucial intermediate to PrPSc Biochemistry 41, 12277-12283, 2002
  26. Tsuneo Negawa, Shinji Mizuno, Tomoya Hayashi, Hiromi Kuwata, Mihoko Tomida, Hiroaki Hoshi, Seiichi Era and Kazuo Kuwata: M pathway and areas 44 & 45 are involved in the stereoscopic recognition based on the binocular disparity. Jpn. J. Physiol. 52, 191-198, 2002
  27. Tomoya Hayashi, Hajime Imai, Kazuo Kuwata, Masaru Sogami, Seiichi Era The importance of sample preservation temperature for analysis of the redox state of human serum albumin. Clin. Chim. Acta 316, 175-178, 2002
  28. Mihoko Tomida, Masashi Kimura, Kazuo Kuwata, Tomoya Hayashi, Yukio Okano, Seiichi Era Development of a high-level expression system for Deuterium-labelled human serum albumin. Jpn. J. Physiol. 53, 65-69, 2003
  29. Kazuo Kuwata, Tomoharu Matsumoto, Hong Cheng, Kuniaki Nagayama, Thomas L. James, Heinrich Roder, NMR-detected hydrogen exchange and molecular dynamics simulations provide structural insight into fibril formation of prion protein fragment 106-126. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 100, 14790-14795, 2003
  30. Kazuo Kuwata, Yuji O. Kamatari, Kazuyuki Akasaka, Thomas L. James. Slow conformational dynamics in the hamster prion protein. Biochemistry, 43,4439-4446, 2004
  31. Akio Soeda, Toshihiko Nakashima, Ayumi Okumura, Kazuo Kuwata, Jun Shinoda, Toru Iwama. Cognitive impairment after traumatic brain injury:a functional magnetic resonance imaging study using the Stroop task. Neuroradiol.47:501-6.2005
  32. Kazuyuki Hashimoto, Zenichiro Kato, Tomoko Nagase, Nobuyuki Shimozawa, Kazuo Kuwata, Kentaro Omoya, Ailian Li, Eiji Matsukuma, Yutaka Yamamoto, Hidemori Ohnishi, Hidehito Tochio, Masahiro Shirakawa, Yasuyuki Suzuki, Ronald J.A. Wanders, and Naomi Kondo. Molecular Mechanism of a Temperature-Sensitive Phenotype in Peroxisomal Biogenesis Disorder. Pediatric Res. 58(2):263-9.2005
  33. Kiminori Kimura, Masahito Nagaki, Jun Nishihira, Kazuo Kuwata, Hisataka Moriwaki. Role of macrophage migration inhibitory factor for CTL-induced liver injury in hepatitis B transgenic mice. Clin. Vaccine Immunol.13(3):415-9. 2006.
  34. Kiminori Kimura, Hisataka Moriwaki, Masahito Nagaki, Masanao Saio, Yasunori Nakamoto, Makoto Naito, Kazuo Kuwata, and Francis V Chisari.:Pathogenic role of B cells in anti-CD40 caused necroinflammatory liver disease. Am. J. Pathol. 168(3):786-95. 2006
  35. Werner Kremer, Norman Kachel, Kazuo Kuwata, Kazuyuki Akasaka, Hans Robert Kalbitzer. Species specific differences in the intermediate states of human and hamster prion protein detected by high pressure NMR spectroscopy. J.Biol.Chem. 2007 Aug 3;282(31):22689-98, 2007 May 22
  36. Kazuo Kuwata, Noriyuki Nishida, Tomoharu Matsumoto, Yuji O. Kamatari, Junji Hosokawa-Muto, Kota Kodama,Hironori K. Nakamura, Kiminori Kimura, Makoto Kawasaki, Yuka Takakura, Susumu Shirabe, Jiro Takata,Yasufumi Kataoka, and Shigeru Katamine: Hot spots in prion protein for pathogenic conversion. PNAS July 17, 2007 vol. 104 no. 29 11921-11926
  1. 桑田一夫 : イメージングと磁化移動. 日本磁気共鳴医学会雑誌 15, 73-78, 1995
  2. 桑田一夫,中島利彦,副田明男,糟谷幸徳,桑田弘美 スピン・ロック周波数を用いたT1r強調撮像法。インナービジョン 17,38−39, 2003
  3. 桑田一夫 たんぱく質の“かたち”の変貌と神経変性疾患 日本医事新報 4123, 19−22, 2003
  4. 桑田一夫 プリオン中間体と治療薬開発 蛋白質・核酸・酵素 49, 1110-1112, 2004


  1. Kazuo Kuwata: An emerging concept of biomolecular dynamics and function: applications of NMR & MRI. Magn. Reson. Med. Sci. 1, 27-31, 2002
  1. 桑田一夫 : 蛋白質及び核酸系における磁気緩和現象(1). 生物物理 35, 19-23, 1995
  2. 桑田一夫 : 分子運動と脳機能 ―21世紀の創薬, 遺伝子療法, 再生医学へのNMR, MRIの応用―. 日本磁気共鳴医学会雑誌, 21, 49-60, 2001
  3. 桑田一夫: プリオン病の構造医学,蛋白質・核酸・酵素, 47, 1292-1298, 2002



Kazuo Kuwata, Douglas Brooks and Thomas Schleich : Homonuclear 2D off-resonance rotating frame nuclear overhauser effect spectroscopy : Application to the assessment of internal backbone motion of proteins. Cong. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. San Francisco, USA, 1993

Kazuo Kuwata, Douglas Brooks, Hua Yang and Thomas Schleich : Relaxation matrix formalism for rotating frame spin-lattice proton NMR relaxation in the presence of an off-resonance irradiation field. Cong. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. San Francisco, USA, 1993

Hua Yang, Thomas Schleich and Kazuo Kuwata : Jeener-echo measurement of the dipolar relaxation time of the solid like macromolecular component in ocular lens tissue. Cong. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. San Francisco, USA, 1993

Kazuo Kuwata, Douglas Brooks, Hua Yang and Thomas Schleich : Off-resonance rotating frame spin-lattice relaxation―proton magnetization transfer in the ocular lens. 37th Biophysical Congress. Washington D.C., USA, 1993

Kazuo Kuwata, James Loo and Thomas Schleich : Off-resonance ROESY (O-ROESY) for the assessment of macromolecular internal motional dynamics and hydration. 35th Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference. Asilomar, USA, 1994

Kazuo Kuwata : Off-resonance irradiation effects in nuclear magnetic relaxation phenomena.  13th Workshop for MRI&S collaborative research projects in national institute for physiological sciences. Okazaki, 1995

Kazuo Kuwata, He Liu, Thomas Schleich and Thomas L Jmaes : Complete relaxation matrix analysis for O-ROESY experiment-contribution of macromolecular internal motion to the structure determination. 37th Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference. Asilomar, USA, 1996

Kazuo Kuwata and Seiichi Era : Internal molecular dynamics of proteins and nucleic acids. The 11th Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Reesonance Conference. Asilomar, USA, 1996

Yuji Goto, Masaru Hoshino, Kazuo Kuwata and Carl A. Batt : Heteronuclear nmr characterization of the native and TFE states of β-lactoglobulin. 12th Symposium of the Protein Society. San Diego, USA, 1998

Yuji Goto, Masaru Hoshino, Kazuo Kuwata and Carl A. Batt : Folding of β-lactoglobulin, a case of the enconsistency of local and non-local interactions. 24th Taniguchi International Symposium, Kisarazu, 1999

Vincent Forge, Masaru Hoshino, Kazuo Kuwata, Carl A. Batt and Yuji Goto : Dynamic stability of bovine β-lactoglobulin studied by hydrogen/deurerium exchange. 24th Taniguchi International Symposium, Kisarazu, 1999

Kazuo Kuwata, Ramachandran Shastry, Masaru Hoshino, Chang Hong, Yuji Goto, Kazuyuki Akasaka and Heinrich Roder : Dynamics of β-lactoglobulin from picoseconds to minutes. The Fifth Johns Hopkins Protein Folding Meeting, West Virginia, 2000

Kazuo Kuwata, Hua Li, Hiroaki Yamada, Kazuyuki Akasaka, Ramachandran Shastry, Yuji Goto, Heinrich Roder, Thomas L. James: Multiple conformers and functionally excited states in b-lactoglobulin and prion. The 15th symposium of the protein society. Philadelphia, 2001

Kazuo Kuwata, Hua Li, Hiroaki Yamada, Carl A Batt, Yuji Goto and Kazuyuki Akasaka : High-pressure NMR reveals a variety of fluctuating conformers in β-lactoglobulin. International Symposium on Structure, Dynamics and Folding of Protein as Viewed from Pressure Axis, Otsu, 2001

Kazuo Kuwata, Dynamics based drug design for prion diseases. An International Symposium to Celebrate the 30th Anniversary of Medical Research Institute of Tokyo Medical and Dental University and Establishment of School of Biomedical Sceince. Tokyo, 2003

Kazuo Kuwata: A hot spot in prion protein for pathogenic conversion: Proteins: From Birth to Death. 21st Annual Symposium of The Protein Society: July 21-25, 2007. Boston, Massachusetts, Boston Marriott Copley Place

11. これまでの研究内容・方向性

1990年代以降,神経変性疾患やがん等の難治性疾患が関連蛋白質の立体構造異常に起因することが明らかとなった。私の研究テーマは,蛋白質の非天然構造や異常構造を原子分解能で明らかにするとともに,その構築原理,病原性発現メカニズムを明らかにすることであった。研究手段としては,核磁気共鳴(NMR)分光法を中心とする一連の構造生物学的手法を用いており,近年では,Vitual Ligand Screening (VLS),分子間相互作用解析等の創薬手法を取り入れている。最近は,超高速パルス・ラベル法や高圧NMR法を共同で開発・発展させ,生理的条件における蛋白質の励起状態の観測に成功している。具体的には,S.B.プルシナー博士(UCSF,1997年ノーベル賞受賞)との共同研究により,プリオンの活性構造や毒性領域の立体構造を明らかにした。さらに,プリオン蛋白質の立体構造において,特に熱安定性の低い部位に特異的に結合しうる化学物質を,In Silico(計算機)で数百万種類の候補から探索し,培養細胞における感染性プリオンの産生を強力に抑制する治療薬候補物質を複数発見した。現在,有機合成によるリード化合物の最適化を行っており,さらにマウスやハムスターを用いたIn Vivo実験を既に開始している状況にある。



  1. NMR,レーザー分光等のコヒーレント分光学により,蛋白質,RNAの立体構造やダイナミクスを原子分解能で詳細に明らかにするための新たな計測原理,方法論を確立する。
  2. これらの情報に基づき, In Silicoスクリーニングを行い,量子化学的に周到に計算された特異リガンドとしての化学物質をデザインする。
  3. 候補となるリード化合物に対し,有機合成手法を用い,構造最適化を行う。
  4. In Vitro, Ex Vivo, In Vivo実験で効果を確認する。他大学・研究所とも共同研究契約を結び,特許を共有するとともに,人獣感染防御研究センターが中心となり,創薬プロジェクトをオーガナイズしてゆく。
  5. 開発された薬剤に対し,物質特許を取得する。
  6. ADMET解析及び臨床試験を,岐阜大学大学院医学系研究科,及び岐阜大学病院と共同で行う。