It is our great pleasure
to announce and welcome you to the International Conference on the Chemistry of Selenium and Tellurium (ICCST-13),
which will be held at Gifu in Japan from May 23rd–27th 2016.
ICCST is a well-established conference dealing with all aspects of the chemistry involving selenium and tellurium.
Program for oral presentations has been modified. To see the latest version of program, click here. (May 16th, 2016)
Anouncemnt for poster presentaters: The size of poster borad is (w)900 mm x (h)2100 mm. We recommend to prepare your poster as A0 ((w)841 mm x (h)1189 mm) portrait. (May 11th, 2016)
All Program has been finalized. To see them, click below.
Oral Presentations, Poster Presentations (May 2nd, 2016)
Announcement for Japanese participants: 参加登録費の内訳について
次の費用は含まれません:昼食代、Coffee Break時の飲食物、エクスカーション代、Welcome Party代、Banquet代、その他飲食に関わる経費(Apr. 6th, 2016)
追記:参加登録費はWelcome Party費やCoffee Break時の飲食物費には使われませんが、参加者はどなたでも無料でご参加・ご利用いただけます。(May 11th, 2016)
Abstract submission has been closed. Thanks for a lot of contributions.(Mar. 31st, 2016)
Deadline for abstract submission has been extended to March 30th, 2016. Please note the deadline for early bird registration is not extended. We strongly recommend to make a registration before March 25th, even if you plan to submit your abstract after March 25th. Otherwise the regular fee will be applied for your registration. (Mar. 23rd, 2016)
Tentative time table is now available, click here. (Feb. 2nd, 2016)
Titles of plenary and invited lectures have been uploaded, click here. (Jan. 12th, 2016)
Registration and abstract submission are now open! (Dec. 2nd, 2015)
Important information: deadline for abstract submission and early registration
March 25, 2016
for more information
Toshiaki Murai (Conference Chairman)
E-mail: mtoshi@gifu-u.ac.jp
Fumitoshi Shibahara (ICCST-13 Secretariat)
E-mail: iccst@gifu-u.ac.jp